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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12903527 No.12903527 [Reply] [Original]

When would /biz/ finally admit they were wrong about Brave/BAT?

I think for /biz/ to admit they were wrong, either
>BAT needs to go above $1
>Brave needs mass adoption

>> No.12903551

BAT Enjin an Theta are going to be native on the new Samsung

>> No.12903554

Literally no one is going to care about being paid tokens for watching ads. Have you heard of ad block you brainlet? No one cares about BAT it’s a pump and dump scam just like every other thread on here. Do you think advertisers will pay you thousands for watching a single ad?

>> No.12903571


Keep fudding I don’t get paid until wednesday and I’d like 5k BAT before it goes to Jupiter.

Imagine not holding LINK and BAT.

>> No.12903591 [DELETED] 

pretty much this.

they have thousands of companies that will "pay you to watch ads" that have existed for years. only difference is BAT uses blockchain technology! oooooo! BAT is late to the party. it's firefox with ads.

>> No.12903596

are you this retarded...the payments would be in microamounts. also a lot of websites have already started blocking adblockers and wont let you view content until the adblocker is disabled. ill just push the back button on any site making me do that but BAT would remove the need for any adblocker and BAT would give the user compensation in return for their advertising data. its a fucking brilliant idea. but of course biz brainlets hate it

>> No.12903611

LOL you dont know fucking anything about what BAT is doing. its taking out all of the stupid shit about ads like spyware and trackers etc. its basically making ads into something that enhances your browsing experience instead of something that annoys you and spies on you. the normies will flock to this because being paid to use facebook is a dream for them.

>> No.12903620
File: 138 KB, 2103x1894, batsignal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we all just ignore the salty pajeets holding shitcoins that are doing nothing still like they have been for a year or more and have some serious discussion?

>BTC spikes and dips erratically as usual over the last year but BAT becomes more immune to it each time even before the new rumors hit or news about ads coming soon
>Random spikes in volume with large buys over the course of who the hell knows how long now
>Ad rollout and more partners coming to light soon
>Still climbing steadily even though it's up 50%+ over the last month
>Meme lines on 1 week scale are absolutely much more MASSIVE than all the salt from anyone who isn't holding bat and can't afford to buy in or cope with selling shitcoins at a loss

See you on the moon faggots just remember you had time

>> No.12903640

IF this browser and its compensation even sees the light of day it won’t ever work out because

1. The promised moonshot price per token will far outweigh the cost incurred for any companies to advertise. This commercialisation failed before it started
2. The massive inherent risk involved in cyber security

This is a scam and fuck off with your pump and dump.

>> No.12903665
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the browser saw the light of day already you idiot. people are already using brave. it works. the token is also divisible. advertisers dont have to pay "1 BAT per view" they can pay microamounts

the absolute fucking state of biz calling a working project a SCAM loooooooool

>> No.12903676

>1. The promised moonshot price per token will far outweigh the cost incurred for any companies to advertise. This commercialisation failed before it started
Being this retarded holy fuck kek
>2. The massive inherent risk involved in cyber security
You mean like the one that exists EVERYWHERE even outside of crypto you dumb cunt?
>This is a scam and fuck off with your pump and dump.
Hurr durr muh co-founder of firefox and creator of javascript is a pajeet scammer.

One day all this coping is going to drive you to madness especially when you see how much you could have made even buying in at 17-25 cents. Enjoy your 0xbtc or link or w/e trash you hold.

>> No.12903706
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My body is ready

>> No.12903715

this is the first coin that i truly actually believe in. im all in BAT. every single spare dollar i have is flying into BAT as long as its below 25 cents

>> No.12903754

The compensation scam is not in the works using brave. Of course brave is out there but literally no one is using it. Do you think people are going to download some no name browser to get paid a few tokens that are bound to be a fraction of a penny? Come talk to us when bat is implemented in a browser that 1 out of 10000000 people have heard of.

Enjoy being dumped on you must really hate money. In any coins you hold there must be a long term prospect in which there is absolutely none.

