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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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12789815 No.12789815 [Reply] [Original]

The absolute state

>> No.12789825

But I have
50k marine repoting

>> No.12789830

imagine buying gook shit in 2019.

chx is the real moonshot

>> No.12789956

good job fren and green ID

>> No.12790221

60k here. Hopefully that’s enuf

>> No.12790257

yes sirs please buy bags sirs

>> No.12790268

Plz do the needful and buy nkns sirs

>> No.12790285
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10k baby bag here frens

>> No.12790301

67k bag here. Comfy.

>> No.12790317

well that's $100k eo2020

>> No.12790368

That volume profile does look pretty juicy, quite characteristic of an impending breakout

>> No.12790389

350k reporting in. Keep your hands strong by rubbing with carnauba wax.

>> No.12790437

gj with useless token, they artificially created use case for something that doesn't need a token.

>> No.12790446

i have a similar prediction EOY 2020 with all the good things coming for NKN, mass adoption is coming. 600k holder here, though

>> No.12790936

fuck. i just tried to go through id verification on gate, so i can withdraw.
it's the most retarded service so far ever seen. it's so highly automated, it's like gate tech support is literally 1 or 2 dudes. given that i am concerned how my identity might be sold somewhere

>> No.12790996

You’ll be right mate, they’ve helped me a few times. One when I lost my phone and needed to disable 2fa, again to fast track KYC to withdraw. Gate.io is underrated imo.

>> No.12791153

I am sure it will be sorted out eventually, strap in

>> No.12791645


We’ve already moved from chx to lto to nkn

Keep up you inept pajeet cunt

>> No.12791658


Pics or it didn’t happen
Blockfolio or larp

>> No.12791717

its believable desu. holding 1.1mil here

>> No.12791793

Looked mildly interesting until I saw it was associated with Stephen Wolfram's cellular automata bullshit

>> No.12792027


I’m not saying it’s not believable I’m saying post proof.

You too basedboy

>> No.12792038

blockfolio isnt proof of anything desu

>> No.12792109

It’s not a pump and dump shitcoin you insufferable cunt

>> No.12792122

How is this a bad thing you simpleton?

>> No.12792243

Wolfram is a smart guy, but the cellular automata stuff is largely uninteresting, and an absolutely bizarre thing to shoehorn into a blockchain product. If you read the whitepaper on the cellular automata stuff, it's virtually pajeet buzzword bingo. The coin is even named after Wolfram's dumb book A New Kind of Science.

>> No.12792273

It kind of forms the basis for their MVCA consensus/gossip protocol:


>> No.12792298

I'll admit I only just now looked at the coin for the first time so maybe there's something to it and the bad vibes I'm getting are unfounded. But it's kind of the same reason I think Holo is doomed garbage - blockchain tech is so complex and difficult that all the Ethereum developers have barely managed to get a handle on it in 4 years, and these jokers want to do some crazy ass research level alternative that's supposed to be better somehow? Too much reliance on hopium for my taste.

>> No.12792375

thats reasonable, but NKN is most certainly not just proposing some far out wishy-washy speculative tech - watch their recent tech talk from the CTO, at current development NKN is scalable to 1 million+ nodes with 10k+ TPS without sharding or state channels in use. The testnet/network is still early so they haven't yet run stress tests etc but keep an eye out over the coming months, MVCA and Proof-of-Relay were designed for scalability in networking and data transmission use case far beyond what current blockchains offer

>> No.12792397

Ok, I'll give their tech talk a watch at least before coming to any conclusions on it

>> No.12792416

there is also one coming up this thursday addressed to ABC blockchain community in cali, which I think is more in depth

>> No.12792503

lol, fuck your hopium, they already did that and proved that, it's working on the testnet and the current implementation is capable of 1 M nodes with 10k TPS.

>> No.12793183

Use a VPN bud. I routed my traffic through Singapore and withdrew my NKN without KYC

>> No.12793839

0xf754edfe887a7f13783f116af38ceae471b267a7 0xf267a7f82b3644f5d36c4e9b424b7dc1394beb27

Which one are you?

>> No.12793991

LOL post Blockfolio? You know I could just falsify that as well right?

Trust me anon, I am a small NKN fish

Right now prices are suppressed