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12642991 No.12642991 [Reply] [Original]

You are basically living on the whim and will of your landlord, who can rise rent or tell you to move at any time

>> No.12642998

In Europe tenants have more rights than landlords though

>> No.12643047

>at any time
It's literally the same with jobs. But at least in civilized countries (don't know about America) the landlord gives you at least one month notice.

>> No.12643080

>what are property taxes
Feudalism never ended.

>> No.12643091


>raise rent
>say you are going to move due to rent increase
>Mr Shekelberg's brow starts to sweat as he tries to weigh up cost of advertising, real estate agency, cleaning, repairs and renewals, missed rent in unoccupied period etc.

My landlord hasn't raised rent since I moved in.

If he did I will just buy a condo in the building across the street while he struggles to find a non-nigger tenant with stable income streams that isn't going to strip the wires out of his walls.

>> No.12643100

I wish all ancaps died a painful burning death

>> No.12643158

the only true freedom is living under a bridge and eating other people's trash.

>> No.12643182
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When did you realize that owning a house is modern feudalism?
You are basically living on the whim and will of your local government, who can rise property tax or tell you to move at any time

>> No.12643188

The value of your house can be increased and decreased on a whim by the federal reserve.

>> No.12643200

and this

>> No.12643216

Basically this. You can literally rent a house and stop paying after a month. If you have childrens years will pass untill they kick you out.

>> No.12643226

retards like you are the type to buy a house in 2006 and then cry to the government when the bank is taking your shit in 2009

>it can never go down, renting is a stupid mistake
you are so stupid you can't factor in the externalities of home ownership such as interest rates, property taxes, condo board fees, etc, not to mention the opportunity cost of having to sell a house, not being able to move across the country for a higher paying job on a moments notice because you are locked in

Just remember, CASH IS KING

>> No.12643230

So what's the solution? Big Daddy Gov bestows a house on each baby after its born?

>> No.12643231


I had a landlord once raise the rent and then tell me to pay the difference last 3 months as well, and if I didn't like it he wouldn't renew the least which was up in a month. I got the fuck out of there out of principle but ended up overpaying on the next place due to being desperately having to find a place in less than a month.

I also was renting a place for $1500/m and the landlord told me she all of a sudden thought rent was way to low and told me it was now $2400/m, at that time I was month to month so I had no choice but to pay up until I found a new place.

Last year I caved after my landlord literally screamed at me for the orientation I was parking my car, I bought a house and reduced my $2900 rent for a 2 bed to $2200/m mortgage for a 4 bed single family. Feels good even if I bought the peak I am content. Fuck renting. I can park my cars however I want and play my speakers however loud I want.

>> No.12643238

What the newly arrived to EU google engineers do is they find empty houses, break into them and just squat until the owner finds out. Once the owner knows he has to strong arm them to gtfo, because local authorities can't do shit.

>> No.12643286

>housing is a human right!
>white supremacists will pay for this!

>> No.12643329

close, but actually gold is king

>> No.12643348

communism unironically will succeed

>> No.12643354


Yeah but when shits fucked I can just waltz myself to another location that I fancy. Landlords house gets problems? Call up that bitch to get it fixed. Anything wrong with the house is not your problem, anything wrong just call up the bitch to get it fixed.

And when the property gets old just dump it for something newer.

>> No.12643371

Well let's say I'm a dentist, currently getting $400/h. In communism my earnings and the wages of janitors will be averaged out, to say $20/hour. At that rate its impossible to even perform a single procedure. So now there are no dental services or taxes coming in from dentists. Thank you communism.

>> No.12643388

So don't bust your ass to become a dentist?
Either coast on gibs or take your valuable skills to a less retarded economy.

>> No.12643389

come back to this board after you hold a non minimum wage job buddy

>> No.12643392

>At that rate its impossible to even perform a single procedure
Dentists get overpaid as fuck for fucking with some teeth. Overrated and overpaid occupation.

>> No.12643395

fuck off idiot

>> No.12643422

Right, because destroying your back and vision and doing extremely fine work with your hands and most importantly knowing how to do it should not be rewarded. Why are people who follow the philosophy of failure so dumb?

>> No.12643460

>Right, because destroying your back and vision and doing extremely fine work with your hands and most importantly knowing how to do it should not be rewarded.
Where are you even going with this? Lol. i never implied anything like that you fuckin weirdo.

>> No.12643478

If landlords with vacant houses were smart, they would rent to whites for extra low.
House prices might seem high, but the dempographics is set in stone.
UK is going the way of Detroit.
They will be bagholding real estate until it;s worthless.
No one will pay money to live with niggers.

>> No.12643515

You are almost correct about wages averaging out.
Government will provide you with all the materials and you will just do the manual part of your job/
For LESS than assembly line worker.

>> No.12643535
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see: >>12642229

>> No.12643545

In theory yes. In reality this is what happens (as currently happens in UK). You go to a public dentist and if the procedure is deemed too complicated for the number of units (basically 90% time + 10% materials) the government allotted for your procedure the only options are to either pull the tooth or the dentist taking a hit and doing it on their own dime, going into negative to do right by the patient. You can imagine there aren't too many people who can consistently make that choice before theyre out of business and on the streets. Or going to a private dentist and doing it right the first time.

>> No.12643593


what do those full houses go for now?

>> No.12643603

> In theory yes.
In practice as well. My parents lived in soviet socialist satellite and were doctors.

>> No.12643621

In practice we can look at life expectancy charts and compare those. Doesn't make a good argument for wealth grabbers on the board. If you redistribute all the wealth, you will likely live less and your quality of life would be LOWER. Anyway my time is too valuable to engage in demagoguery here

>> No.12643659

You are on shitcoin streetshitting imageboard anyway. I just told you how it was during the socialism under communist rule.

