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12917711 No.12917711 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished my first couple weeks as a graduate engineer (first job out of university) and I already wanna quit/kill myself

what the fuck do I do. im not buying crypto

>> No.12917716

Whats so bad about it? Neet here. I had a job at a clothing store in a mall and it fucking sucked. Literally surrounded by brainlets, so glad I quit.

>> No.12917717

>not buying crypto
I don't care what unimaginative people do.

>> No.12917719

What's so bad about the job?

>> No.12917727

save x% of every paycheck, then invest ~75% of that, retire

>> No.12917736

Follow your dream,bro. What are you passionate about

>> No.12917752


Its just incredibly boring AND difficult. I have to use my brain for shit that I am not motivated about at all. I chose the wrong career but I'm pretty deep at this point.

I used to work at a casino and whilst I didn't want to stay stuck there forever I was enjoying it a lot more and making social gainz.

I've already bought and lost a lot of money on it. We're all too late bro.

How do you make good investments?

That's the problem dawg, I'm not passionate about anything. Except maybe gaming which I literally use as an escape, not sure I'd call it a passion (but regardless making money off gaming is near impossible)

>> No.12917760

>I've already bought and lost a lot of money on it. We're all too late bro.
It's an emerging field. Literally too early if anything.
Now is when you build and accumulate not sell and give up.

>> No.12917768

even so, the next bull run could be in like 5 years. I need to survive in the meantime

>> No.12917779

I know this feel OP
Felt the same way when I got my first computer programming job. Only lasted 2 months. Now I teach maths at a high-school to kids who don't give a fuck

>> No.12917782

welcome to the club. shit sucks

>> No.12917792

Is that job comfier than being a programmer?

>> No.12917794
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>Its just incredibly boring AND difficult. I have to use my brain for shit that I am not motivated about at all. I chose the wrong career but I'm pretty deep at this point.

Im in a similar situation. Industrial engineering, being the point man for production planning and trouble shooting for 10 hours a day sounded easy, but every other day I want to kms

>> No.12917814


You enjoying it? I've always thought of getting the fuck out and teaching abroad or something.

>> No.12917818

Thanks for this thread anon. It really helps with my humanities wagecuck cope.

>> No.12917820


How long you been doing it? any plans to get out? I feel u guys

>> No.12917828

>How do you make good investments?
never listen to biz
never daytrade
never listen to hype "omg this will x100 because tech is so amazing"
dont listen to cnbc
dont listen to youtube crypto channels
especially never listen to reddit

All of that is rule nr 1. Rule nr 2 is, everything is a pump and dump.
Crypto is pump and dump
General stocks are pump and dump
Gold and silver is pump and dump

Meaning buy low.


>> No.12917842

so invest into random shit on the stock market? I don't know if I have the juice to put a bunch of my time studying that stuff if only the top 1% of people make money off it (pulling figures out my ass)

>> No.12917845

A generation disillusioned in wagecucking, that's a good thing the more people like you OP the more things are likely to change. Most jobs could be done by robots, and most jobs bring zero happiness to people.

>> No.12917856

It's alright. I make 78k AUD for 40 weeks of work with great job security. I get by, I'm not happy with work but then again who is.

>> No.12917861


>> No.12917866

Going to university was 100% influenced by parental + societal pressure for me. I'm seriously thinking of quitting with no notice and no job lined up. I just don't know

>> No.12917869

if you dont want to study this crap, take x amounty of your paycheck every month and put it in a risky fund. Because risky=better ROI and risk is accualy only appliable when there is a world wide crash. Meaning over 10+ years, it will generate huge amount of money.

Fonds are easy for you man. They rate them 1-5 from low risk to high risk. And then you can pick and choose fonds that focus on different area. Tech, oil, asia stocks, south america tech stocks etc. Pick whatever you want. High risk.

Never look at that money again for next 10-20 years.

Or just all in on Tesla like a madman right now with every single penny you have and 99% of your monthly paycheck.

>> No.12917870

Imagine if education was there to teach us how to depend on our own, build our own house grow our own food, then our time would be spent working for ourselves and enjoying the direct results rather than wagecucking for someone else in a repetitive soul-sucking task. Instead, education teaches us to be an obedient and efficient parrot and fills our head with stuff 99% of which we won't ever use.

>> No.12917873

im making about 55k aud before tax

I just don't even see myself attaining the skills to even get promoted.

