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12636971 No.12636971 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from the coming Venezuelan civil war?

>> No.12637024

what a shitshow, this guy didnt even run in the election he just said "ok im prez now" and the USA said "yas" and now he's gonna be president? lol

>> No.12637029


US Defense stocks since Trump is a neocon and will intervene

>> No.12637035

>American spies switch sides and run off to miami
How typical.

>> No.12637049


>> No.12637062

Kek, read the US constitution and read what happens if we can't elect a president. They have the exact literal procedure. Why is everyone so ignorant of politics?

>> No.12637063

He's Venezuelan congress' president so I guess he did get elected and is not just some random dude.

>> No.12637068
File: 104 KB, 800x609, yelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally doesn't matter if there's a legitimate election or not. Maduro is the bad guy. Please, let's hear an argument for Maduro.

>b-but muh election
>b-but muh USA interference

fuck off you fucking retards. If you were eating rats to survive thanks to some dipshit communist, you'd be singing a different tune. I guarantee you that. More than anything, even more than communists and the boomer corporate zombie democrats like Hillary's crowd, are USA apologists. Never, ever apologize on behalf of America. I'm not even a MAGA cretin, but seeing Americans say shit like "we shouldn't interfere with X country :(" makes me rage.

>> No.12637078

We shouldn’t have interfered with the middle east

>> No.12637119
File: 91 KB, 534x363, amerimut says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally doesn't matter if there's a legitimate election or not. Maduro is the bad guy. Please, let's hear an argument for Maduro.
>b-but muh election
>b-but muh USA interference
>fuck off you fucking retards. If you were eating rats to survive thanks to some dipshit communist, you'd be singing a different tune. I guarantee you that. More than anything, even more than communists and the boomer corporate zombie democrats like Hillary's crowd, are USA apologists. Never, ever apologize on behalf of America. I'm not even a MAGA cretin, but seeing Americans say shit like "we shouldn't interfere with X country :(" makes me rage.

>> No.12637126

The constituent assembly is not the congress. It's a kangaroo court.

>> No.12637130

If we liquidated the total money we've spent in the middle east and gave it to the muslims as UBI they'd all be atheists and drinking starbucks rn.

>> No.12637144

Yeah but then you would have helped the group that the Jews hate the most, so they would be making even more BLACKED threads on /gif/ to spite us. Better to just do what the jews and keep the Muslims in the middle ages so that the jews can routinely have the thirst for blood satisfied by deploying a first world army to hunt a bunch of illiterate monkeys.

>> No.12637253

Ignorant redneck fuck off

>> No.12637263
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lol what a fucking non-country

>> No.12637280

How do you know?

>> No.12637287

I'm American. We basically own that country. They host our troops and are willing to sacrifice their own for us. It's pathetic.

>> No.12637295
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>> No.12637298

I mean how do you know he's from Colombia.

>> No.12637313

Take a dip into all south american energy sectors?

>> No.12637422

no you don't own shit. you are a fucking loser who knows jackshit about the situation in venezuela and you showed it in you first post full of assumptions rather than facts. Don't even reply to me, you virgin anime freak

>> No.12637427

You want to profit from a potential war that is far away from you? U Jewish by any chance?

>> No.12637440

>thousands of lives and trillions of dollars spent on destroying the infrastructure & economy of third world shitholes was totally worth it
You fucking faggot

>> No.12637443

It pains me to say it but America is the best country our earth currently has to offer, objectively. Overall quality of life here can’t be beat. I wish it weren’t that way, but it is. We’re cucked by corporations and our president is a reality TV Star and yet the average life here is objectively superior to anywhere on earth, at least at the moment

>> No.12637451

>seeing Americans say shit like "we shouldn't interfere with X country :(" makes me rage.

be about then fuckhead, go die in the desert for israel.

>> No.12637452

Closest you can get is being wealthy in a Western European country. Being wealthy in France is objectively superior to being middle class American, but then again being upper class American trumps everything else.