Scam = A lot of deliberation with little to no actualisation

I even spelled it out for you, don’t tell me I didn’t warn you when you are holding your heavy bag of regret and financial ruin

>> No.12903773
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says 3.1 million monthly active users already you fucking moron.

>co founder of FIREFOX runs BAT
>people already use it and would get paid fractions of pennies everytime an ad is displayed.
i dont fucking understand why you keep going on with this retard level FUD it doesnt even make any sense at all lmao.

>> No.12903779

BAT is the normies token. if theres a way to make money without doing anything, soccer moms, neckbeards, poorfags, facebook normies, will all flock to it.

>> No.12903784
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This is great, I'm still worried about the Ad rollouts though because of the reaction to the Coinbase listing where BAT immediately dumped hard.

A lot of traders live by the "buy the rumor sell the news" meme, so even if BAT Ads rollout isn't a flop, could still see a huge dump. Crypto is mostly based on bullshit vaporware hype and advertising, if BAT Ads is actually a flop and it's clunky or shitty, then I'm worried Brave/BAT could lose steam.

>> No.12903791

>Of course brave is out there but literally no one is using it. Do you think people are going to download some no name browser to get paid a few tokens that are bound to be a fraction of a penny? Come talk to us when bat is implemented in a browser that 1 out of 10000000 people have heard of.

>breathes in


4.6m users and 28.7k publishers and this was back in October and has been going exponetially ever since.

Please go fucking an hero already Idk how someone so stupid can even manage to breathe properly

>> No.12903795

oh also...when IE was king and firefox and chrome were just beginning what made people switch from IE to firefox and chrome? what is going to make people switch to brave....exactly

stop fudding. your fud doesnt even make sense

>> No.12903810
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1 year of using brave on android. Crazy how much it blocked.

>> No.12903831

absolutely beautiful

>> No.12903860


Can you moon boys get the number right? And out of how many people online? I said come talk to me when 1 or of 1000000 people have even HEARD of this coin. Anon I want the best for you but this is clearly not the answer for your financial freedom

This is the cope you are riding on. Newsflash normies have jobs and they don’t give a shit about making a few pennies every month to watch ads. If normies aren’t buying in BTC what the fuck makes you think they are going to download a browser they never heard of to get paid in BAT (????) that has no value in the market

>> No.12903904

holy shit dude. normies have jobs but there are billions of people on social media and general websites who are constantly getting their data harvested every time theyre on any given site. and they arent given any compensation for it. if you have a choice of continuing to get your data robbed by staying on a normal browser or get compensated for your browsing data and habits by using brave which one are you going to fucking use

>> No.12903912

>hurr durr i'm going to fud easily verifiable info
whoa man it's almost like the article and the tweet are from different time periods kek go get the feelium setup

>> No.12903924

Brave is a great browser and will do well. BAT is a shitcoin. It might still moon though because crypto.

>> No.12903926
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Every scam shit begins with the premise - why wouldn’t this be useful? Why wouldn’t everyone adopt? Buy NOW or get left behind

You sound like you’ve been scammed. Word of advice, get out of BAT as soon as possible. Or you WILL be dumped on.

>> No.12903947
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>cofounder of mozilla firefox is a scammer

>> No.12903955
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>Can you moon boys get the number right?


Latest number is 5.5 million monthly active users. Keep in mind numbers go up, anon. So they're not going to stay the same.

>normies have jobs and they don’t give a shit about making a few pennies every month to watch ads

I think a lot of /biz/ people bring this point up and it boggles my mind how small-minded you are. Almost everyone in the entire world uses the internet. Nobody is quitting their job to make a living off of viewing ads.

But the VAST MAJORITY of internet users are viewing ads anyways, whether they like it or not. Brave will allow users to get a cut of the share. So it's like this:

>I will continue using the internet and allow companies to profit off of me, meanwhile I get $0
>I will continue using the internet and forbid companies from taking my personal information, and in the meantime I will get my own cut of the advertising revenue

I think the answer is pretty clear there. Brendan Eich mentioned that could be as high as $300 a year in the first few years. You're not going to be sitting in a room watching ads on repeat to earn money. You're going to be surfing the internet, exactly as you would do anyways, and occasionally you can decide whether or not to view an Advertisement and earn some BAT.

