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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12759155 No.12759155 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12759164

Checkt and rekt

Substratum's final manipulative pump last year was the final gasp of life. Incredible.

Salt is the funniest failure.

>> No.12759172

Hahahahahahaha BSV is next

>> No.12759177

shit, whats next? I literally only trade shitcoins. I hope my NCASH is safe.

>> No.12759183


wut? they are active, and even going to ethdenver

I wonder what they did to piss binance off

>> No.12759184

REQ, it’s better to sell that shitcoin asap

>> No.12759189

SV has too much volume.

I could see Syscoin, RLC, Breadwallet, and Eidoo getting delisted next. Low volume.

>> No.12759195

Buy salt up to $20

>> No.12759199


I almost forgot about this pajeet


>> No.12759200
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Volume doesn’t matter

>> No.12759208

I'd love the red wojaks if RLC gets delisted.

>> No.12759223

why cloak? cloak is a project that has been around a long time and isn't going anywhere.

>> No.12759224

I remember modum, kek.
scam in everything but name. tokenomics were so ridiculously dogshit for speculators that they would have had to have 100s of billions in loans for organic demand to push the price towards 27.5. may the hammer of SEC just their anus. tried to warn you anons

>> No.12759227

Were any of you guys around for salt's token sale? It was so ridiculously dog shit, it was literally a pyramid scheme. The early investors got in at something like 10c, and this value doubled every so often the later you got in, and the last "investors" in the same paid something like $5. AT ICO.

>> No.12759229

checked, feel good about holding RLC

>> No.12759235
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>> No.12759249

what the fuck

>> No.12759250

salt was made by literal jews. who would be retarded enough to fall for this? oh wait - this is the board that bought bancor and stox too, while everything else was going 100x

>> No.12759259


holy shit this is amazing! I can't believe they got away with it AHAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.12759264


>> No.12759301

Serious question though, is there any value whatsoever in this space? Is it all scams? Can't trust the kikes, the chinks, the gooks, the ruskis, even the Americans are full of shit. The only thing that ever had any reasonable value is BTC. All else is utter trash.

>> No.12759327

All tech companies are making their own blockchains.
Yes, there is obviously value in this space.

>> No.12759342
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finally recognized as a scam by Binance.

Told you months ago that Skycoin will be the last man standing in this cryptocurrency 3.0 battle

>> No.12759364
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Wtf SALT ∆ had a projected value of 25$ each

>> No.12759373


>he thinks sky isn't next


>> No.12759377

Lets see what King Streetshitter has to say for himself.

>> No.12759398

Req is a massive shitcoin but it has a huge community, I wonder if Binance will be that savage

>> No.12759419

Remember - shitcoins of the old school i.e pre bull run are all dead. Move your money to new projects that have actually use cases like LTO or CHX. You've been been warned enough.

>> No.12759473

Anything with under 50 BTC trading volume per day is in danger and should be sold I think. There is just no more interest any more. Binance does 131k in BTC volume per day, and REQ takes 31 of that. I'd say get the fuck out before they delist this one too.

>> No.12759490

>Were any of you guys around for salt's token sale? It was so ridiculously dog shit, it was literally a pyramid scheme. The early investors got in at something like 10c, and this value doubled every so often the later you got in, and the last "investors" in the same paid something like $5. AT ICO.
Can't believe I ride that shit up to like$20 on the "$25 meme" and dumped. Almost bought a discount salt branded ledger too lol what trash that was.

>> No.12759511

Dude, WTF.

And since Salt is dead, might be a good time to accumulate Nexo.

>> No.12759521

>Salt sub and wings

>> No.12759542

Trust me Quant is probably the only project worth investing in. Thank me later.

>> No.12759557

RLC won't be delisted. Of course there is a low volume but they are meeting all criteria from Binance. This is a pure quality project

>> No.12759698

Source says NKN and Block collider are going to be listed soon, same source who confirmed Icon's listing on Bithumb and Holochain on Binance. Take this with a grain of salt because he wasn't always right..

>> No.12759729

Nav looks pretty low

>> No.12759744

Rub my salty wings

>> No.12759772

Insane. People actually bought at $25
Give up on old projects from pre-bull run. They are almost all shit. They are like the failed companies of the tech bubble. Now is the time to find the Google's of crypto.

>> No.12759791

I remember everyone saying that it was going to be worth that much because that was the tokens value in their lending system, it shot up briefly before dumping never to reach those prices again. They were sellling ledgers for 5 salt too.

>> No.12759795


>> No.12759807

How ironic a scam delisting scams.