Not sure if increased salary would tempt me. I'd probably still have to retire when I'm an old fuck

>> No.12917880

Also, quit your job. Right now. No joke.

Its better to be in your 20s and quiting your job, then being in your 30s with wife and a kid and wanting to quit your job but uanable.

Trust me on this one

>> No.12917884

You'll get paid more anon, 55k is just starting. My sister started around that as an accountant, now she is 28 and she makes 100k

>> No.12917897

I might just do this

based and redpilled, because practically I'm fucking useless. More hands on teaching would have been amazing.

>> No.12917911

Advice anon, have at least 3 months of savings for living expenditure if you do not have a job lined up. When you’re in a new job which is hopefully less shit, save 80%, invest some, and give yourself a 2 weeks vacation travelling out every year and focus only on your own well being. Remember that in life to seek only your own approval/validation and not others.

>> No.12917917

I can't understand how it's possible to share the board with subhuman retards like you, I'm surprised you can solve the captcha

>> No.12917936

Nice ad hominem, argument not found.

>> No.12917939

Absolutely retarded post

>> No.12917952 [DELETED] 

Bittrex new exchange and free coins

In July 2017, Binance created it's own Token Binance Coin (BNB). Before they launched their exchange they did a sign up and referral programme where they gave out 1000's of token to people. Today those tokens are trading at over $10 each.

In April this year, Bittrex is opening a new exchange specifically aimed at the Asian market, called Bitsdaq, registered in Hong Kong. They are also doing a candy programme where you can get 1000's of their BXBC tokens for free.

You will receive 1000 tokens just for signing up using the link below.


Then there is a 200 token DAILY reward for just login until 31st of March 2019. So if you sign in everyday of March you can get yourself another 6200 free BXBC Tokens.

You will get a referral code. If anyone signs up using your code then they will receive 1000 tokens and you will receive 500 BXBC per person.

If you do your KYC then you get another 5000 tokens.

This is all totally free money. It's possible to accumulate over 20000 free tokens by the end of March. Even if they are trading as low as $0.50 by the end of the year, that amounts to $10K. Imagine they are trading at half the value of BNB at the moment

Don't delay, register TODAY. Each day you wait will cost you a minimum of 200 tokens.
The exchange itself looks very professional and smooth. Nothing less than you would expect from a professional company like Bittrex

>> No.12917957
File: 20 KB, 112x108, feelsokayman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

thread made me slightly less suicidal

>> No.12917956

Argument still not found.

>> No.12917969

>tfw to smart for education

>> No.12917985

I actually have a fair bit saved up, what % of that should I just dump into investments?

and yes im relying on biz

>> No.12917993

I didn't advocate to eliminate education but to completely change it.

Tell me anon, what has the current educational system taught you that you use in your daily life? Besides language and basic maths. What it really did is shaped you into being an obedient individual efficient at following orders and applying them, which is likely what you do or will do on a daily basis for most of your life.

>> No.12917994

why is their logo low res

>> No.12918031

Depend on your net worth and goal and earning power- you’ll need to plan around those by reading financial management blogs. Remember that some investments might be illiquid and if you need the money on a rainy day you might get fucked.

Putting some chump change in crypto doesn’t hurt though. The risk/reward is actually pretty good.

>> No.12918055

Everytime I read normie financial advise they want u to risk like 0.1% of your for a 1% growth in 50 years, or i look in the wrong places

>> No.12918067

0.1% of your savings *

>> No.12918116

Study and do research on what type of investments are out there. Different investments yield different returns, depends on what you want and how much risk you’re willing to take. If you earn 5k a month and can save 75% without feeling like killing yourself for 10 years- then put those into a fixed deposit which offers 3.5% return p.a, you can get 15 grand a year (more than 1000 meet bucks a month). But do you want this?

Also seek geographical investment opportunities- for example in some third world shitholes property is still a viable investment.

>> No.12918124

*neet bucks

>> No.12918177

Life is unbalanced financially wise, dude. I make a living out of online gambling which is very profitable but a strike loss could set me back days even though my strategy works 6 out of 10 times. It's either you make a lot of money by having a risky job or not making a lot of money by having a safe boring job. There seems to be no middle ground. Even visionaries took massive risks but those were 1 out of 1 million people.

>> No.12918184

>never listen to biz
but your biz?