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12636101 No.12636101 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the stupid barista at Starbucks or the dumb cashier girl at McDonald's have more sexual fitness than I do despite the fact that I'm educated and have a high paying career and can actually take care of myself without gibs?

>> No.12636131

>waitress picks up the cup and the money
>busser has to clean that shit up

>> No.12636173

It's biology you dumb faggot. My loser friend jas nothing going for her but still gets Tinder dates with guys all the time and they always pay for it- just because she has a nice rack.

>> No.12636182

Men are the ones who usually hit on girls so they have an infinite market

>> No.12636194

Sperm is plentiful, eggs are not. The name of the game is picking the best sperm because she will be stuck with it for a long time. Your degrees mean nothing in the jungle. You need a Chad skull instead

>> No.12636202

So you're saying women haven't evolved into modern times? We aren't in the jungle dipshit, and most girls can't even handle camping without bringing along beauty accessories

>> No.12636207

Because women are typically attractive just for being young.
You need to be attractive by being youngish, fit, wealthy, and fun.
git gud cuckboi and check your privilege.

>> No.12636214

The current system seems to be working for them, why would they change it?

>> No.12636230

beautiful young women deserve chad and incels deserve nothing

women are the future

>> No.12636451 [DELETED] 

1: Biology
2: You probably don't take good care of your body/looks
8+/10 roasties literally don't have to do anything to be really attractive (until they hit the wall). The vast majority of men aren't naturally physically attractive (as in 8+/10s). Men have to work for it. The good news is that it's pretty easy for men to improve their looks. A 4/10 man can literally become a 7-8/10 and stay there well into his 40s by lifting, dressing well, getting a good haircut and eating healthy. A good career and a good personality helps a lot too.

If you're a 4/10 girl then your sexual market value is basicly gone after your mid 20s no matter what you do. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear, what your career is, how much you go to gym etc. You will NEVER be able to to compete with 7+/10 girls as a 4/10 girl.

>> No.12636491

This seems like an observation that a post-wall roastie would make.

>"wahhh i got a degree and a good career and goals and a bunch of other shit that men are not attracted to. why is my boss dating the 20 year old cashier at McDonalds?"

>> No.12636508 [DELETED] 

>>12636101 (OP)
1: Biology
2: You probably don't take good care of your body/looks
8+/10 roasties literally don't have to do anything to be really attractive (until they hit the wall). The vast majority of men aren't naturally physically attractive (as in 8+/10s). Men have to work for it. The good news is that it's pretty easy for men to improve their looks. A 4/10 man can literally become a 7-8/10 and stay there well into his 40s by lifting, dressing well, getting a good haircut and eating healthy. A good career and a good personality helps a lot too.

If you're a 4/10 girl then your sexual market value is basicly gone after your mid 20s no matter what you do. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear, what your career is, how much you go to gym etc. You will NEVER be able to to compete with 8+/10 girls as a 4/10 girl.

>> No.12636515

Lol not really, sure they may get to fuck chad in their youth but 50% of the female population can not LTR and breed with the top 5% of men.

The reality is most fail in securing a chad and end up bitter and childless and age 30 and have to settle for their equal which is now a cucked beta loser.

If you think this works out great for women then you are a retard. Women were much happier when they paired with their equal and had kids and were house wife’s, Jews are to blame for convincing them that their natural role was demeaning and told them to be career oriented and be promiscuous bitches that only settle for the best.

>> No.12636518

1: Biology
2: You probably don't take good care of your body/looks
8+/10 roasties literally don't have to do anything to be really attractive (until they hit the wall). The vast majority of men aren't naturally physically attractive (as in 8+/10s). Men have to work for it. The good news is that it's pretty easy for men to improve their looks. A 4/10 man can literally become a 7-8/10 and stay there well into his 40s by lifting, dressing well, getting a good haircut and eating healthy. A good career and a good personality helps a lot too.

If you're a 4/10 girl then your sexual market value is basicly gone after your mid 20s no matter what you do. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear, what your career is, how much you go to gym etc. You will NEVER be able to to compete with 8+/10 girls as a 4/10 girl.

>> No.12636544


if ur so successful be a sugar mommy

men want tendies, milkies, cummies.

>> No.12636573

Oh wait, you're a girl? I just assumed you were a man. If you're a girl then you need to realize that men aren't attracted to the same things that women are attracted to. Men don't care anywhere near as much about things like status, career and wealth as women do. Most highly succesful men wouldn't mind being in a long term relationship with a cute waitress with a good personality. For a lot of highly succesful women it would be a dealbreaker if a man has a minimum wage job (unless it's something like art, music, politics etc. = status). Men and and women are superficial in different ways.

>> No.12636614

>So you're saying women haven't evolved into modern times?
Neither women nor men have changed since caveman times. From an evolutionary standpoint, genetics don't change anywhere near that fast.

Anyway OP, men seriously don't give a fuck. All they care about is how hot you are. If you took half of the energy (and really, that's all it takes - most girls are just lazy faggots) that you put into your career and put it into: weightlifting, cardio, healthy diet and adaptogenic herbs, then all of your woes with men would be solved within one year.
Most girls won't do it though. They don't think about their future, and are too shallow to do research on herbs or what creates a healthy diet.

>> No.12636636
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>> No.12636980

Beautiful women are like soccer players they only have a short career.

>> No.12637003
File: 266 KB, 1053x1214, 1522896696251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why r womans more sexually desirable than nerdy 4chan visiting males

why. why

>> No.12637093


Hey OP. If you aren't morbidly obese I'll date you. I'm handsome, jacked, 9 inchs, and have just enough passive income to not need to work - but I assume you are ugly. I'm not into material things like cars or a mcmanson, so let's just say you pump my shitcoin profile a bit every month as my compensation. If we get 1000x, I'll even hand you enough profits to replace me with a few servant boys to pleasure you after that for the rest of your life. Capiche?

>> No.12637318

Why do you all think I'm a woman you retard

>> No.12637392

because you are. if not, post dick for proofs

>> No.12637409

imagine the smell

>> No.12637431

>stupid barista, dumb cashier girl
A roastie would say this
>sexual fitness
A roastie would say this. The whole OP sounds like a whinge that 20y/o hotties with literally nothing going for them in their lives except youth are getting dick and you're not

>> No.12637439

Lack of balls and the way you are bitching I guess

>> No.12637461


>> No.12638617
File: 171 KB, 1326x1207, tranny-meltdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you were born with a penis