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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12729931 No.12729931 [Reply] [Original]

Got a score of 115 for my IQ in WAIS-IV (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale). Am I the dumbest LINK-holder? All in btw

>> No.12729957

115 is an absolute disaster on so many levels.
you can still be fine though, you just need to learn about the right things.

>> No.12729967

Link hodler IQ goes something like this:
Tier 1: below 75
Tier 2: above 125
Sorry you have to sell fren.

>> No.12729970

the majority of link holders are sub 90 iq. mensa tier geniuses are hodling BTC, XRP & ETH

>> No.12730012

I have mensa IQ and are all in bitcoin (BSV)

>> No.12730069

Prometheus tier holding ETH/BTC/ZIL/MKR

>> No.12730093


>> No.12730148

jokes aside for the moment, what iq do you guys think an average /biz/ poster has?

>> No.12730160

Majority are probably 105er faggots.

>> No.12730182

I AM so sorry for not writing my second language perfectly. Grammar is a typical low IQ hangup.

>> No.12730203

divide it by 2. typical biz level mensa are usually 70-75 at best

>> No.12730204
File: 25 KB, 430x322, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mensa tier, scored 135, all in Link before the memes, etherdelta timeline. Protip: Didn't accept the mensa membership since it's a scam for special snowflakes, that is the real IQ test.

>> No.12730217

Yeah that's why you don't have mensa membership

>> No.12730235

130 before the big bull run
115 ish now
t. 135

>> No.12730245


>> No.12730251

tier 1 reporting in

all in link since all time low because of the memes

>> No.12730254

you no doubt feel the same about toilets

>> No.12730260

You only have IQ of 115 if you will sell ATH (15-20$)

>> No.12730285

hey shitskin he was giving your brown ass some free grammar advice. you must be used to free things, no?

>> No.12730293

There's not such thing as a free lunch, you fucking gibsmedat. His grammar "lesson" was an attack

>> No.12730297

This. 115 is just enough to recognize your misery but not enough for the ability to do something about it.

>> No.12730303

Yes Superior Andrew, and everyone but you knows it.

>> No.12730331

an attack which you deflected poorly
learn2spoken pajeet

>> No.12730360

What's your first language?

>> No.12730386

Sometimes I feel so helpless but at the same time I can recognize my own flaws which ultimately causes that feeling. I'm aware. But not able. Atleast that's what "the inner voice" is often telling me. Is it possible to become smarter and more in control?
They can take my linkies out of my cold dead hands, never selling.

>> No.12730443

Probably way above average, IQ correlate with particular interests. High IQ people tend to spend their spare time on more "novel" activities.
on the other hand, then the bitconnect crowd seemed fairly retarded, and they were also discussing "investments"..

>> No.12730492

>Is it possible to become smarter
There is something called "dual n back", apparently it can raise your IQ by 5-10 points, and it seems to be legit (you could also raise your IQ score on a test if you practice taking the type of IQ test, but if you took another type of IQ test you would be back where you started, so you haven't really raised your IQ just your ability to take a particular type of IQ tests. Dual n back supposedly raise your real IQ, meaning you would be better at taking any and all IQ tests - which probably reflect an actual raise in IQ.).

>> No.12730504

this. i feel the dark blanket of 115 iq inching in on me daily. i'll be 50 next month, and after a life of wage cucking and getting nowhere in this rat race, it is about to consume me. i come here to try and remind myself that there are zoomers that are bigger betas than myself, but that only gets your so far.

>> No.12730520

Is that pic Nu Romanticism?

>> No.12730522

I don't think anyone holding LINK has an above average IQ. That's my honest opinion. Unless I'm mistaken, the Chainlink team have developed nothing. Step one for most projects is a simple software wallet that people can send their coins to. LINK doesn't have that after years of existing. Any of you brainlets want to try and defend that?

>> No.12730539

>There is something called "dual n back", apparently it can raise your IQ by 5-10 points,
I tried this anon, and instead, it raised my penis size by 5-10 yards.

>> No.12731251
File: 570 KB, 800x1936, datasyötteitäsootana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're mistaken but it's alright. Maybe this is a bait, maybe not.

>> No.12731278

Lmao, sick burn

>> No.12731292

this sounds about right.
t. newfag with 120 iq

>> No.12731608

IQ is a meme

>> No.12731632

You're high average, and if you're young then your IQ will probably go up. Have you seen some of the stuff people post on this board? There are some sub 80 IQ Link holders for sure.

>> No.12731637
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>> No.12731667

Brainlet here. Scored 121 doing a mensa test like 10 years ago, but im pretty sure i’ve dropped atleast 30 since then. Only 75% in Link btw.

>> No.12732137

i have 115 lol, what are the right things?

>> No.12732592
File: 13 KB, 180x280, in.ernet.dli.2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start from logic, treat it as a religion. Memorize it. You need to get to a point when you can write down fallacies and laws exactly word-for-word, so when, say, after a year or 2 all this knowledge will consolidate and shape your thought processes. Even if it will take 5 years to consolidate it will pay you off.
If you are a mathematician or a programmer, you are likely very well familiar with logical laws, yes. However, it does not mean that you apply them to every single decision you make in your life. And I doubt you have time in real life to add another layer of thought to make decisions. It's often like engineers can be perfectly logical only inside of their area of expertise and things they are familiar with. Just look at how slowly trt was adopted by computer scientist betas. It's obvious that they are seriously lacking genuine intelligence disastrously and unable to think outside of the box.
Logic that is not wrapped by physics, math or computer science, logic as a pure concept of thought will make your thinking solid and open minded. This is the ultimate red pill. Memorize and be reborn.

>> No.12732620

It will make you a miserable cunt and all the roasties won't screw you.

>> No.12732636


Has to be above 100 since you automatically cut out all the literal retards who can't even use a computer. I'd guess 105-110.

>> No.12732647


>> No.12732658

who cares about your IQ?

what's your net worth you stinky neets

>> No.12732893

You can be retarded and still know how to lookup 4chan on google. Most of this sites users are retarded one way or another.