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12867310 No.12867310 [Reply] [Original]

Is majoring in STEM the guaranteed way to riches?

>> No.12867368


>> No.12867371

Only if you like asian girls

>> No.12867412

I majored in Computer Science and got a a job paying $62,000 right out of college.

Take that for what you will, dont know if it's good or bad but it's enough for me.

>> No.12867427

Stem is oversaturated.

It requires rudimentary math skills and a 4 year degree. Every zoomer think they are ahead of the curve and based and redpilled taking stem but the reality is there's way more experienced engineers who will get the job before some zoomer. There's millions of you doing stem now.

t.several of my friends falling for engineering meme. All severely in debt. First that is closest to graduating is panicking now because can't find a job in her last year

>> No.12867441

Tag along the $50k debt at 5% interest

>> No.12867451

What is quality of life? I majored in the last thing you would expect to make money. Thing is, I'm convinced it's not what you major in but where you sit in terms of "rank" in your field of choice.

I make $180,000 a year and work 2/3 of the year, taking 2 to 3 months off straight to vacation. I dont sit at a desk and I have alot of freedom to write up my own schedule and job description.

If you want to study underwater basket weaving go ahead and do so. Just be the best damn underwater basket weaver alive.

>> No.12867455


You still need to be involved on campus and do all the other junk any other degree would require. Such as getting research experience, internships, undergrad lab work etc etc. If you cant find a job with all of those things you're probably retarded.

>> No.12867463

STEM is a meme. Programming is a guaranteed way to the middle class (I can testify, I don't even have a degree and it worked out for me) but most people in the other "STEM" positions are overworked and receive modest pay. Yeah you'll do better than working at McDonald's but what is that saying really?

>> No.12867507

Stem isn’t over saturated. Yeah you can’t just waltz into a job out of college but it’s not particularly hard to do if you have skills and some experience.

>> No.12867577


Getting in is annoying, being kicked out is improbable as you likely have a highly specialized task

>> No.12867612


What did you study, friend?

>> No.12867624

What major?

>> No.12867631

What did you do?

>> No.12867632

No there are some forms of STEM that are really worthless financially and not in demand (biology, some types of engineering like mechanical/nanotech engineering)

CS is a pretty sure way to upper middle class lifestyle if you're good though.

>> No.12867665

>CS is a pretty sure way to upper middle class lifestyle if you're good though.
You can do propaply as good, as a cleaner, who founds his own cleaning company after 3 years of whiping toilets

>> No.12867669


>Bachelors degree in allied healthcare, EMS
>Industry certs in specialized emergency work
>experience in hands on paramilitary academies

Resume is like 3 pages long of courses and classes. They range from weeks to months to years.

Got this all done before age 28.

>> No.12867673


>> No.12867721

No. There are like 20 graduates for every job. You can try setting up your own business but good luck because everyone in the past 10 classes before you thought of the same thing.

Like everything else in life, the best way to riches is knowing the right people and incredible amounts of luck.

>> No.12867731


Nationally a paramedic makes $30,000 a year. I wanted to be one but not make $30,000 a year.

So I picked one of the hardest programs and got a bachelors out of it and moved to the highest paying corner of the country.

I had to become a firefighter in addition so I did a 2 year route with a 5 month academy and community college courses that gave me industry certs.

Started working as a firefighter/paramedic and make $90,000 a year. Only worked 90 days in a year.

I started teaching at a local university and got specialized certs that let me take federal assignments and state assignments.

In the summers I'd take 3 months off my day job and fly around in helicopters making $100 an hour+.

Then I went back to school and got my critical care qualifications and started contracting in another state flying out there for 2 weeks working 12 days on for a $10,000 dollar check.

Some of my colleagues I went to school with are still making $12 an hour. The BLS states I should be in the $30,000 a year range. I decided I wanted to do this and make a living out of it so I kept going and climbed.

>> No.12867846

No. FAANG salaries are insane

>> No.12867851

Damn anon
Big if no larp!

>> No.12867881


Damn, I'm already 27. No way I could pull something like this off.

>> No.12867911


Public service jobs are there for the taking. Public agencies can't fill their ranks.

I worked with a guy who was going to school while working for the fire department. So he got a bit of a late start in life but was salaried at $65,000 at age 19. He put 5 years in and did every hazmat course you could imagine. Went to federal schools and such. Was high up as a technician in a tri-county team. Being that he only worked 90 days a year he went back to school. Get his bachelors degree and masters and is now making crazy bucks working in the chemical industry. I feel bad for the 18 year old STEM kid with no practical experience who applied for the same job this guy did.

