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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12911543 No.12911543 [Reply] [Original]

Something definitely is going down tomorrow in Paris. There are no attempts to pump the price and there are really no threads and larps around unlike in October before Devcon and other events.

>> No.12911548

This is despair. The linkies feel it. Something horrible coming.

>> No.12911566

there's nothing more to say. we're just waiting for mainnet, then widespread adoption. before the first one of those happens what is there is duscuss?

>> No.12911581

It's just gonna be the same talk as usual and link will drop 5% and maybe they'll announce a partnership with a literally who startup, screencap this

>> No.12911589

this but kaiko is partner already

>> No.12911592
File: 156 KB, 400x300, 45F9DBFF-97E8-474C-9540-E39C9B6D1A14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. And this. The lack of new link threads might mean the refugees from plebbit have slowed considerably but we’re all just waiting for mainnet and to see the teams lined up like ducks ready to use the network.

>> No.12911594

Delete this thread please. Quit posting pictures like this. What is the point OP?

>> No.12911599

>waiting the mainnet that supposed to come out last year
kek, delusional linkies

>> No.12911603

I’ve tethered. TA anons will agree with me when I say there’s a dump incoming. Not an issue if you’re holding long term. We’re droppping to 27 cents and then a slow climb until Jan. This is in the interest of Link particularity before adoption.

>> No.12911606

found fat sergey

>> No.12911608

They need to fucking finish and release the product, it has been too long without anything substancial

>> No.12911613

Why get excited when Sergey is just going to give the same talk he's given for the last year- stuttering and all?

>> No.12911614

>Quit posting pictures like this

>> No.12911622
File: 407 KB, 480x456, 1547628488905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being a brainlet, opening the Pivotal Tracker, and actually believing this thing is anywhere near being ready for prime time.

>> No.12911626

>thinking developments are actually coming

Kek. What baseball cards are you invested in anon?

>> No.12911660

If it's taking this time to write a simple JSON parser that a child could write in a week, how long do you think it will take these fraudsters to write something if substance

>> No.12911673

There has been nothing to say for the past 6 months. Once The anouncements with IC3 and partnerships started rolling out we all realize collectively that Chainlink is the one. Notice the decline of link threads, 6+ months ago we would have daily threads of digging for breadcrumbs and really looking into every possible angle. There is no more finding or digging for information, it is already confirmed. Now we just wait.

>> No.12911674

Literally no reason to screencap what’s happened every other time. You’re not predicting anything new.

>> No.12911704

Mainnet isn’t what you need. You need big insurance companies and derivatives interested and beginning to build. Mainnet launches with no users already building on top won’t help. This idea of mainnet launching and price increasing is hilarious. Mainnet is basically already out.

>> No.12911720
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>> No.12911763

Mainnet will reveal which major clients are interested

>> No.12911785

that's the pipe dream. the reality is that it will take years for mass adoption to be reach, if ever. Link looks to be a sure bet to provide utility to the crypto ecosystem, but a lot can happen in the meantime and it's still a huge gamble.I think the odds of bitcoin mooning again are pretty good so we're unlikely to lose money, and if LINK actually does pan out we'll all be stupid rich. However, the idea that SWIFT using chainlink for literally everything being announced tomorrow is just as stupid as it sounds when you type if out.

>> No.12912084





>> No.12912087

There is no reason for Chainlink to be more than $1. It's in the whitepaper.

All fields.

>> No.12912106

Page and line?

>> No.12912155

Nope. Not doing your homework for you if you can't be bothered to read.

>> No.12912249

Props for attempting to get anons to actually read the white paper but we all know there are no references to what link “should cost” in the WP.

>> No.12912266

newlinker ignore all fags that talk about any reference of token price in the whitepaper. The whitepaper only specifically mentions the token when referencing its utility on the network, not once does it mention anything regarding a monetary value.
This is OVER A YEAR OLD FUD about "hehe token shouldn't be worth more then a cup of coffee, it says so right in the whitepaper!" Use to be commonly referred to as coffee cup FUD. please fuck off now.

>> No.12912288

Mainnet shouldn't cause a significant price increase. But it's a major milestone. Once it's out, chainlinks price won't be bounded on the teams progress as exclusively anymore since anyone can adopt it at any time. Also they werent able to market before mainnet due to sec concerns, but once that hurdle has been crossed...