>> No.12637459

>in the time the transaction was confirmed, the $194 million fiat became worth $190 million fiat

>> No.12637462
File: 422 KB, 960x539, 320B7EE0-5157-4EAF-A880-D9B1A3DFF067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Overall quality of life can't be beat
So getting shot to death by a cop on a power trip, having your child murdered in a school shooting, being unable to walk through significant areas of your cities day or night due to fear of getting blacked (and not in the good way), plus ridiculously expensive healthcare and an overly litigious society, which purports to have freedom of speech but in reality only in public if you adhere to the majority opinion is a GOOD THING?? Try visiting Denmark

>> No.12637469

No, I’m American, my heritage is mostly scots Irish. Though there could be some Jewish somewhere because the family members I have that aren’t drunks are really good with finances

>> No.12637475

deluded. This is what decades of massive media brainwashing has led you to believe. The US is not even in the top 20 countries to live

>> No.12637478
File: 72 KB, 706x655, yui4590834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We made you and we will remake venezuela. Don't talk back to your betters faggot.

>> No.12637493

You have never coup'd any government nor "made" us in any way, if anything you did the opposite by stealing Panama off us, you history challenged cunt

>> No.12637495

No, it is good for many things, but most burgers here on the chans and irl don't realize how fucked their demographics are.

>> No.12637508

america is in rapid decline. i wold never have thought it possible you could be in such a perilous situation at the start of the decade, but here we are.
my impression of the US as a young european kid was that it was all like the east coast middle class towns. i know realize it's imporssible to reconcile a nation that comprises such different groups of people and places like say new mexico vs maine, oregon vs lousiiana. it's bizarre.

>> No.12637529

>Venezuela’s Maduro proposes early parliamentary election, declaring there’s ‘no dictatorship’


>> No.12637541

The fake congress (the constituent assembly) has refused to participate in the new elections and are currently waiting for daddy america to bail them out.

>> No.12637543

Good try slavshit commie but no your putin faggot is not getting that oil so go suck some dick in kazashtan or something

>> No.12637568

he’s russian red commiefag
>yfw there’s literally russian commie faggot kics here that paid 60 rubles a day to shitpost on 4chan about “evil imperialistic west” and “broken capitalism”

>> No.12637579

It's possible and in fact quite easy. You cant do it when they all get filled with demanding brown people.

>> No.12637591

I'm colombian, not russian you dumbo and I stand with my venezuelan brothers. iwant them to return home as there are about 2 million refugees in my country that I want to see back in their homeland. Very few of them support Maduro

>> No.12637599
File: 41 KB, 577x510, PDVSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PDVSA, buy venezuela long dated pdvsa bonds.
and other venezuelan bonds that will likely be resuscitated,
The fact that youre asking this question means youre a noob, whenever there is regime change or poltiical shakeup ALWAYS look at the bonds

>> No.12637601

How the fuck has the media done anything to make people believe the US is the best country to live? That’s goes against almost every bit of media I’ve consumed in my life. It glorifies every country but the US. You find a peice if mildly popular media about a different country and it will make it look more cool or interesting than the US in some way. Any media about the US will either be about how it’s bad, another country is better, or how something good in the US was taken from another country. For example. The Simpsons, the most popular animated show of all time, is a show where the premise is to make fun of the US. The character presented as the most reasonable (Lisa) actively rejects the culture around her. Not only does the media not “brainwash” people to like the US, the media actively HATES the US.

>> No.12637614

>brainwashed by leftist media and propaganda

>> No.12637618
File: 61 KB, 1100x619, saving private ryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hollywood puts out blatant pro-America propaganda on a regular basis. You just get too triggered by the interracial couples to notice. Pic very much related.

>> No.12637622

You don't stand for anything except whatever the US tells you to. Your posturing is pathetic.

>> No.12637635

you have to seperate military "we need more grunts to fight foreign wars" propaganda and leftist "we need more cheap labor: america is evil and racist and we need more immigrants" propaganda.

America isnt a country its market

>> No.12637649

you are dumb, we initiated this way before the US stepped in. Don't think your new media even talks about that though