>> No.12868037
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Is it worth taking a job at ~36k annually for experience if you come out of stem with no experience? What if it wouldn't be super related to your field? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12868129
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>> No.12868140


Not in STEM. Government worker/contractor.

I'd say yes. Before going the route I did now I dabbled in other industries. It helps. When I've been involved in hiring and testing processes the ones with outside, seemingly irrelevant, experience do better and are better recieved. It rounds a person out. We had a guy apply for a specialized role. All he had was school and theory, but he had experience as a wagecuck in a mid level office position focused on customer service. I can teach you how to kick a door down and clean up your field medicine skills from the book way to the real way, I cant teach someone how to be good at customer service and professional work place etiquette. Especially in our industry where it is so key but we sorely lack the culture and know how due to our work environment.

>> No.12868151

So philosophy majors are smart and sexy. No wonder Sergey is so attractive.

>> No.12868157

Holy shit I'm fucked

t. 26 year old CS student who finishes his Bachelor with 27 amd hasn't any experience yet

Should propaply just give up

>> No.12868192

>so successful..."when i'm hiring.."
>on 4chan

>> No.12868203
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31 year old STEM boomer here.

STEM is just a proxy for IQ. If you're smart and don't have assburger's, you'll probably have a good career and make good money.

Your degree helps you land your first job but after that your degree barely matters.

But yeah - you should still choose STEM or economics for your degree.

The smartest guy I work with (and one of the highest paid) majored in philosophy. But he has a very high IQ and is Jewish.

>> No.12868216

Nah you are good. Most don't finish a CS degree when they start one.
Don't be fooled by your classmates, most people are still retards when it comes to tech.

>> No.12868267

who's the girl?

>> No.12868330

I'm taking Information Technology.

Be honest with me lads, what am I in for? Should I do something better later on?

>> No.12868366


>> No.12868395

Do something you're good at

>> No.12868568

stem isn't a thing outside of amateur politics bullshit land. Majoring in all three branches of science, whatever the fuck they mean by just "technology", engineering and maths?

You'll be fucking busy kid...
and to take 2 actual career paths: research scientists don't make as much as you think. I dated one who was working for some charitable trust for spastic babhies or something, she had 12 years in a proper top 3 uni doing genetics type stuff and made just above national average.

But a good engineer in a big enterprise, Boeing or some shit? yeah you'll get paid.

>> No.12868626

pretty much. The time to get a STEM degree was 8 years ago and now zoomers are killing themselves over the hardest degrees that aren't even guaranteed to land you a job anymore. Everything is shit, I want to kill myself.

>> No.12868636

So you are a lesbian?

>> No.12868701
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>> No.12868702


I am curious why they lump architecture with engineering. They have radically different plays to where this is almost deceiving to show it this way.

>> No.12868728
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>First that is closest to graduating is panicking now because can't find a job in her last year
> can't find a job
> her last year
top kek
it's the same when roastie is bitching about being lonely and has 50 date offers
you fool, she has at least 2 or 3 jobs assured by now

>> No.12869487


>> No.12869511

I graduated from an engineering degree two years ago and now I'm making $80k. You can make decent money if you're lucky and determined, but a lot of people struggle to find any work at all. I know quite a few people who couldn't get engineering jobs out of uni.

>> No.12869536

> competing with Indians and chinks
> Both of which have massive populations and send waves of young adults to come learn at American schools
> Both of which will work for less than you
Not saying don't do stem but don't fool yourself into thinking it's going to be a breeze carving out your career

>> No.12869538

Most of STEM is a dumb meme. However, Comp Sci / Comp Eng jobs are in high demand, and if you're really good and have good projects and internships on your resume you'll be on the path to riches. Engineering is a bit tougher, since you will have to work very hard to get those good internships and some fields can be very negatively influenced by the local or national economic cycle, but in the end it tends to guarantee at least a middle-class professional existence provided you put in the hard work in school.

>> No.12869550

it should be, but if you're going there you're probably already autistic, depressed and with adhd which will make it all harder

>> No.12869553

This is why trades are becoming more and more based
Question is for how long
You have to wall yourself with legislative, certificates and unions, because the day pajeet, chink and mexican floodgates open, welders will be cucking for minimum wage

>> No.12869568


>> No.12869595
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>This is why trades are becoming more and more based
The difference in earnings between graduates and non graduates is actually getting bigger.

The idea that its suddenly getting less important has probably been used since college began (without any proof obviously) so people who couldn't get in could make excuses/cope when their parents were dissapointed.

>> No.12869598

True but another benefit that can come from working a trade is that the quality of your work is evaluated directly from the person paying you as opposed to your burnt out manager. So if you're a cheap ass Mexican who doesn't even speak the fucking language and does a shit roofing job, your clients (who had the misfortune of dealing with you and having to pay more to get someone qualified to un-fuck-up your work) will be less likely to recommend you to their friends or enlist your help sometime down the road.

