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12811442 No.12811442 [Reply] [Original]

How do I break my soda addiction?

>> No.12811451

canned beer

>> No.12811454

bottled beer

>> No.12811456
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Get some will power and stop being pathetic

>> No.12811481

just stop drinking it, you spineless faggot

>> No.12811489

Switch to flavored zero calorie seltzer water. It’s a very easy transition.

>> No.12811580

Carbonated water

>> No.12811653

Sick! Looks like Kingpin.

>> No.12811660

Stop buying it. What kind of retard question is that?

>> No.12811704
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>how to stop an addiction?
>stop buying it.

are you, like... retarded ? kys brainlet

>> No.12811719

Wow you guys are about to be billionaires! You just found the cure for addiction! i'm shorting Philip morris as we speak! Thanks!!

>> No.12811771
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>> No.12811805

When I was like 5 years old I noticed a big cup of soda my father left on the counter.
I had a giant gash on my lip at the time.
Took one sip and it burned like hell. I knew, even at the time, why it was hurting - because of the cut. However, the pain had conditioned me and made me think negatively of it; it discouraged me from trying it again. I never told my parents or anyone else why I didn't want it when offered, I would just say "I don't want it".
Never tried soda again till I was like 16, and by then I hated carbonated beverages
Guess it was the luckiest mistake I ever made as a kid

Maybe try flavored water?
You can also pour half water half orange juice (or some other kind of no-sugar-added fruit drink) into a glass

>> No.12811817


I smoked for 10yrs and just stopped smoking. Its nothing else but power of will. Ofcourse it sucked dick first, but it goes away with time. Its the same with all addictions, just stop. Okey, alcohol and benzo addiction might kill you.


Just stop and resist the will fag

>> No.12811824

This. I switched years ago and my health only saw benefits (along with other chad activities)

>> No.12811861

unironically this

>> No.12811865

Is this a real actual thing? Seems like a wind up to me

>> No.12811868

>used to drink two sodas a day
>stopped for like a year and got in great shape with a good diet
>dad has surgery and I start crashing at my parents' house over winter to help out with errands etc., barely spending time in my own apartment and weight bench anymore
>eat with my parents almost every day, they eat nothing but fast food and junk food like cookies/candy, etc.; I don't even fucking like it but I pick at it when it's there out of compliance or whatever.
>the filter on the faucet in the bathroom fell off so I avoid drinking water out of it, the faucet in the kitchen has visible particulates and shit
>start drinking the diet soda my mom drinks
>gradually start drinking regular soda my old man drinks again occasionally too
>back to eating fast food and drinking soda and looking like a dad bod piece of shit

No one in this family is anywhere near fat but I can't stand this shit anymore.

I need to start telling my parents to just literally fuck off (when it comes to bringing me cookies and fast food and shit) and I'll be back to 100% in no time. It's going to suck cooking for myself AND going out to get them fast food like they want but whatever, fuck it. I know they're just trying to be nice (most of the time) but I'm tired of their boomer bullshit all the same.

>> No.12811869

Whenever you have a desire for soda, drink some water.
When you first start you're going to drink a fuck load of water because your body is going to be waiting for that kick, stick it out and your health is going to improve dramatically.

>> No.12811894

Quitting soda can be rough, I always would keep a water bottle next to me. Cut back my soda intake by a lot.

>> No.12811913

maybe move back out of mommy and daddys house?

>> No.12811921

Stop drinking soda and start drinking water. It's a pretty easy habit to break man just gotta go like one day and it'll feel normal.

>> No.12811995
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My dad can barely walk, they need me around. I didn't move back in because I had to, I just think it's the right thing to do-at least while he hopefully recovers even if they drive me nuts.

>> No.12812067

I stopped drinking soda years ago and I saw no change. I'm still fat and still feel like shit 24/7.
no soda is a meme, I still drink only water tho because it's cheaper and healthier for the teeth

>> No.12812154
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Literally stop eating so much shit dude, that's 80% of it, it's as simple as that. Start intermittent fasting nigga, your limbic lizard brain is lying to you. Don't eat at all like three days a week, as crazy as it sounds it's healthier than killing yourself with food like you are now.


>> No.12812179
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>mfw when I’m 18 so I can pig out whenever I want and never gain any weight because my metabolism hasn’t slowed down

I should probably stop eating unhealthy junk since my family has a history of diabetes though

>> No.12812194

You probably have pre diabetes if you can’t gain any weight

>> No.12812199
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this, should be obvious.
you can also solve it by putting it on the blockchain.

>> No.12812224

>People may experience:
Whole body: excessive hunger, excessive thirst, or fatigue

Although it also said many people don’t experience any symptoms. My cousin didn’t and he was diagnosed at 20. What are the chances I get it too?