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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12769425 No.12769425 [Reply] [Original]

>> waiting for crypto to pump
>> waiting for trad GF qt
>> waiting for the anxiety to fix itself
>> waiting for a life you wish you had

When did you realize that your beta genetics have programmed you to wait like a good boy instead of taking action? Our genes are very similar to blockchain technology in nature. If your genes were an alt coin, would you even be a top 1000? You want so much, while producing so little. Anything you do produce is instantly sold at a loss for a small pump of your ego. Both socially and economically, you are your parents pump and dump.

>> No.12769443

so change your life faggot. instead of shitposting on a vietnamese sewing website go do something productive. beta ass faggot.

>> No.12769445

Wow sudden realization, we dont have to surf biz, but the shills are REQUIRED to surf biz. whats the most psychologically damaging thing we could expose them to repeatedly. Like im talking an attack on the mind that would make 24/7 gore post a very nice vacation from the former mental hell.

>> No.12769452
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 1550153442048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Projecting so hard his reading comprehension is hindered.

>> No.12769465

None of those things you greentexted are solid plans. Crypto is not a solid plan. Crypto is throwing seeds on the ground and hoping for something to spring.

>> No.12769475
File: 59 KB, 4096x4096, RGB16Million.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out this board is no long sentient.