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12755161 No.12755161 [Reply] [Original]

I say 29 for retiring financially

23 to lose virginity for men (i am 100% sure of this; ex-PUA here)

If older than that save yourself the hassle and JUST play sudoku.

>> No.12755172

You play too much vidya fren.

>> No.12755301

35 financially
18 virginity

>> No.12755325

If you haven't gotten your shit together by 25 you're fucked

>> No.12755341

lost virginity at 29
still haven't held a job at 33
will likely make it before most of /biz/ (in absolute time obviously, not relative)

>> No.12755350

28y here

Lost virginity at 16, made milion at 27 and now Im tottaly broke cause of gambling problem so I'm starting everything once again

>> No.12755374
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lost it at 15 (which i know is 2 years sooner than average but i got lucky with my ((very) hot) cousin)

retired at 29 but had to start working again at 36 because i blew cash on stupid shit
i think it's impossible to retire before 40 you'll blow whatever u have

>> No.12755483

Remember lads, it's never too late to "make it" into heaven through Christ's salvation. Everything else is just a distraction.

>> No.12755534


>the absolute time

>> No.12755543

ah fuck I blew everything and I dont want to go to work so bad. How you handle it? Just fresh start and shit?

>> No.12755558

based and redpilled

>> No.12755571

I lost my virginity at 14 with 18 yo girl, wtf are you doing m8??????? Been fucking all my life, like at least 50 different girls so far. 28 yo here

>> No.12755579

You shouldn't have sex until marriage. Never take advice from someone in the PUA community or even an ex-PUA, these are not high valued individuals these are snakes and thieves the worst of the worst. The type of people who will pretend to be a feminist so that they can have sex with some deranged SJW slut.

As long as you are married around 23-25 to a nice woman around 19-20 and don't have sex until marriage, then you are guaranteed a good life.

>> No.12755586

this guy knows whats up

>> No.12755593

Mfw he is in hell and he doesn’t know it

>> No.12755598

What if you're poor when you're 23-25

>> No.12755631

based and christpilled

>> No.12755634

bullshit. 90% of girls that had only one life and partner around their 30s realize that they lost so much and starting to looking another dick to see what is like. Best ones are 25-28 cause they already had fun and know what they need

>> No.12755659


> he doesn't understand that logic puzzles make you smarter

Go read ONAG and come talk shit about sudoku

>> No.12755725

If you have to ask, you're probably too old. Just saying

>> No.12755788

>t. post-wall roastie

>> No.12756363
File: 136 KB, 640x521, figure2sexmaritalhappinessupdated-w640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gtfo bluepill shill, try peddling that shit to reddit

>> No.12756374

You are never too old. You can always change your life.

>> No.12756388


A slut is made even before she loose her virginity.

Obviously a girl with a n-count of 50 isn't going to be a faithfull, good wife, but don't think that a virgin cannot and will not cheat.

>> No.12756434

this is the only thing that needs to be said in this thread

>> No.12756518

but i wanna believe it's too late so i can just wallow in misery and play video games all day while shit posting during loading screens with no guilt