As usual, most FUD comes from ignorance

>> No.12903959

bingo. brave is awesome, BAT is useless and worthless

>> No.12903979

BAT is what makes the brave browser ecosystem viable so how exactly is it useless and worthless

lol god damn biz has a fucking gold mine under their nose and they stay stinky linky

>> No.12903994

>BAT is what makes the brave browser ecosystem viable

No, it's not. It can easily be phased out and replaced with something that makes more sense (such as ETH, DAI (or another stablecoin), or even BTC).

>> No.12903996

Yes it is a scam. You are buying a stack of coins that are given freely to anybody. Remember the BTT scam coin that dropped recently? Another word of advice never PAY for something that is free

You will not get rich off of BAT paying your hard earned money to something they are dropping out of the sky. Nobody will use brave in the next 10 years for it to make you rich. Stop dreaming and invest wisely

>> No.12904011

When will the users be able to earn BAT?

>> No.12904014

They are trying to commoditize attention fuckface, not play around with your shitcoins.

>> No.12904033

You're right. ETH, DAI and BTC are shitcoins while an ICO scam "trying to commoditize attention" is not.

>> No.12904037
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you didn't address any of my points directly, you just repeat "it's a scam!!"

The whole point of crypto is eventually adoption. Brave/BAT integrates cryptocurrency in a useful way, in an attempt to change online advertising (to benefit users) and at the same time allow publishers/content creators more direct payment for their work.

To dismiss it as a scam because Brave decided to keep BAT in the UGP for promotional purposes is silly. Brave keeping BAT in the UGP is also the reason why BTC/ETH/etc. would never have worked.

You don't understand the project, you aren't trying to understand the project, and you're repeating moot points. Not much left to say to you

>> No.12904054

>Stop dreaming and invest wisely
so, you mean, invest in BAT? this thing is going to go to a few dollars at least just off of speculation so if were going off that...then you should be in on bat too
you must be kidding. BTC for microtransactions? lol are you fucking retarded? explain just how using ETH makes any fucking sense. there is an article on the BAT website that outlines token economy and it argues that the price will be relatively stable

>> No.12904089

>BTC for microtransactions?
Brave doesn't even use on-chain transactions. The whole thing is completely centralized.

>> No.12904096
File: 124 KB, 640x640, 234CD9F3-0EBE-48C5-AE63-7897882122FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn’t much to get here other than

>watch ads to get paid in shitcoins that nobody has heard of
>companies will be responsible for payments
>people on /biz/ pushing the free promotional (bingo) coin as the next big thing

This isn’t about who can be the loudest person but rather about stripping it down to its bare bones and understanding that it is a worthless free coin. This will never work in principle due to the fact if it ever gets to the point of making you rich, it will be cost prohibitive for any companies to run their ads.

>> No.12904113

you continue to not understand that BAT can be paid in fractions so no matter if its $300 or $3000 companies can still pay in pennies or fraction of pennies. also if a company is selling a $50 product and they pay someone a penny to watch their ad and that someone then goes hey thas a nice product ill buy that then the company has made $49.99 off that ad attention. thats just an elementary example and is probably not realistic but thats the basic idea and youre an idiot if you think its not cost viabile for companies to pay people to watch ads

>> No.12904118

>>companies will be responsible for payments

That's incorrect, companies will pay Brave for an advertisement campaign in fiat, same as they'd do for any other online advertising.

>watch ads to get paid in shitcoins that nobody has heard of

You don't have to watch ads at all. BAT is purposely built to be normie friendly, and if you want to collect tokens, that's completely optional.

>people on /biz/ pushing the free promotional (bingo) coin as the next big thing

If you'd look into the team you'd quickly realize it's not another Bazinga coin, but you're purposely choosing to stay retarded. That's fine.

I honestly don't think there's any point arguing about it anyways, Brave/BAT will hopefully speak for themselves in about a year.

