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File: 287 KB, 600x400, Tech-Support[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12663624 No.12663624 [Reply] [Original]

Any tech support workers on? I left my old sysadmin job 5 months ago, moved back to hometown and have a second interview tomorrow for support but I don't know if I can do it.

The constant flow of incoming phonecalls, fighting endlessly to resolve tickets while more are flowing in, awkwardly having to go to users desks and fiddle about with shit trying to resolve their issue, having to walk into meetings and look like an idiot trying to fix the projector, crawling under desks while people are sitting there trying to plug network cables in. Reee

In the UK £27k is a pretty decent wage and I'm miserable not doing anything and starting to feel ashamed, but thinking about going back into this line of work fills me with terror. Especially since the place I'm interviewing for has high number of tickets coming in a day and about 500 employees on site

What the fuck do I do, I don't have experience in anything else

>> No.12663713
File: 386 KB, 700x420, JordanPeterson-700x420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a 28 yr old boomer whose been drifting most my life. I landed on 2 things that i would probably do as a career to get my good goy points. This is one....
But you scare me, i totally hate dealing with customers. And having them go into autistic rage everyday is getting my heart going already. I'll be monitoring

>> No.12663898


Reasons why tech support sucks

- Stress. I don't have experience of other jobs, but IT support is renowned for being a super stressy environment since it's just constant hammering of having problems pile up in your queue, while being accountable to a different person for each of these problems while they get angry with you for not focusing on their issue as opposed to the other 50 people

- Printers/projectors/sound equipment and other tech which have constant problems and people not knowing how they work. I spent so much time fiddling with these things and it's doubly shit because people call up when they're needed, e.g in the middle of a meeting so it's quiet and awkward while you have the sole responsibility

- Stupid people. You'd be baffled about how stupid people are with technology. You try and be nice but there's people who don't know what a browser is so trying to walk people through easy steps becomes a nightmare

- Micromanaging. I've had managers who are nice people but you're constantly tracked for your performance, sometimes even your average call times and incident resolution at first point of contact, other KPIs. Having to battle users while being told exactly how is frustrating

- Pace. You have so much to do and so little time to do it in, while having not enough help to get it done. As your workload piles up it gets harder and harder to deal with more issues constantly coming in, so you have to go into overdrive which makes you burn out

- Multitasking. You can't focus on one thing. Sometimes if you're dealing with a high priority case you'll be called out to fix a CEOs printer or some shit, or just have constant calls which means you can't just focus on getting shit done

>> No.12663954

Get a sysadm job in government, where you have a desktop support person under you. I have this and literally am done working 20 minutes after I arrive in the morning. Plenty of time for hobbies and shitposting.

>> No.12664202


This is my dream. The problem is I don't know how to seperate the chill jobs from the stress jobs when I search for them

>> No.12665007

Nobody has asked this guy what the most popular porn that these office goblins like? Spit it out tech support man.