>> No.12912321

Newfags everywhere

>> No.12912335

Hope you're right. Trying to accumulate about 125K and won't be able to really make it happen until this summer. If it falls near the 25c range I'll get 200K.

>> No.12912362

stop lying faggot

>> No.12912369

im waiting for the mainnet dump. it will be fun taking all the shitters links when they realise it will take more time then a week for the price to move

>> No.12912399

I doubt it'll go down below 35c assuming it dumps on mainnet. Your not the only way looking to buy at a lower price.

>> No.12912434

problme is everyone is and everyone has buy orders at .40. These idiots never let the price fal and keep it up withere there 50 link buy orders

>> No.12912462

Wait for what? Everything is priced in. Mainnet will be dump city. Crypto is dead and anons here think chainlink mainnet is the only thing holding back all these great dapps from taking off when in reality there is just no demand for dapps and even less demand for decentralized oracles.

>> No.12912515

This. I think LINK $1000 (assuming adoption) is on a 10 year horizon. LINK $100 within the next 3-5. Highest probability is it goes to $0. Still a better chance at /makingit/ than almost anywhere else you can put your money.

>> No.12912518


>> No.12912629

thanks dude that image really tickled me for some reason and I got stuck in a laughing fit for about two minutes

>> No.12912690

Chainlink is an oracle/api solution for smartcontracts. This isn't dapp exclusive.

>> No.12913389

you mad?

>> No.12913434

>Mainnet launches with no users already building on top won’t help
Have you realized how many partnerships and basic protocols are partnered with LINK? This is getting hard usage on day 1.

>> No.12913677

The Chainlink thing is a meme, it's a lottery, some vagainas are like that too.
My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you can't see the labia
Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell" thing
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while my the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.
Plus link will have parity with a cup of coffee. It's on page 7 of the original white paper.

>> No.12913857

>link $1000eoy (or ever)
>2 man team still holds 650million link tokens
Are you guys fucking serious? Sergey will be worth 6 Jeff Bezos for making a pretend money?


>> No.12914004

Mainnet being out is a huge help to the team selling institutions on the network. It makes Dan and Sergey’s jobs much easier. Don’t understate what it means to go to mainnet.

>> No.12914209

Checked, glad to see some anons here still have their heads screwed on right

>> No.12914262

Sergey owns 50m link, his net worth at $1000/link would be $50b, less than half Bezos’s current net worth

>> No.12914913

where do you get the 50 mil from? how could you possibly know how much serg has?

>> No.12914975

get fucked newfag

>> No.12915042
File: 253 KB, 1080x1283, D090AC44-129A-431D-8C92-E484911BD595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im prob not the only one OP but ill tell yeah why i stopped posting...it def is getting to a despair phase for me. Its ferls unfair that we picked up a good token with prob the best fundamentals in the crypto space but have seen absolutely no price action. i should be this attached to this but god damn is it fun to be a link marine. i really enjoy the memes, jokes, larpers, insiders...its all so fucking funny. But yeah its getting really hard im all in to the point where my life is worsening and i think i actually have to get a job. i honestly thought we would have already mooned and that i would have a little bit of money just to make the next 1-3 years waiting a little easier. im def a little bitter and sore but my interest in link is still stronger then ever.

>> No.12915055

They must have stopped paying for the shill army.

>> No.12915144

You are a FAGGOT!

>> No.12915160

bad news, anon...

>> No.12915359


Thanks for being my buy signal
Listen her bucko
Up to this point and beyond I have never sold/am going to sell a single ChainLink token.
I have been and will never stop buying ChainLink tokens and there is nothing I can possibly read to stop me.

Fuck Niggers/Jannies/Spics

I'm All Fuckin In

>> No.12915687

One token should be about the same price as a cup of coffee. And not even good coffee. Shitty gas station coffee. It literally says in the whitepaper that "each chainlink token should never be worth more than a cup of cheap, shitty, gas station coffee"

>> No.12915786

this is true.
page 17, line 24

>> No.12915989

>One token should be about the same price as a cup of coffee. And not even good coffee. Shitty gas station coffee. It literally says in the whitepaper that "each chainlink token should never be worth more than a cup of cheap, shitty, gas station coffee"
>this is true.
>page 17, line 24
Wow can't believe I missed this