>> No.12904124


This will be the new internet currency but it will never pump. Its literally designed not to as the ICO was bought out by the Brave and Peter Thiel. They control where the price goes because they control over 2/3 of the supply of 1.5 billion tokens.

So if you're expecting to wake up one day and see $1000 BAT you're in for a bad time. And before anyone calls me a nudder fudder I've definitely got way more cash tied up in this thing than you do. I just understand its a slow burn, so if you're looking for a pump and dump this isn't for you.

>> No.12904131

Interesting how divided everyone is, can't we all just make money together and get along?

>> No.12904143

Exactly, you will be getting paid a fraction of a penny and nobody is going to bother with this stupid model.

Any companies and users will bail once they see its incentives are not consistent. Last week you got paid 0.02 BAT for this ad, now it’s 0.00045. Why they will ask. You are banking on every user will hodl BAT once they are paid which is not realistic either. This whole thing is like an onion. The more layers you peel the more it stinks

>> No.12904148

i agree with you however it will most likely at least be worth $1. you wont make millions off BAT but youll make a comfy amount

>> No.12904166


This is what an intelligent person sounds like


This is what a retard who can only argue with pictures and outdated FUD someone else came up with sounds like.

Any questions?

>> No.12904173

a fraction of a penny is a lot better than constant and deliberate theft and harvesting of users data and ad attention for ZERO compensation. ads will always be a thing and people will always have to watch or deal with ads as long as free services exist so if theres something thats offering users to get paid for their attention while they go about their normal browsing habits im pretty sure everyone with a brain is going to want to get on board. also it doesnt matter if users hodl or sell because the price will stay relatively stable. it will at least be $1 though so glhf not buying in now

>> No.12904196

I think the question of how much BAT is earned per ad is a valid one. An exponential number of people are rightly using ad blockers but in return a lot of content providers like news sites are forced to try and limit their content to people using those ad blockers. It's an unsustainable system currently but it's still a question of whether the users can be properly incentivized because it will never take off if they can't. Federal minimum wage is like $.12 a minute but no one actually makes that little. I think if it's less than a quarter's worth of BAT for a 30 second ad it won't be enough just because it doesn't sound like enough even though that's technically $30 an hour.

The potential is there though, a lot of people are ignoring how many people have jobs in which they use computers and could earn BAT while they work. There's also the passive "banner" ads on websites to consider, you might not necessarily need to watch some gay video ad for the most part and just allow yourself to be exposed to less obtrusive ads

>> No.12904215

>Any questions?
Yeah how much of this scam coin are you holding?

>always be near $1
Thanks for providing your own FUD

Enough said, typical buy NOW or get left behind mentality of a scam coin

>> No.12904221


Oh for sure. $2-$3 per BAT isn't unreasonable at all by 2022-2023 if the adoption curve does follow an exponential pattern. Definitely have a couple years to DCA. Super bullish.

>> No.12904227


Its not a scam if it shows strong fundamentals and responsible growth. In reality this is more like a stock than a crypto in that regard.

>> No.12904252

I’m sorry but what planet are you from? Stock only shows responsible and steady GROWTH?

Look if you want to make a few bucks ride the pump and dump before the d. Fair play, but this is not the answer you are looking for in your stride for financial freedom. You have been warned

>> No.12904264

I like how in 7 posts thus far you continue to be a feeble minded idiot. Companies will deal in dollars you faggot.

>> No.12904276

Then why not just use DAI or another stablecoin?

>> No.12904294


You know what I mean dude. The organic adoption of Brave, which right now is independent of the price, is the real growth indicator here, not market cap or meme lines.

If you understand to complexity of the economy Brave is trying to build you'd understand why the price is what it is and why it moves the way it does. Its going to follow a predictable trough until the Brave token economy is ready for the next step, then they'll take the chains off it and let it find its equilibrium. Am I really the only one that read their token economics paper? Its worth a look.

