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File: 105 KB, 1280x720, Dave Ramsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12690755 No.12690755 [Reply] [Original]

I've been watching this nigga on youtube recently.
How in the fuck are Americans in so much debt? I've never had any debt in my life living in Europe, yet all these people have financed houses, cars, medical bills, multiple credit cards, college etc. Do they never think to just... not spend so much god damn money?

>> No.12690780


>"but 50k HC debt is better than public healthcare because Sean Hannity told me that's communism"

>> No.12690811

dunno i got a cc that i use for everyday purchases it has 1-5% cashback never rolled a balance. it's not hard.

>> No.12690851

I don't give a fuck if dumb people take out to many loans, don't make me pay for their healthcare as well

>> No.12690860

I’m a yuropoor. All debt I have is 12k student debt and 2k credit debt, former being paid once I finish my finals this May and the latter will be fully paid down by May. I bought my car used and really hope my 10k crypto and 4k gold/silver can eventually land me enough to buy an apartment after the coming recession without mortgage

Am I doing fine?

>> No.12690861
File: 198 KB, 549x413, 1548822099582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just kys before you have to pay it back lol

>> No.12690869

Western Euro's debt isn't called "debt" but unlike US debt which can be repaid, WE-s have to pay 50-60% of their paycheck to taxman for their lifetime. And they all have budget deficits so their children will inherit even higher debt.
In the US you can prevent any of this by simply not being a retard.
And Eastern Europe is the sweet spot if you have a STEM degree (mine cost $1500, for the 4 years, I already make western wages at ~15% effective tax rate, social security included).

>> No.12690875

This. In USA this is debt that retards on TV have to pay. In Europe you have to pay this debt for the retards.

>> No.12690886

>And Eastern Europe is the sweet spot
bullshit overall tax rate is above 50% here also. you can only escape the tax jew if you corporate up.

>> No.12690957

Where in EE are you?
I'm in BG, here tax rates are 10% personal income + ~30% social security that CAPS at 400eur (so the higher salary you make, the less % you pay for ss)
In Romania they don't even have personal income tax for STEMfags
In Hungary I believe it was 9%
In Estonia it used to be as low as the others, now they hiked their taxes but they're still at 30% tops. The other Baltic countries have lower tax rates...

>> No.12690965

Never mind about Estonia, I guess they got cucked, just checked a salary calculator.
Tax rates are still insanely low in Latvia, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Hungary and a few others.

>> No.12691166
File: 250 KB, 584x769, 500k not enough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans lack basic education in this field.

>> No.12691175
File: 2.46 MB, 3034x4370, IMG_2981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that we don't want nationalized healthcare, it's that the party promising it comes with a full package of other horse shit

>> No.12691185

>date night every 2 weeks
>3 vacations a year worth 18k
>childcare in top childcare establishment
>12k for lessons

fuck these richfags

>> No.12691234


Fucking conspicuous consumer idiots

>> No.12691242

Did you pay VAT on your silver?

>> No.12691270

It's impossible because everything puts you in debt here. Also people constantly trying to scam you doesn't help either. Literally had to fight off a nigger yesterday trying to get me to sign up for shit, and these people come over every goddamn week in my neighborhood. I get so much credit card spam in my mailbox too. US is just a fucked up country in general, I mean keep in mind we can sell fucking drugs to old people on TV that have side effects like suicidal thoughts and its perfectly fine.

>> No.12691409

>In Hungary I believe it was 9%
yeah it's actually 15% but the overall tax burden inn hungary is about 60%. see the contradiction? income tax rates don't mean shit.

the employers tax burden after wage is 21% (this comes off from you wage of course don't kid yourself)
your szja is 15%
pension ""fund"" 10%
healthcare 7%
and then on everything you want to buy pretty much 27% vat
and there are millions off small taxes and fees literally a sea of them, but these are the big things.
so you get to keep about 44% of the money you make, and then lose an other 11% to vat roughly coming out at 34% of the value spent on goods and services actual.

>> No.12691583

The opposite of debt is wealth

>> No.12692461

Imagine that instead of insurance, which is essentially a health gambling ring that operates at a profit, that people would save their own money to pay for emergency medical expenses.
The issue is that both systems can't coincide, the freeloaders are why healthcare is so expensive/in demand. Less freeloaders, cheaper healthcare.
That would come from more dead freeloaders though, oh my god how awful!

>> No.12692481

Everyone does it. Come on man, just try it. What are you, some kinda square?

>> No.12692548

>car payments
>date nights every 2 weeks
>3 vacations a year
how did these absolute fucking mongs even manage to land jobs that make that much money in the first place jesus christ

>> No.12692743

I guess I'm lucky to be in Bulgaria then. 10% personal income and personal+employer's burden on pension and health insurance is capped at 400 eur.
A plain old $75,000 salary means you can eat at gourmet restaurants every week, only eat out, have 4 vacations per year and still save 50k.

>> No.12692769
File: 110 KB, 576x448, 1544048361979.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to live like a poorfag?
Reality is painful.
We're making America great. Fuck off

>> No.12693104
File: 15 KB, 248x189, pptears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he's rich