If you're good, usually word of your skill will spread and your schedule will always be booked

>> No.12869606

You're spending 4 years paying instead of getting paid. You're taught to compete at the low level that everyone else is. There is no benefit but acknowledgement to others that you're capable of working for them.

>> No.12869612

> 1999 stats
Anon, I..

>> No.12869624

Also should mention that no the trend hasn't reversed over the last 20 years. Ratio of college grad to high school grad has gone from 1.7 to about 2.0 on latest staistics

>> No.12869626

It's always been a meme among young people. Tradies acting like richfags because they make more at a young age, neglecting the fact that their wages have already stagnated at the age of 25 and that they'll be forced to retire at 50 from debilitating health problems.

>> No.12869635

Public accounting is.

>> No.12869646

That's not unique to trades though, it's the exact same thing in any sort of consulting.

>> No.12869650
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Knew this dumb shit was coming before you even replied. see >>12869624
There was no reason to expect it would suddenly reverse, apart from pure pathetic cope, wishful thinking and making excuses

>> No.12869660

Many rupees for you sir.

>> No.12870058

pretty based and outside-the-boxpilled career. All these boomers are going to be dropping left and right after drinking a quadrillion diet sodas and you'll be raking it in

>> No.12870075

>that jawline
>that adam's apple

>> No.12870091

no, are you retarded?

>> No.12870096

Until the dotcom bubble pops and you get replaced by poo equivalent.

>> No.12870364

I guess maybe I'll take it. It's like a civil engineer type job, but I'm super uninterested in civil as a mechanical, but I'm probably gonna hard ball them on the Max pay they'll offer me still.

>> No.12870424

Is business really that high up there? There are so many people in that major.

>> No.12870448

Good show bruh, sticking to your goals is paramount

>> No.12870465

I bought the chemical engineering meme.

It wasn't bad but I don't do any engineering.

60k starting but all I've actually done since I started is teach myself how code in DAX and do sequel queries. Only "engineer" in the department who can do basic shit like write excel macros so my job security is pretty much rooted in being the only guy in the room who can actually semi-code while everyone else does design work.

>> No.12870491

It's the guaranteed way into wage slavery.

>> No.12870710

pray no pajeet walks in

>> No.12871279

>sequel queries
It's spelled SQL.

Not to be pedantic, you would just shoot yourself in the foot when it comes to Googling shit with that spelling.

>> No.12871322

The only guaranteed way is to be born into it. Everyone else has to grind and get lucky.

>> No.12871335
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No, try the LGBT+ business

>> No.12871346

Lmao. Reminds me of /tv/ and their obsession with jazz Jennings. Do trannies really have to stab their wound 2 hours a day to keep it fresh?

>> No.12871392

new episode tonight brother!
i think they start out at 5 times a day and over the next 6 - 12 months get down to twice a week

>> No.12871519


Anything other than medical careers (in STEM) is a loosing game. You burn out and tech moves faster feeding on never-ending supply of brainwashed young kids. Experience doesn't add value. Don't delude yourself.

>> No.12871830
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>loosing game

>> No.12872004


>> No.12872165

Medical is the best way to go
I got out after my internship to 65k (Florida) and now moving up to 85k which is practically easy living in Florida and my wife makes 35k so we’re sitting pretty watching the world burn

>> No.12872211


It only guarantees that you get to work your ass off. Every single day. But if you like that then you'll have a high chance of making decent money.

>> No.12872694


You need a Stanford/MIT/Caltech/CMU/Penn degree. Otherwise you are fucked

I used to complete some very first AI MOOC from Stanford, which means, I at least know some English, some math and some programming

but without a diploma mentioned above you are literally a nobody, no matter what your abilities are. if you are, like me, from a third world shithole - you are fucked

>> No.12873299

Sell the news... just like becoming a programmer 20 years ago

>> No.12873333

no but you will get a job

and it will probably pay more than most jobs

>> No.12873339

>If you want to study underwater basket weaving go ahead and do so. Just be the best damn underwater basket weaver alive.

>> No.12873443

in 2019 there is no guaranteed path to the good life. it's either middle class or lower class purgatory, or heaven. so basically the only people who'll make it to heaven are the risk-takers who get lucky after years of taking risk, or hyper-intelligent and hyper-working individuals who were born like that

>> No.12873446


>> No.12873463

STEM was the meme between 2008 to around 2015. Now? its fucking saturated with cunnyniggers, wymyn, cheating chinks, quota shit guaranteed debt. The current meme to the riches is trades.

>> No.12873591

just curious why economics?