>> No.12904299

Correct, BTC is useless, ETH is a tool built for projects like BAT to function, and there is no benefit of using stablecoin #3,124 when a supply cap incentivizes people to hoard BAT until redeemed. Try harder bud.

>> No.12904308

why don't you suck a dick, captain faggot?

>> No.12904314

Because you can’t make money off of idiots that way

>> No.12904317


Because Brave and BAT are a self contained ecosystem like Icelands Krona operates in is. Its all in the paper people. Not that hard to open another tab and google it.

That's also why its agnostic towards a settlement layer, which is why they'll scrap ETH in the future as well. They don't want to be tied to Vitaliks pedo coin anymore than they have to. USDC is going to be the offramp for BAT. Its pretty apparent that Brave and Coinbase aim to be the true internet 2.0. They're adding another layer to the OSI model in case you haven't noticed.

> thanks for reading my blog

>> No.12904339

My position is and always will be that this is a scam coin unless the token is pegged to a stable currency. The fluctuation in incentives and the dynamics of the market will make any and all adopters move on from this flawed scam project.

>> No.12904351

Do you hold any cryptocurrencies? What do you not consider to be a scam?

>> No.12904363


>> No.12904373

Of course I do my man.
BTC, ETH, XRP and LINK unironically

>> No.12904375

I'm neutral on BAT but the people defending it on /biz/ come across as unhinged and bizarrely angry.

>> No.12904384
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Can't argue with that

>> No.12904405

>but the pump and dumpers defending it


>> No.12904411


It will be pegged to USDC by the time v1.0 rolls out. Brave is actually anti decentralization because the ASIC problem will always exist no matter what so they're not even going to bother with it after that. Not to mention that every chain that exists out there is complete garbage including but not limited to: bitcoin, ethereum, neo, Omisego, eos, and any other blockchain in existence. POW is a broken concept because it allows for centralization by miners and is a major source of useless pollution.

POS (no matter what the coin) on the other hand will fail because there is no incentive for anyone to ever spend to coins/tokens for fear that they're giving up future earnings. So once again the system deadlocks because of the prisoners dilemma. That's why Bitcoin is dying a slow and permanent death now. The experiment failed so its back to the drawing board.

They're just waiting for the SEC to finalize guidance that they've helped shaped so they can finally have a fully legal platform. Burgers leading the way into technospace once again.

> apologize

>> No.12904443
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Why, because it was the first and has been around the longest? Come on dude, that silly. And don't even think of saying bitcoin is gold because that is an arrogant false equivalence. Bitcoin is nothing more than a long ass file containing one's and zeros. There's no external physical value to it. And that's no my opinion, that's Gavin Andresens'.


>> No.12904481


No that's just pumper dumpers hoping that this is their ticket to lambo land, which it isn't. Sorry about that but they'll move on from the project soon anyway.

Some of us want to talk about how Brave created a new way for users to claw back their attention all while allowing advertisers to produce high quality and fun ads for them. Its going to be pretty cool.

And when I say ads I don't mean boring ass videos that take up your whole screen. There's going to be a lot of neat things like:

- a bicycle ad which is like the old school flash games that allows you to accumulate BAT while you play

- surveys where you can actually be compensated with something redeemable for cash.

- click through modules ( these are boring though)

The ads of the future will only be limited by your imagination, HTML, CSS and JS. Fully interactive and fun. I'm personally pretty excited. Plus now we can finally get screen real estate back on our devices that are usually filled with bullshit banner adverts.

>> No.12904486

Fuck I can't wait for normies to start shilling this shit for me. BAT is going to be a common term on YouTube and Twitch.

>> No.12904502


Its going to be an integral part of the internet. This is the one true cyber currency and almost everyone on here hates it. Never change biz.

>> No.12904544
File: 7 KB, 250x202, you're an idiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 posts by this ID

>> No.12904557

If those people were actually concerned about their data, they wouldn't be giving it away for free right now

>> No.12904631

they have no choice right now.

>> No.12904668

Thanks just bought 50K.

>> No.12904679

>Don't use social media
wow that was hard

>> No.12904798

biz doesnt deserve bat

>> No.12905182

Fuck it's real. BAT is web 3.0 lol it's happening right before our eyes.

