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12892403 No.12892403 [Reply] [Original]

BTC and ETH are the next 100x, you goddamn losers!
Smart money is quietly dollar cost averaging for the long haul.
Dumb money is still loading up on big stinking bags of hot fucking garbage.
pic related

>> No.12892418

i agree holochain is garbage

>> No.12892423
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Just imagine it, operating hits with decentralized oracles

>> No.12892442

I mean ETH could be on its way out. ICO's have no real purpose anymore. Most of these startups are lying about funding. No one is buying these dumpster fires scams anymore. There was a few good ICO's like Beam and Nauticus, but aside from that 2018 and 2019 have been hot garbage for ETH. BTC is probably smart money tho.

>> No.12892456

what the hell is that supposed to mean? I think you chumps are just cobbling technobabble words together and hoping to recruit vulnerable young men into your gay sex cult.

>> No.12892473

>he hasn't heard of the Death Nodes

>> No.12892478

one thing is for certain, and thats smart money has never been so emotionally attached to a coin as linkies.

>> No.12892502

so far there's been zero credible competition for ethereum's niche, so maybe ICOs are dead, but if smart contracts/turing complete blockchains aren't a terrible idea, ethereum's already won thanks to its viral spread through the whole crypto space on the back of ICOs.

>> No.12892503


>> No.12892507

ICOs are only one usecase for ETH. And really just the tip of the ice burg.
It's the most censorship resistant, since it has native stablecoins, dexes and decentralized autonomous governance mechanisms. I've even heard it will have decentralized oracles (whatever that's worth).
It's the best programmable money that money can buy.

>> No.12892530

>It's the most censorship resistant
far from it, after the DAO bailout, it became clear to everybody that only bitcoin is truly censorship resistant.

>> No.12892548

are you saying I should buy ETH but not BTC?

>> No.12892559

no, im saying like bitcoin ethereum has managed to become immovable from crypto, albeit to a lesser extent.

>> No.12892563

I'm not sure about tokens, but for the love of God, I have no idea how people think in the long run BTC will survive when ETH obliterates it in every category

>> No.12892568

Thank you wise anon. what is your BTC and ETH price predictions in the next few years?

>> No.12892575


>> No.12892576

i don't have any other than being confident to keep a very large sum of money in both for the long term.

>> No.12892578

you don't understand crypto then

why am i not surprised

>> No.12892579

It just forked into two, no big deal. Bitcoin has hardforked into a bakers dozen.

>> No.12892585

> buy older bluechip tokens with value
Yes. Good idea. Diversifying is smart.
> don't take a bet on a token which could add an unprecedented level of functionality to smartcontracts
This thread never should have been made, but the captcha is not an IQ filter. Kind of like how you shouldn't have been born, but even retards can still figure out how to fuck eventually.

>> No.12892586

only bitcoin is on the right side of the fork, while ethereum classic is. that's a mark ethereum can never erase from its history and damages it's value as "money" permanently, even if it did eventually get a hardcap after this insane level of inflation.

>> No.12892590

So it’s stupid to have 100% BTC and 0 ETH?

>> No.12892592

What's your primary BTC address, I want to watch it fall to 0.00000001 USD

>> No.12892595

If you want a zero inflation p2p cash currency with solid branding, go with nano. If you want smart contracts and futurism go with eth tron eos whatever.
Bitcoin is a broken brand where the major ticker gave up on fulfilling the original whitepaper.

>> No.12892606

right now ethereum is very oversold compared to bitcoin, there's more medium term growth in ethereum.

nano is a worthless altcoin with no users and no network effects. it's nothing special. again, you don't understand crypto if you think bitcoin can simply be replaced by technology funding tokens.

>> No.12892607

no need to be mad because you completely missed out on being an early adopter.

>> No.12892611

Damn you’re smart. So you think BTC is better long term, but ETH might outperform it midterm and then I could sell ETH for BTC at a higher ratio?

>> No.12892619

Why would I be mad, I have 12k LINK

>> No.12892624

>nano is a worthless altcoin with no users and no network effects
It has a growing userbase and growing merchant acceptance. Also it has no fees and won't hit a wall like BTC purposefully did.
I first used BTC in 2011 and it was a shit experience then. It's even more shit now, which is a pretty amazing feat desu.

>> No.12892629

if you want to look at it like that, sure, i think its likely enough the ratio will increase.

>> No.12892637

it won't hit a wall because it's never going to receive enough adoption or usage to make that happen. you can't replace bitcoin with tech, because bitcoin isn't tech. nano is already obsolete on the tech front, and the distribution prevents it from being a stable money.

>> No.12892653

>bitcoin isn't tech
I keep hearing this. Why would anyone put their money in a position where it could get stuck behind $50-$200 fees?
How can you store value if you can't reliably transport that value without massive deterioration? You expect everyone to use custodian services? How is that any better than banking? Is the goal no longer to disrupt the status quo?
So many questions that are easy to answer if you ignore your own investments and look at the truth.

>> No.12892656

Jesus, you're a fucking idiot

>> No.12892734

>insane level of inflation
it's only 0.5% higher than BTC as of today.
Staking will attract demand for staking revenue that will lock up supply and drive the price to pluto.

>> No.12892768

eth has a clear path forward. It can do amazing things when it scales. It already is, even with it's current baggage.
Good choice.

>> No.12892886

>he is pretending that 'so far' will last 6 more months
your ass is about to get ripped wide open

>> No.12892900

>Staking will attract demand
Vitalik does not have a clue how to implement staking on ETH. you are bagholding a pipedream

>> No.12892904

>when it scales

>> No.12892923

>retire in 6 years
how terrible

>> No.12892930

because there are solid plans for scalability on bitcoin, and despite over 1000 alts that do it "better", still, nobody cares. alts are nothing more than toys for speculators. so far, ethereum is literall the only thing outside of bitcoin that's actually been taken seriously by the wider community, and it has nothing to do with tech.

says the guy that managed to miss out on bitcoin

its still way too high. we were never supposed to see the other side of 100MM, and it's blown past that with zero recourse.

no alt that exists today even comes close to being a credible threat to bitcoin or ethereum's longevity. sorry about your alt bags.

>> No.12892941

>solid plans for scalability on bitcoin
Have you read the lightning whitepaper? I have it's utter garbage. Custodian services routing funds is not a different system than what we currently have.

>> No.12893009

>but muh capped supply
Capped supply isn't as important as protecting it from a fractional reserve. Centralized exchanges are completely capable of and most likely are running fractional reserves.
Most users are either too lazy or greedy to keep their coins off he exchanges and they're likely buying their own crypto.
ETH is building out it's own decentralized exchange infrastructure, stablecoins and all. So you can trade while maintaining custody of your private keys.

Bitcoin can't protect against those critical external liabilities. And core developers aren't interested in protecting it.