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1275303 No.1275303 [Reply] [Original]

Who here burned out?

I went to a BBQ with some college friends today and I hardly had the energy to make a conversation.

Just sad that on my weekends I'm so drained, I don't even know how to have fun anymore.

>> No.1275344

its called alcohol and other drugs

>> No.1275357
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le drained sheeple. work less and start abusing alcohol

>> No.1275391

Sounds like you are ready to graduate to hard drugs anon! The end-game is getting addicted to opiates ofcourse, but we need to work our way up to that. Start out by smoking joints in the restroom, but don't worry, you will be doing rails of coke off a hookers ass in no time! Before you know it you will hit rock bottom and want to off yourself.

Alternatively you can work on your real problems and more than likely depression. Maybe even see a shrink, but it's kind of like cheating to not go all trainspotting first. Skippings steps and all.

>> No.1275451


Good choice! Go with opiates, OP!

I hear there's this new drug called probuphine and it's supposed to basically cure addiction 100% it's totally legit and I highly, highly recommend it -- probuphine, baby, made by the one and only Titan Pharmaceuticals.

>> No.1275458

Same 21 here drained from fucking a Milf all last night don't have time to interact with plebeians of inferior intellect

>> No.1275469

I just started at an IB a month ago and I've acquired dark circles under my eyes. Is this only the beginning?
>t. average oldfag that becomes Chad halfway between sober and oblivion

>> No.1275488

Did you fuck up and do teaching?
I told you not to man

>> No.1275555

tag me in bro

>> No.1275574


also kek, non-alcoholic cuck >>1275469

all that time making money he can never drink away.

>> No.1275616

Take Maca Boost by Gaia
You'll feel energetic and confident. And extra horney, which can get annoying.

>> No.1275716

Burn out is just natural selection.

I am 38 and work about 70 hours a week minimum.
I own my own house, have a family and a 3 year old business.
If you are serious about winning in life then be serious about life.

>> No.1276017

I worked like a machine for 3 years straight running off nothing but speed & nicotine,

>> No.1276771


Experiences vary.

I've been in IB for a year and for me it started ok, went to shit, and slowly improved. I still feel like I'm burning the candle at both ends though, and my coworkers are starting to jump ship.

>> No.1276772


>berned out

Only one cure anon.

"high energy" coins.