>> No.12905523

Indeed it is, adoption is going parabolic. Find a youtuber you like who has verified and tip them some UGP BAT.

>> No.12905546
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Cup and handle?

>> No.12905593

Zoom out to weekly. Not a cup and handle, but BAT's entire trade history is a massive bullflag to end all bullflags.

>> No.12905685
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You guys are so fucking stupid. That is YOUTUBE publishers. Who fucking cares.

What you should be looking at is pic related - which is what actually matters. NOBODY IS PUTTING BRAVE ADS UP ON THEIR WEBSITES. Why? Because the PRIVACY prevents proper ad targeting, lowering the ROI for advertisers, which in turn lowers the amount PUBLISHERS get paid for their website real-estate. Guess what happens when another ad network pays a publisher more for their real-estate, they swap it out. This is a very competitive game. Think about it this way - ad networks all want their ads to be on a website. Website owners want to maximize the $$$ they make from the available space. If BAT isn't one of the top 3-4 most PROFITABLE ad networks for publishers, NOBODY will use it.

... and it won't be - because you can't fucking target properly as an advertiser due to the privacy of brave browser which is the main selling point of the browser. This alone dooms brave to being one of the LOWEST revenue producers per ad block. Especially considering they will be competing for space against the clickbait native ads, google adsense, and many more. I could write an entire book on why this won't succeed, and believe me - I've tried to see it from the optimist point of view. I wanted to buy the coin b/c I'm an advertiser and crypto nerd, so it's perfect - but it's just fucking doomed in the long term, I can't see any light at the end of the tunnel due to what I know about advertising online.

>> No.12905701
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>> No.12905712
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>> No.12905732


Agreed, most of the website's are kind of bullshit. There's no real adoption there yet. But all it takes is 1 top 1000 Alexa ranked site to be a Brave publisher and then things may happen.

Meme lines won't work here son. Its got a trough it's going to follow, no breakouts up or down.

>> No.12905739
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is that what my wall of text made you feel like? sorry, I know it's complicated for some of you to understand why website owners would want to get paid more for their visits and not less... but who knows maybe you can convince every website owner in the world to give up 80% of their ad revenue paid to them in USD so that they can get paid 1/5th of market price to get paid in internet tokens.

>> No.12905753

You can target the ads though, the information is stored locally rather than pulled in every other direction by thirty different advertisers. Why do you keep saying otherwise? It literally says it right on the website lol.

>> No.12905757
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>> No.12905774

Why don't you read up how their ad targeting actually works instead of spewing bullshit?

It does make use of all the knowledge the browser has about the user, from sites visited, time spent on them, up and to including things like search history. That's more and better data than some random Javascript tracker can ever hope of getting. It then serves ads based on a LOCALLY run maching learning algo, so none of your private data ever leaves your machine.

>> No.12905784

They do ad target two ways, opt in and anonymized targeted ad placement. Did you even research how BAT ads work you absolute fucking retard? KYS.

>> No.12905789
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>> No.12905801
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>privacy browser
>knowledge the browser has about the user, from sites visited, time spent on them, up and to including things like search history

>> No.12905822

>using machine learning
Lol quality ML algos are worth their weight in gold. They're the difference between Google and askjeeves. No way these dorks come up with a solution sophisticated enough to do all that.

>> No.12905827

You understand what anonymous information is right? Are you that fucking retarded? Literally kys you sub human cleft lipped missing link nosed nigger.

>> No.12905832

The point is that this data doesn't leave your device and end up in 60 different databases all over the world together with lon/lat coordinates precisely specifying to whom it belongs.

I will be patient, don't worry.

>> No.12905849
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>these dorks
>Brendan Eich, the creator of the most widely used scripting language in the world


>> No.12905875


Now that's a rare brainlet

>> No.12905885

What's that saying they have about software engineers... the best ones are really old? Something like that?

>> No.12905902


Don't you know? If you're over 23 in Silicon Valley you're instantly obsolete because you don't know the latest unstable release of babiesfirstJS.