>> No.12643668

>live in shithole city
>surprised landlord wants to keep you

>> No.12643691

good for you mate

>> No.12643719
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>rent can never go up
>property taxes don't affect rent prices
>moving across the country for jobs all time
>not having a stable job
>living a transient lifestyle

>> No.12643731
File: 13 KB, 284x250, HeadandShoulder_050906-5bfd6ce1c9e77c0058b0ac04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>floating interest rate mortgage

>> No.12643749

Dumb logic. Some people don't want to move. Period. It also can end up being more expensive to rent than to buy a house.

>> No.12643760

Were your landlord boomers by any chance?

>> No.12643764

I believe that even if I broke into someons house in the UK and started living there I would have more rights than the home owner who would have to fight in court to get rid of me

>> No.12643772


>> No.12643781
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Having a mobile house is the way of the future. Just like plants evolved into mobile animals.

>> No.12643783

Angry teeth (((doctor))) detected

Owning your own house in full is a necessity to making it.

>> No.12643829
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everybody are not comfortable driving a bus and if you dont have a bus sized mobile home you're one step away from being just a bum

>> No.12643868

I bought a house in 2014. Still owe about 70k on it.

I hate owning a home. I hate wagie. I thought that this would make me happy. But I just live the same day over and over. Go to work. Come home. Wait to go to bed. Sleep. Go back to wagie.

I just want my shitcoins to moon so i can stop this madness.

>> No.12643897

I wouldn't mind owning a home if I bought a single story house like I wanted. My parents talked me into buying a fuckhuge (for the location, just over 2000 sq ft) two story house. Not only do I not use most of the space, nor do I have a use for it, but there's a lot more things to break.

Fully agree about wageslaving. Hate my job, and hate coming home tired as fuck everyday.

>> No.12643902
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As a non-wagie I can tell you that life still feels pretty empty.

>> No.12644174

Dentists don't make $400 an hour waging it

>> No.12644195

Don't forget HOA fees

>> No.12644227

exactly what the fuck are you bitching about fren?

you literally explained the life of a rent-seeking wagie
except you'll outright own an appreciating asset (home) in 15-30 years while the wagie rent-seeking equivalent will be in the same situation you're both in now...but forever

>> No.12644310

You forget about property taxes and repairs. You'll get fucked by property taxes in virtually every large metropolitan area. My mortgage is $700/month and my taxes the first year came out to be over $600/month. After three attempts, I was able to get them reduced to about $450/month for a whole fucking year because the property is going to get reassessed again this year.

>> No.12644321

>My mortgage is $700/month and my taxes the first year came out to be over $600/month
How is this even possible?

>> No.12644345


Here's something interesting about our new governor, the porcelain king:
>Rauner has aired attack ads pointing out Pritzker’s family disconnected toilets from one of their Chicago mansions so it could be deemed uninhabitable while it was under renovation.
>The move saved Pritzker about $330,000 in taxes. It also allowed Rauner to dub Pritzker "Chicago's porcelain prince of tax avoidance."

He bought a property next to his, allowed it to become dilapidated, removed all the toilets, and claimed it's uninhabitable to get a huge decrease in assessed value. He then used that low assessed value to decrease the assessed value of the mansion he actually lives in. Despite pulling shit like that, he gets elected as the governor and supports further tax increases.

Chicago, and Cook county, make Illinois the most corrupt shithole in the whole union.

>> No.12644353

he's telling fish stories to further his angle

i'm not discounting the expense of property tax, but don't let the jew spooks on here fool you
call bullshit and believe your internal logic that the faggot telling you his monthly mortgage payment is equal to his property tax escrow is absolutely full of shit

>> No.12644356

That's standard practice, they're gaming the system like any rational entity. Don't pretend it's unique to your situation

>> No.12644359


Kek, that some shit.

>> No.12644383

Slave deserve torture before death.

>> No.12644435

You don't have to believe it if you don't want to. I'm not going to post my house, but it's not difficult to find houses nearby with taxes as high or higher than mine.

This isn't even considered "high" because there are properties with six figure property taxes.

>> No.12644443

I doubt that's the standard practice for a governor, or someone that runs for a governor. Illinois probably has more politicians that have gotten jailed for corruption than the rest of the country combined.

>> No.12644915

Is this why my landlord is so pleasant? $25 increase in 7 years, incredible really. I should be paying easily 50% more and he knows it and doesn't care. I do pay in cash 1 week in advance without fail. He asks me about every 2-3 months if the apartment needs anything too. Flawless business relationship all round I guess. Win-Win. The best part is I'm going to buy a duplex in less than a year most likely and I'm probably just going to continue to rent and rent out the entire house. My landlord pays all the utilities too so I don't pinch pennies on water or electric. Fuck It really is a sick deal, if you can stomach living in Northeast Ohio

>> No.12645087

To be fair i live in a jew run communist shithole that masquerades as a "rich nation" where we have income tax, property tax, inheritance tax und so weiter so there is no such thing as freedom here especially considering that the prices for housing are so high because of all the immigrants the jews have let in.

>> No.12645112

Landlord here, I do my best to not raise rent on good tenants. Only when property tax hikes force my hand do I make any adjustments. Good goy tenants are literally golden cattle.

>> No.12645140

most people pay either rent or interest and property taxes on their home for 30 years when they could just build a home outside the city with a years wage worth of parts and a years of labor costs

>> No.12645182

I’m a landlord too...I do the same. From a legal perspective tenants have landlords by the balls in NY.

>> No.12645621

in ozfailia there is not land tax in the house you live in

Only rates.