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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 580 KB, 1295x813, weinstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12808341 No.12808341 [Reply] [Original]

Just watched this video discussing the collapse of traditional economics and human labor, what did I think of it?


>> No.12808492

How would any of us know what you thought of it

>> No.12808506

chainlink $1000 eoy

>> No.12808540

I can't stand this bloviating windbag. Everything he says carefully is designed to make him seem smarter than he actually is, like some insecure goth kid using obscure vocabulary not quite correctly.

>> No.12808565

didn't know he was down with Thiel.
I knew the illuminati had infiltrated the "intellectual dark web", but this is a dot I can connect.

>> No.12808819

About a third of the way through the video. Pretty interesting so far. I need to get more current on what AI can or can't do.

>> No.12808825

this jew is in leagues with soros

>> No.12809053

Thiel and Soros are rivals, you fucking /pol/tard.

>> No.12809117

>bloviating windbag

You need to go back

>> No.12809301
File: 166 KB, 500x281, count troyard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So I think he's right in his endgame but wrong in his short term calculus. For starters he's correct in what this is going to do to professions, but his assumption on qualitative numbers is wrong. AI faces different levels of hurdles to accomplish supplanting labor. A deep learning algorithm is going to be less efficient at, say, putting together legal arguments in lieu of using a paralegal than it is at driving a car. But of those it drives out of their current workload some portion of them will attempt to move into those professions with barriers that keep AIs out for the moment, effectively driving up supply which in turn is another barrier to the cost of putting AI in those sectors. I see less of a total collapse of the labor market caused by the sudden onset of AI and more of a slow collapse of one sector at a time. I see something that is fundamentally manageable.

Now the political stuff is pretty interesting. He's onto something with inflation. The price of education goes up an average of 7% a year and the price of homes go up an average of something like 4% but inflation is scaled at an average of around 2%, last year it was like 2.8% iirc. Pointing out that there is a political economy for this and that economists are engaging in rent seeking behavior here is fascinating, particularly that he points out that it's a somewhat taboo question to ask. In and around that point of the interview I noticed the interviewer shifting her feet around uncomfortably, and I think it was an involuntary motion considering that she immediately made an effort to keep still and succeeded. To my eye that's quelling an involuntary reaction, most likely due to discomfort.


>> No.12809316
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All of this tells me that economists more or less know the name of the game. What my takeaway is that yes, their patrons are the private sector, and yes the nature of the academic game that they are playing is unsustainable. They all have sufficient means of knowing this. My conclusion would be that they're sweating bullets right now because they aren't certain where the new economy is going for themselves either. If, as he states, the political economy behind money and financial instruments is either vanishing or shrinking, then economists in turn have increasingly limited room to maneuver in order to engage in rent-seeking behavior. So in a way the interviewer's obvious discomfort with the conversation sort of brought it home for me.

As it so happens to apply to me I am a creative. I have no issue dealing with other creatives and I think that he's being intellectually dishonest about something in particular. Namely the issue of "education". See, you can't teach somebody to be creative. You can teach them to be better at being creative, but creativity cannot be taught. It's an innate trait that the education system of many countries actually tends to stamp out rather than nurture, although we in the West do a better job of not stamping it out than say China or Japan.

So some of his anxiety, I think, comes from the realization that soon it will no longer be possible for daddy to secure you a future by getting you into the Harvard or Yale equivalent of school for creative people. It's no longer possible to advance by, as he puts it, sharp elbows over sharp minds. The economic game is changing to favor certain immutable traits and in doing so it will inevitably render a certain portion of the labor pool invalid, and this will extend all the way to rent seeking behaviors among capitalists. New and creative ways of doing things will inevitably eat older and weaker models as the need for infinite growth necessitates it.

>> No.12809327

Not a single retard here understands what this kike is telling you. He's explaining what they are doing to get rid of most of you and enslave the rest of the low IQ fucks.

>> No.12809351

Every single thing you said is wrong you egotistical fucking retard.

