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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 350x280, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at 4.19.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12898873 No.12898873 [Reply] [Original]

Blows my mind that 0xBTC isn't shilled here as much as LINK. Literally makes BTC look like a dinosaur, solves every problem with BTC and its only 4m market cap. You're an idiot for not having at least ONE 0xBTC for 20 cents let alone a stack of 20k (like myself). In fact im about to dump 25k links to buy some more.

Also, whoever is running a bot on fork delta, you should shut it down because Its very easy to play and I only see 90k 0xBTC in the ED contract which im about to take from you. kek.

>> No.12898891

you pajeets are getting desperate

>> No.12898928


"0xBitcoin is not susceptible to targeted 51% attacks. In order to attack it in this way you would have to take control of the entire Ethereum network. One pool or individual miner could have 99% of the total hashing power and even then they would not be able to double spend, prevent transactions, or prevent 0xBitcoin from being generated."

brainlets will ignore this, it takes a IQ of 95+ to understand 0xBTC

>> No.12898948
File: 5 KB, 226x250, 1548697246914s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We on the same page fren. This token is a moonshot guaranteed. This is my ticket to NEETdom

>> No.12898952

This planet is run by brainlets.

>> No.12898958
File: 101 KB, 573x430, 143527305829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12898960

20 cents? Wasn’t this shit $4 a few months ago?

>> No.12898961

How dare you post his face you turd chewer

>> No.12898963


Its funny because you dont even need to spend more than a quarter to own ONE ethereal based BTC. The fact that there only exists 5,000 accounts holding 0xBTC is mind numbing.

Anons, do your future self a favor and BUY ONE FUCKING 0xBTC.

>> No.12898966


no, it was $4 at the height of the last bullrun.

>> No.12898996
File: 448 KB, 900x3300, 0xbtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those forks of Bitcoin like Bitcoin Gold, Diamond, Bitcoin Dark. They don't do anything different from Bitcoin. 0xBitcoin on the other hand, lives on Ethereum and interacts with all erc-20 tokens. It can be plugged into dapps. It's immune to 51% attacks. It's got the same fundamentals as Bitcoin with the smart contract capabilities of Ethereum.

So many scams and /biz continues to buy them. Is this the direction and future of crypto? Just trading coins back and forth all day? Pathetic. 0xBitcoin is a true cryptocurrency. But go ahead and buy some chainlink or some other shilled alt that was airdropped or has a monarch controlling the supply. 0xBitcoin is pure mined and only distributed by the same proof of work Bitcoin uses. It's not trying to be Bitcoin; no coin can be Bitcoin but Bitcoin. It's trying to be the first mineable token on Ethereum and it's in complete form. There's no code to update. It's done. As Ethereum upgrades, it enables 0xBitcoin to reap the benefits of it.

Open your eyes /biz.

>> No.12899002

Got bags + mining when cluster is idle. We gonna make it

>> No.12899005

It wasn't around during the last bull run. The bubble popped on December 17th. 0xBitcoin went live in February 18'. It peaked at $4 in June 18'.

>> No.12899012


I stand corrected.

>> No.12899034

Now fuck off

>> No.12899060

It had its own bullrun reach a peak ion June. It wasn't around during the major bubble pop. It would have been $100 per token.

>> No.12899079
File: 69 KB, 490x500, Screen Shot 2019-03-01 at 4.53.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PRO TIP: For those of you who want to buy some 0xBTC on ForkDelta...

Buy a small stack at market price, sell a few at different price intervals to see how low the bot is willing to go to outbid you, when you find the bottom, buy up!

>> No.12899086


why are you such a sour bitch? lmao

>> No.12899094

Why are you such a street shitter?

>> No.12899103

>please buy my bags sirs

>> No.12899146


Lol look at the block explorer. nobody is selling except for some small time miners. lmao

brainlets. how big are your EOS bags?

>> No.12899163

EOS is a premium quality, industry standard scam. There will be books written about the EOS scammers.
THIS is a hilarious nothing-token for teenage poojeets. Enjoy your worthless GPU mined bags sir.

>> No.12899197


lmao how much did you lose on EOS? I’m guessing your life savings?

>> No.12899380

Picture all the current tokens that were ever created using the Ethereum blockchain. Change the mechanics of how they were distributed from airdrop or pre-sale to mineable. The concern is for how much energy is consumed using a Proof of Work distribution. The central banks consume mega amounts of energy keeping their operations going. It also takes a lot longer to send money globally and requires the consumer to trust the middleman.
EOS earned $4 Billion in their ICO. 0xBitcoin did not have an ICO. It took Bitcoin more than two years to be worth $1.00 from launch. This token is still the first mineable token. Ethereum is just beginning to show its utility. Connect the fucking dots.

>> No.12899404

LOL ZERO. What the fuck how could anyone LOSE money on EOS!? The most obvious pnd in history? How much money did you lose "mining" worthless pageet poo coins that you're still here trying to sell in March of 2019 with everyone laughing at you?

>> No.12899421

I made it out of the slums of mombay thanks to this coin

>> No.12899432

>HEY /biz/
>you should mine 0xpoopoo coin
>it has value cuz muh miner
>think of all the bobs and vegene you will get
>pajeet out

>> No.12899447

The hate this token gets is 75% from people accumulating, 25% who can't connect the dots

>> No.12899471

The hate this gets is literally 100% from anons who just fucking hate it and had to put up with it stinking up the board during its big pnd. GPUjeets are too dumb to "fud to accumulate". Their reptile brains know only how to shill.

>> No.12899540

>0xBitcoin on the other hand, lives on Ethereum and interacts with all erc-20 tokens. It can be plugged into dapps. It's immune to 51% attacks.

This is more or less why I have 800 or so of these. If Ethereum gets its shit together I will have a huge profit. If not I was out maybe $150 or so.

>> No.12899636

it "BLOWS YOUR MIND" that a scamtoken created by /biz/ for the sole purpose of scamming other bizzies which has zero use case isn't shilled as much as a legitimate technologically revolutionary solution to making blockchain useful to the masses? That's what keeps you up at night?

My fucking sides.

>> No.12899819

This shit post is too high effort to be from someone not accumulating.

>> No.12900047


> Starting a sentence with all caps

Nice cope faggot, gtfo, enjoy your EOS bags and whatever else you’re most definitely under water on.

>> No.12900061


Hahaha source plz?

>> No.12900570

Wheres the lava wallet. The idea sounded good but is it actually being implemented or developed? Is anything like development happening behind the scenes?

>> No.12900623

Toast is waiting for some eth improvements to take place. The idea is to also bring new mineable tokens and a relayer network. offchain and crosschain transactions with 0xbtc when eth turns to proof of stake. Since it has the same timeline of halvings like Bitcoin and difficulty changes, it has added functions that Bitcoin may never achieve.

>> No.12900639

0xBTC is a token, as agreed on here.

how the fuck can 0xBTC be better than BTC or ETH? how can an ETH token be safe against 51% attacks?
fucking idiots

>> No.12901238

> t. I mined 0xBtc 1st week genesis

>> No.12901295


suck a dick op