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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1259040 No.1259040 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ what is the best long term strategy to be successful if you can't go outside due to anxiety? I have no degree and I'm unable to study online due to depression + trouble concentrating.

Is there anything worthwhile that I can be doing that will materialize Jew golds long-term? I have already tried programming and managed to land a high paying job about a ~year ago but I'm no longer employed and the amount of effort I had to put in to get that one job was incredible ... Took over 5 years+ worth of self-studying, research, etc, and in the end my "career" is still where it started in that I still have to compete with hundreds of other people just for scraps.

So I'm looking for something new to try do to make a reliable source of income where I don't have to compete with Pajeet. Obviously I don't care how long it takes to learn or accomplish. But I don't want to make the same mistakes that I made with programming. The problem with code is -- its a classic hobby of neckbeards everywhere and too many people can do it, meaning supply is off the charts. If there is something more specialized and boring that I could learn to make $ I am open to suggestions.


>> No.1259061


The solution is to cure the fucking disorder you have, cause that's what it is. Start by finding a way to see a therapist.

>> No.1259071

read up on "Investing with Principles of KNPD". will change your life.

>> No.1259072


Get an anti-social job so you can make money to invest while not really doing anything.

>> No.1259087

Get an easy job. Like anything behind a desk in open space.
Call center job, assistant, any shits. They pay much and will socialize you.

Starting business without money will not work.

>> No.1259217

Start by focusing on getting the mental help that you need. See a psychologist/therapist/psychiatrist and ask for help with your anxiety and depression.

I used to be in a similar situation with mild depression and some memory issues. I saw a doctor, he gave me some meds and now I'm able to function like a regular person. Now I'm back in school (final semester of mechanical and aerospace engineering major in the fall), have a job, and got a gf.

>source of income where I don't have to compete with Pajeet
If in the U.S. then Mech or Aero engineering degree and apply to work for a military contractor (Bell/Boeing/Lockheed/etc.). You are required to get approval from the Department of Defense and citizenship is a must.

>> No.1259337

I can't just wish my problems away by taking some drug or seeing a therapist. If it was that easy I would have done that already.

FYI: college and most jobs are too demanding for me so I just couldn't manage.

>> No.1259338

have u done that tho?

>> No.1259340


>> No.1259432

Just do internet marketing, senpai.

Pretty much best hikki profession.

>> No.1259447 [DELETED] 


1.) Establish care with therapist - drugs and regular counseling. You are saying your anxiety, (very likely) depression, and lack of attention are holding you back. If you no longer want to be welfare tier this is bar none what you must address to proceed. You are basically asking how you can become piano player with no arms, it's possible but only .001% will pull it off.

2.). Get a regular retail job. Literally any job. You need this to both socialize yourself so you can pass interviews and to exist among the normies on a daily basis. The money is a secondary bonus to the experience and employment history.

3.). You need to take care of yourself. You are likely in a meek state physically and this is affecting you mentally. Eating smarter and just surviving an 8 hour work day will help you.

4.). All of this will be a slow process. Real change takes time. As you feel less depressed/anxious and have more energy you will discover new interests and passions. This is where you develop skills and hobbies/side projects that allow you to appear as a well rounded and hirable person. Pajeet doesn't have an extensive open source portfolio and an interest in cooking. If you discover a passion afforded by your ability to leave the house, this is the point where you persue education or training and build a career.

This is life. You aren't special, everybody has to do it. Sorry. Want it, and make it happen.

>> No.1259449


1.) Establish care with therapist - drugs and regular counseling. You are saying your anxiety, (very likely) depression, and lack of attention are holding you back. If you no longer want to be welfare tier this is bar none what you must address to proceed. You are basically asking how you can become piano player with no arms, it's possible but only .001% will pull it off.

2.). Get a regular retail job. Literally any job. You need this to both socialize yourself so you can pass interviews and to exist among the normies on a daily basis. The money is a secondary bonus to the experience and employment history.

3.). You need to take care of yourself. You are likely in a meek state physically and this is affecting you mentally. Eating smarter and just surviving an 8 hour work day will help you.

4.). All of this will be a slow process. Real change takes time. As you feel less depressed/anxious and have more energy you will discover new interests and passions. This is where you develop skills and hobbies/side projects that allow you to appear as a well rounded and hirable person. Pajeet doesn't have an extensive open source portfolio and an interest in cooking. If you discover a passion afforded by your ability to leave the house, this is the point where you persue education or training and build a career.

This is life. You aren't special, everybody has to do it. Sorry. Want it, and make it happen.

>> No.1259463

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I didn't ask for advice on how to avoid grinding like everyone else. I explained that mentally I wasn't well and couldn't do these things, that I'd failed to do them repeatedly in the past and needed an alternative.

Solution: just keep trying bruh.

Doesn't really help. I already explained that I'm not well enough to do those things. Anyone who has long term depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc, would understand. It's not just something that you push through. I've already tried over a dozen different meds and talking about it doesn't help.

Are there any legitimate ways to make money online?

>> No.1259486

>can i do basically nothing and get somewhere?

no you cant, but you already knew that

>> No.1259493

learn to farm gold efficiently in online video games and sell it

>> No.1259501

Wait to completely misrepresent what I said.


I am out, you guys are retarded

>> No.1259508
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>> No.1259509

I gave you advice asshole

>> No.1259515

Hi guise. How do I go outside lol? Kthx.

>> No.1259522

There's no fucking secret code

>How do i make money - oh i can't leave my house and i have no skills and i cant concentrate on anything