>> No.12809361

I think he talked about Weinstein, who is fairly progressive in his political views.

>> No.12809382

He figured it out guys. *Clap**Clap**Clap*

>> No.12809407
File: 46 KB, 717x421, Izaya_en_Durarara!!_x2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I understand what you think and why that's your takeaway. You just happen to be wrong. Now it's entirely possible that some of the actors think that they are getting rid of us high IQ people and enslaving the low IQ fuckwads, but it's not going to go that way.

What IS going to happen is a gigantic knock-down, drag-out fight when they realize that it's not going to go their way. Think Mega-Capitalists vs Technocrats instead of Capitalists vs Communists.

>> No.12809413

Go back to leftypol or /x/

>> No.12809468



Edgelords practicing dead ideologies in order to grasp at intellectual credibility or pretensions of ethical correctness are the lamest people to talk to.


There are some interesting people there, but it's hard to figure out who's just schizophrenic sometimes.

>> No.12809503

They've already developed an air or program to help people with legal cases.

>> No.12809518


I don't know much about this. Is it any more insidious than, say, "Tesco Law"?

>> No.12809541

We're already enslaved.
I actually listened to this dork's incoherent ramblings and he's not really saying anything that r/futurology hasn't been masturbating about all decade.

>> No.12809555

LOL no magical thing is going to come and save you fucking cunts.

YOu are going to have to get a job and work for a living just like everyone else.

>> No.12809568


Oh I am glossing over and handwaving some things that happen to be inconvenient for my position. But it's nothing that anybody has directly touched on so I'll keep my powder dry.

>> No.12809571
File: 106 KB, 800x750, 1550663078942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I specialize in buttsex instead of going to college, I will have an edge over the future's AI overlords
>like kung fu panda
>a strong hairy bear

>> No.12809576

Clif High is the best at dispelling the myth of artificial intelligence, and the reality of Expert Systems.

>> No.12809592

>I don't know much about this. Is it any more insidious than, say, "Tesco Law"?
No that's ridiculous. It's something I saw on a documentary. They gave it to some lawyers or whatever to try out and it basically ends up making their job 10 times easier because they don't have to schower through books to find whatever law or ruling or whatever the fuck they do to help build a case.
They were saying this kind of programme/air(I say cause I forget) would even be able to help people build their own legal defenses and such.
It's was some documentary about ai now that I remember. It was discussing all the areas that ai's could actually take over other peoples jobs. Even some people wouldn't expect. Like you brought up law.
Though I can't imagine the justice system would like the idea of dealing with air rather than people. And judgement would still have to be with a judge whose conversing with robots.
Some jobs for that reason could be maintained. There are alot of areas that people just prefer personal human communication/contact in services.

>> No.12809605

>Edgelords practicing dead ideologies in order to grasp at intellectual credibility or pretensions of ethical correctness are the lamest people to talk to

So basically earnestly studying what most do not study and to feel intellectually superior because of others ignorance instead of genuine intellectual discussion. No lefty board exists without the large disclaimer: "NO TROLLING" the definition of trolling changes on a whim or as they are genuinely challenged.

You showed me something here anon.

>> No.12809611


>> No.12809623


Where do I find this?


So it basically does the job of law clerks, which is pretty much the problem of "Tesco Law" except with paralegals. Nothing uniquely insidious, but it does eliminate low level law jobs for people trying to make it into the legal profession by doing their mandatory years of clerking.

>> No.12809637


You might be conflating extremist social liberal SJWs with Leftists, but I can't fault fault your conclusion otherwise.

>> No.12809705

Yeah I guess you correct. But your basically saying it ribs them if those years cause they learn quite abit during them. I think using it like that just hampers the profession.