> t.ECMAScript boomer

>> No.12905933

He's 57. That's a little more than "over 23". Are you implying he'll be coding ML algos? He won't.

>> No.12905993

>ML algos are worth their weight in gold
ML is just overhyped applied statistics. The algos aren't all that in important, the quality of the data is where it's at. Which is where Brave's approach is actually quite novel and interesting: they're extracting relevant user data like precise attention spent right in the browser's C++ core, not through 23 layers of Javascript bullshit.

>> No.12906009
File: 24 KB, 534x218, ppffft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MOTHER FUCKER YOU'RE COMPLETELY UNREDEEMABLE. AGE? SEX? GENDER? LOCATION? Holy shit! You don't know anything about advertising, you only know what you read on that stupid fucking website which tells you only what they want you to think and know. Like they're going to spell out for you all the holes in this. Fucking hilarious though, I'm dying over here. What are your thoughts on pic related. Kinda shits up your narrative that you can target.

The BEST CASE scenario for you - and this is the last bread because you don't deserve it.

If Brave browser gets mass adoption because people like it, or effective marketing or whatever, it still WILL NOT compete with the earnings of other ad networks, but publishers MIGHT allow brave ads to show for visitors with a brave browser, simply because they will know that brave is blocking their standard ads and trying to force them to monetize using brave ads (which will probably find its way into a court room at some point if brave is ever more than a piss in the ocean)

And I'm sure one of you complete faggots are going to say that you can't detect brave browser as a website owner. You can. I'm doing it already. It wasn't even hard.

>> No.12906029

>The algos aren't all that in important

>> No.12906059


Exactly. Amateur mathematicians like him typically have no idea what they're doing when it comes to advanced statistics. Plus he's really just a guy who can write compilers, linguistics is basically useless when it comes to computers. I don't care what the dragon book says.

>> No.12906078

Jesus Christ, instead of FUDding yourself, why don't you spent some time learning on how this shit actually works?

What the text tells you is they're trying to minimize the amount of data that is leaked online when the ad is requested, AFTER THE BROWSER HAS ALREADY DECIDED WHAT AD TO SHOW YOU. And to figure out what ad to show you, yes, Brave can and will use all kinds of local information it can find out about you.

Here's a pretty good recent video of the man himself explaining how this shit works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OV3c58DqFdk

Do yourself a favor and watch it.

>> No.12906084

>seething blackhat ad fraudster cope
Womp womp

>> No.12906210


Where we're going we don't care about 3rd party ad networks.

>> No.12906382

My clients are all legitimate. Only degenerate affiliates with nothing to lose run fast and loose. That was me maybe 15 years ago. I'm sure the same things still work, but I make too much money legitimately to care about those old watering holes.


So what you're saying is - brave builds a file on your computer about you, with as much of your personal information as it can gather, which can be used to match the ads against your profile. One problem with this - Unless EVERY ADVERTISEMENT ON THE NETWORK is loaded onto the users computer, there's no way to facilitate this from a programmatic standpoint. I've seen all of this shit before. None of this is new. I've seen (and built) privacy browsers, privacy search engines, privacy browser extensions. None of them are as private as they lead on (because if they were they wouldn't make any money).

So tell me - how do they pull the ads if they aren't passing information back to the ad network and aren't loading every single ad on the network into the users computer. This will be fun.

>> No.12906405


Tier 1 fud, well done.

> how do they pull the ads if they aren't passing information back to the ad network and aren't loading every single ad on the network into the users computer

fucking rofl.... what is a get request....

And if you're such a prolific programmer you should have no issue directly responding to Brave's shortcomings. Wait nevermind.... Thanks just sold 100k. You're absolutely right. Project is trash.

>> No.12906579

Dumbass - a get request is not private. It is literally the least private way to ask for information from a server - especially a server that DOESN'T ASK FOR THAT INFORMATION SUPPOSEDLY. LOL.