Everyone of these coins has been pumped recently creating fresh bagholders. Binance will have it's day, only a matter of time before the SEC comes knocking.

>> No.12759875

CZ swinging the hand of god again.

Good luck with the HODL meme.

Never hold on to something more than a season.

>> No.12759946

>sec comes knocking on a Chinese website
Keep us updated

>> No.12759988

You could buy a ledger from them for like $10 at one point,

>> No.12759992

>he thinks the SEC has authority in Malta

>> No.12759997

scammer cz has canadian citizenship and would be jailed by chinese authorities ages ago if he didn’t

>> No.12760005

You're right to look at low volume but Bread were a Binance launchpad ICO anon

>> No.12760010

>he thinks the whole eu isn't just usa's vassal

>> No.12760027

>The rest of the world giving a fuck about the SEC

>> No.12760039


>> No.12760049

Fuck you

>> No.12760075

>take a loan with over 100% collateral, literally retarded idea.


>> No.12760113

Hahaha, where or what is Malta, oh yeah, it's listed under nowhere. Please, anymore dumb comments?

>> No.12760234


If the U.S really wanted to take out CZ and Binance they very well could. My guess though if any exchange is taken out it's Bitfinex and BitMex

Squeky Wheels get the Grease.

>> No.12760279

Lmao holt shit I had 30k worth of MOD at one point because I was sure it would moon absolute bullet dodged

>> No.12760292

This is what you get for holding shitcoins.

>> No.12760331

why would BSV get delisted?

>> No.12760463

on what ground nigger? you think the us is some magical superpower that can do whatever the fuck they want? The worst they can do is ban us citizens from registering on their site

>> No.12760493


Funds are safu!

>> No.12760507

dumbass nigger with sub 1k portfolio found

>> No.12760560

Man, go read the meltdown in the Substratum Telegram group. I guess the others are the same. This is literally a death stab, since Binance is too big to ignore in this space. The public opinion strikes hard when you get delisted from the top 1 exchane.
It is funny but I thought about REQ... I don't think it will get delisted, but they have failed altogether to deliver their original roadmap, are failing with communication and development seems to be stagnant. They have become a little shady... And volume doesn't help. I wouldn't be surprised if one day they get delisted.

>> No.12760590

yeah when it comes to money, financial surveillance, and using leverage from other areas to get countries to comply with their system the USA is similar to a magical superpower that can do whatever they want

>> No.12760594

I think. REQ is safe, still has decent volume, and they are pretty transparent with the progress of their project with Binance Vlabel

>> No.12760603
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>> No.12760621

Dunno been telling bizlets that altcoins are to increase your btc stack for years.

>> No.12760687

How about some of the bigger projects as well? OMG immediately springs to mind. What the fuck have they ever accomplished?

>> No.12760700

Lol, cz cutting your stack in half.


>> No.12760719

Are you asking seriously?

>> No.12760726

Stinky linkies

>> No.12760730

they're all ¨startups¨. And 99% of startups fail. There's no fucking reason for these projects to actually accomplish anything beside their white paper. They all got their money already

>> No.12760861

imagine charging a fortune for pnd listing and ruining your project reputation, literally kill it slowly

>> No.12760872

Yet that vapid chink is shilling BTT.

>> No.12760874

I'm worried about req yea. They are getting shady and dumb.
Omg wont as it's an Asian coin. Cz will protect his own.

>> No.12760930

OMG next.

>> No.12761202

I want an answer to this question.

Also fuck CZ

>> No.12761204

Binance would die without the us traders.

>> No.12761208

Lol SALT was a failed biz pump and dump

>> No.12761266


Oh goddamn, REQ is next.

My life is financially ruined.

>> No.12761280
File: 91 KB, 1142x978, cloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i had some loose btc i would buy this dip

>> No.12761294

reminder the SUB niggers were swinging their last ETH inhouse on Bollinger Bands tier meme TA


>> No.12761684

lmao wtf? how is this legal?

>> No.12761715

req will hit .04 before going

>> No.12761802

why would it not be legal? they're not forcing anybody to buy it lol

>> No.12762198
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Took this last night. Literally the lowest volume. I'm a bit worried

>> No.12762208

>we periodically review each digital asset we list to ensure that it continues to meet the high level of standard we expect. When a coin or token no longer meets this standard, or the industry changes, we conduct a more in-depth review and potentially delist it. We believe this best protects all of our users.

aka they didnt pay the ransom to renew their yearly listing fee

no logical reason to delist low maintenance erc20s like sub salt or wings when verge is still traded there

>> No.12762226

>aka they didnt pay the ransom to renew their yearly listing fee
That's not the reason. All teams claim this took them for surprise. They didn't get any notice, nothing, and most are trying to contact Binance for legit reasons. Read their Telegrams.