>> No.12810046
File: 102 KB, 800x800, 1545217412582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"software does loops"
"humans do jobs that are repetitive"
"software will replace humans"

dude.... fuckin lmaoooo hahahaha
holy shit niggers what kind of argument is this hahahahaha
dude who fucking believes this shit

"my fave movie is kung fu panda"
wtf geeeeeaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy literally the arby's of pixar movies

>economists think about things
they dont, obviously

>macroeconomists dont get grants so macroeconomics isnt real

the only thing he mightve said thats real
>people abuse mathematics to make things more complicated
>we need more prose explanations
>we need more regional data and less massive generalized averages

>crypto can be expanded when fiat has recession
dude weed

overall it's a massive pile of retardation. dont show forward it to anyone else if you dont want to embarass yourself, except that many people probably think this is dope.

>> No.12810192

Don't forget to invest in Chainlink.

>> No.12810532
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread's butthurt must be preserved

>> No.12810619

>replace all menial labour jobs with machines
>tax machine generated profits at 20%
>reduce income tax by 10%
>use 10% remainder for UBI
This is the world I want to live in

>> No.12810625

Or whatever the math is, you get what I mean

>> No.12810631
File: 215 KB, 1527x654, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah he's right. They purport to invite debate but they change their mind pretty quickly when it becomes bothersome to them. They stifle criticism on their home boards and then come to raid other boards with free discourse like /biz/ in the hopes that at least a few disaffected brainlets will be taken in by their surface level "dialectic".

They're humorless pedants living in the wealthiest societies of the world role playing as illiterate turn of the century Russian peasants instead of looking at how state, socio/cultural phenomena and international relations of the recent past have lead to some of the economic malaise of today and the steps we can take to address them.

>> No.12811124

This guy is bullshitting.
The shit he said about scalars and field in economics didn't make any sense. For the rest of the interview he raised questions without proposing answers. Typical bullshitter

>> No.12811161


Give me a break. Any time a "Leftist" tries to distance themselves from "liberals" I kindly remind them that they are on the chopping block too when some louder nigger decides they are now the "liberals"

Fuck off, you're all the same

>> No.12811298


It does, it means that you have fewer clerking opportunities so you have fewer lawyers overall.

>> No.12811316


Sort of. But they're different groups of people.


Not remotely. You inability to distinguish what a leftist is from what a liberal is merely a description of your inability to understand politics.

>> No.12811325

economic academic establishment desperate to remain relevant

oopsie- you've been replaced

>> No.12811348

>What did I think of it?
Most honest thread on 4chan

>> No.12811385

Can you improve your iq with training?

>> No.12811397

-driving industry is the largest employment sector in the world

>> No.12811406


OK keep telling yourself that, "Leftist", I don't really care to argue. You're a LIBERAL

>> No.12811410

whatever linkpool is going to pay the bills anyway

>> No.12811426


You may be able to improve your performance in certain types of tests but only to a limited degree, but the underlying g-factor would not, in theory, change.


Yes. It'll be the major test case.


Conservatives are Liberals. "Liberals" are also Liberals. Leftists are not Liberals. Go back to /pol/ the adults are talking.

>> No.12811440

>coming out and admitting you don't understand the big complex words

>> No.12811478


Kvetch and abstract more kike, you have nothing interesting to say. Every single liberal I talk to says this same fucking thing, like broken records.

As I said, have fun larping as a "Leftist" until some louder, more progressive nigger comes along and calls you a liberal.

>> No.12811493


And you should seriously take to heart the wisdom I've just imparted anon, it will save you YEARS of hassle and cultural/existential strife. I've seen many friends fall for this scam over the years.

>> No.12811494


I'm not a Leftist you greasy moron, I'm a Globalist. You're at the point where it's obvious that you're just trolling though, so here's a >you.

>> No.12811531
File: 149 KB, 277x300, Screenshot from 2018-07-08 04-20-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I rest my case

>> No.12811838

Completely autonomous self driving cars/trucks/aircraft would put a third of the country out of a job and create basicly zero new jobs.

>> No.12812012


Cars/trucks yes. Aircraft is a definite no because of a variety of barriers that remain in place.