The funniest part about all of this is I have a shitload of BAT which I am up on substantially, but I only want to use it for advertising, which is my core business. There aren't even enough users to advertise to currently. Only 20% of the visitors to brave's website are from the USA. Second highest is Brazil... wtf, nobody sells shit in brazil. I fully anticipate that I will sell the majority of my holdings on the day advertising goes live due to complete and utter disappointment. The only reason I have any of them is because I am both a crypto nerd and advertiser. I do advertising shows and lots of networking regularly and I've never once heard anyone so much as mention this browser or ad network.

Think about this for one minute. If you don't buy any of the other shit I've said, think about this. Why would Brave ads make a publisher MORE MONEY than Google Adsense, Native advertising (clickbait ads), CPA deals and other ad networks that don't have the disadvantage of limited targeting, currency conversion, opt-in requirements and other barriers to entry? You have to be in the top 3 out of every ad network or you will get the left over crumbs, and the only sites that will run your shitty ads are the ones that are shady as fuck and banned from other ad platforms.

How much of brave's userbase has OPTED IN to receiving advertising? Am I even going to be able to spend a few thousand a day on the platform in the USA? I don't think so.. not for a long long time, if ever.

>> No.12906734

>So tell me - how do they pull the ads if they aren't passing information back to the ad network and aren't loading every single ad on the network into the users computer.
They're doing the latter, essentially. In the form of a compressed URL catalogue that gets updated regularly.

>Why would Brave ads make a publisher MORE MONEY than Google Adsense, Native advertising (clickbait ads), CPA deals
Because the alternative might be that users block these ads because they're generally terrible, mistargeted crap 99 out of 100 times?

>> No.12906763

lmao, it's this LARPing faggot again. Always pops up when there's a BAT thread.

>> No.12906786

This thread actually inspired me to sell half of my stack because it's obvious that we're at peak delusion. I'm literally selling shitloads of bat right now and probably won't stop until 16 cents unless some of you faggots step up and put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.12906810

yeah yeah. You sold half your stalk last thread too, and the thread before it.

Shit i'm almost certain you sold "all of your stack" during the coinbase listing thread. You're just a delusional faggot with too much time on its hands. You don't even merit a his/her. You're an "it", faggzor.

>> No.12906817


>> No.12906837

I don't larp nigger, I make more in credit card cashback than you make at your day job.

>> No.12906928
File: 647 KB, 220x300, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure you do captain faggotron. you can't stop lying can you? Just so this thread isn't a total loss for you, here's something for you to salivate over ya gaymo.

>> No.12906980
File: 53 KB, 847x803, staypoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12906986
File: 415 KB, 320x240, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12907382

Keep saving pictures of black men to your hard drive, I'll keep dumping coins... hope you're enjoying the sale. probably going to take a couple more hours to get where I want to be

>> No.12907391

>It does make use of all the knowledge the browser has about the user, from sites visited, time spent on them, up and to including things like search history.
This. which is why I do all my political shit on brave.

>> No.12907399

>believing this

>> No.12907468

gonna beat XRP

>> No.12907624

>no one checked this intelligent post

Stay retarded /biz/. BAT will be $5/BAT sooner than you all think.

>> No.12907652

Handle forming now?

>> No.12907966

People on this board don't realize till shit is too late

>> No.12907970

It requires more marketing to use the browser instead of google and its golden

>> No.12907971

>no replies

>> No.12907974

>he doesn't know that P.T. will pump BAT to the top 5 during the next bullrun

>> No.12908021
File: 26 KB, 405x365, 1516243826663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you dont understand
This is a grassroots movement amongst a changing web landscape, spearheaded by a proven tech revolutionary.
Youtube viewership is increasing, YT personalities are the new celebrities, world firsts are broadcasted worldwide there.
It starts with a few major YT personalities adopting BAT. The price rises organically and websites slowly adopt the ad model from the ground up. I.e. low traffic sites first then mid traffic next etc.
New websites come online everyday, one will hit it big and will be running the bat ad model on their site.
Nevermind the 80m unique visitor website partnership tba
>he flashed it onscreen for a reason