>> No.12762244

The crypto space is still relatively new and it will take a few years to see the actual good projects surge. For now, it's just a lot of ambitious shitcoins that will die in the next couple of years. Scammers also take advantage of the unregulated market and greedy gamblers so that's why you see so many of them

>> No.12762246

Sucks cuz Cloak actually has good fundamentals

>> No.12762254


>> No.12762257

Yea i got rekt today from Cloak. Fuck CZ

>> No.12762315

>please hold your bags a little longer, we're not done with the exit!!

getting delisted by binance is the FA equivalent of a death cross

>> No.12762317

fair enough but I doubt the team would admit to the community they didnt pay to keep their token listed

>> No.12762322

You really don't understand the reach of the US government. The dollar is the global reserve currency, stop and think how much power that gives them.

>> No.12762471

I'm grateful I don't hold any rn, because Binance was like half the damn volume

>> No.12762498
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how many lives were ruined today because of this?

>> No.12762537

I wonder what these projects did to piss off cz

>> No.12762545

Lol if you invested in any of this shit you ruined yourself

>> No.12762577

>Trust me
>probably the only project worth investing in >Thank me later
Are you parodying a desperate bagholder? You sure are convincing.

>> No.12762686

>salt branded ledger
Are these still available somewhere? Might be fun to have one, just for the keks...

>> No.12762698

Got rekt for a couple hundred sucks to live on the west coast. Asians and Europeans had a head start on dumping.

>> No.12762725

Volume doesn't matter

>> No.12762745

Whoa, you're fucked!

>> No.12762763

it's all scams.. thats why the next bubble will be security tokens... get in chx anons it's not to late

>> No.12762780

Friendly reminder that you unironically never going to make it without networking with VCs/Whales to get into pre-pre sales

>> No.12762840

if you look at coins delisted so far on Binance... none of them have been chink coins

therefore, chink coins are safe

>> No.12762878

next up, link

>> No.12762904

holy fuck do you ever stop?
would you like to set up a wager for your claim?
t. not even a bagholder, you are just insufferable and low IQ

>> No.12763161

Stop breathing you little bitch

>> No.12763172

lmao i was thinking the exact same thing but this shitcoin is far from being done, you'll see the end when there are 50 satoshi dumps

>> No.12763202

Redpill me on SUB scam, I bought in last year but got out quickly

>> No.12763247


>> No.12763295

Holo is

>> No.12763329

even while realizing the truth you are fucking retarded, there is literally only btc

>> No.12763452
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>ceo is an actual felon
>fake coinbase announcement due to a """hack"""
>second ico
>shilled their """publication""" in a fake magazine
>daytrading with ico funds
it's a shame to see them gone really
I was expecting much more of this glorious fuckery

>> No.12763507


Unironically based and redpilled.

>> No.12763725

Not an argument.

>> No.12764076
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>> No.12764375

I don’t get it

>> No.12764415
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>> No.12764443

>REQ mentioned 20 times in this thread

Lmao, love the public's confidence in this project. Those French pajeets don't put out some work by March they are fucking FINISHED.

>> No.12764648

NANO is next to get delisted.

>> No.12765313

I sold my NCash. It took a long time to find a buyer though. Good Luck m8, I couldn't hold on.

>> No.12765381

genuine middleware projects are worth investing in.
i'll obviosuly say LINK here as i'm 100% all in, but DYOR. LINK will be huge though, so dont miss out.

>> No.12765519

i've been saying for at least 12 months now that there's only 4+1 coins worth anything:

1. BTC
2. ETH
3. XMR
5. A dapp platform that might rival eth i.e ADA, EOS, etc (or not, this is just a speculative 5th position to cover bases)

i was right then and i'm right now. all shit coins WILL fail. it's just a matter of when, and you'd better have cashed out by then, as modum hodlers are finding out today.

>> No.12765524

also, AMB will be next to go. cap this.

>> No.12765569


>> No.12765584
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So let me get this straight... /biz the last bastion of pure monetized troll capitalism on the planet is allowing the fucking gooks at Binance to dictate what projects to invest in? The absolute state.

>> No.12765602

Glad i sold.

But why delist the biz meme though? It looks like a solid project

>> No.12765608

thats what you get for holding shitcoins u absolute brainlet. now hang yourself

>> No.12765627

5. Qtum

>> No.12765803


>> No.12765847
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>tfw actually held SUB and SALT at one point

holy shit this bear market starting to get serious boys

>> No.12766220

damn subbies BTFO