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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12564243 No.12564243 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion /biz/, what qualities are essential to be a successful entrepreneur?

>> No.12564253

Luck - 10
Charisma - 6
Strength - 1
Endurance - 1
Stamina - 1
Agility - 1
Always max luck my dude

>> No.12564293

and how do i improve charisma?

>> No.12564403
File: 917 KB, 1173x730, sgsgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talk to urself

>> No.12564410

Stamina and endurance should be 6 as well. You need energy to do what needs to get done.

>> No.12564416

The ability to make money seems to separate business people from entrepreneurs.

>> No.12564419

Not having a gag reflex

>> No.12564440

Why this bitch has those tits so ashown to the mass? Does she want to make people horney abut herself? Do you thinks guys she swallovs? She's the kind of girl who enjois to see the pleasure of the man on her.

This is an object guys... women are really object to cum them on... they are ''trophey'' to get

>> No.12564488

how is that?

>> No.12564496

Holy pajeet what is wrong with you?

>show bob an vagene

>> No.12564526

Have determination, smarts, willing to listen to advice. Be set and reach your goals.

I met a billionaire one time, and asked for advice. At the time i thought it was dumb as fuck
He said to be famous and successful you have to be cool and smart
But now i actually understand.

>> No.12564544

>Holy pajeet what is wrong with you?
Have you seen that whore? Why does She show all that sexual material about her? Of all that sexual material (boobs) only CHads will enjoy, it's not fair

>> No.12564559

like anyone on 4channel would know

>> No.12564596

The term entrepreneur is a marketing term that implies quite a cool sounding lifestyle to people who have always been poor or a wagie, middle class kids see it as a bit gangster.
Its sold as having a bit of an edge, maybe even ruthlessness, youre an an aggressive go-getter and you dont give a fuck who gets in your way.
Being an entrepreneur is sector neutral, it implies theyre willing to take any angle to turn a profit at the normies expense, its an aspirational pursuit but the implied mindset/lifestyle is what the people pursue rather than purely money.

A businessman cares more about making money than proving himself to others with an inauthentic lifestyle, you can style yourself as an entrepreneur with a straight face and never make a fucking cent.

>> No.12564603

Wrong in every aspect. Luck plays ZERO part in building a successful company from scratch.

>Luck - 0
>Charisma - 3
>Strength - 5
>Endurance - 10
>Stamina - 10
>Ambition - 10

If you’ve done it yourself, by all means let me know. If not then you obviously don’t know what it takes.

>> No.12564619


There is no such thing as luck, only vibrations.

Redpill you arent ready to hear

>> No.12564651

lmao what a retard
its all about luck.

>> No.12564665
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>> No.12564683

t. Fresh out of high school

There’s thousands upon thousands of ambitious people who work tirelessly to achieve greatness. Without luck your hard work and ambition will die unnoticed just like the thousands before you.

>> No.12564684

So explain how dumbfuck.

>> No.12564693

Wrong, those who work harder, smarter, and know people always come out on top. Which of those aspects is luck again?

>> No.12564797

if you're going to be a one-man shop, as in cover the frontend, backend, everything by yourself, you need to be very social as well as intelligent

people who are high IQ but autistic socially will struggle in business if they try to do it all themselves. I'd actually argue that being social/charismatic is more important than actually being above average intelligence. I know some really average (maybe even stupid) types of people but who are really good at striking up a conversation and making people feel comfortable, and they end up doing really well in business.

Whereas I also know some extremely intelligent people who have attempted business, but they were too shitty socially to network properly and it caused them to fail.

>> No.12564842


If anything you should add to your list

>Intelligence - 0

Because you are pretty much dumb as fuck and that's why you don't see luck

>> No.12564870

>multiple posts in thread saying luck
>not one of them can explain why or how

Biztards always pulling shut out their ass to sound smart. Lul.

>> No.12564939

High IQ non-Link holder

>> No.12564966

Sociopathy, loose morals, and Daddy's money.

>> No.12564984

I've built 2 companies from scratch, I've also failed around 100 projects in the last 11 years, and I also know hundreds of successful businessmen.

I can tell you for a fact that luck is EVERYTHING.

Out of the 100 projects I started, only 2 succeeded, and they're not the most recent 2. Those that succeeded were pure luck.

And as for the people I know who succeeded, they love to think it's because they're biz geniuses, but the truth is they just started some random biz in a random niche, the exact same way that 10000 others have done and failed, and just got lucky, and they wouldn't be able to replicate their success reliably. All of those I know are complete dumb fucks who just got lucky.

If you think there's no luck, you obviously never launched any biz, or you launched 1 and got incredibly lucky with success.

Though it is true if you just keep trying you're bound to get lucky eventually. But most people with successful biz just started 1 and got lucky. Very few are true entrepreneurs who just hustle hundred of projects until 1 works.

>> No.12564993

>Luck plays ZERO part in building a successful company from scratch.

The absolute state of this board.

You do realize that the fact your mom didn't abort you or that you didn't get run over by a truck at some point in your life is all because of your luck? Luck is the single most important thing in every facet of your existence. People like you who believe they're "masters of their own fate" are kinda cute.

>> No.12565221

Talk and be well liked by potential and business partners. People will do business with you if they like you, not everyone is about getting every last cent of profit they can. Be assertive, don't wait for a business deal to go through, make it go through.
Luck is what you tell people when they're not aggressive enough to be in the business world. Sorry about your luck.

>> No.12565232

It's literally ALL luck faggot

>> No.12565282

Kys goat-herder

>> No.12565304

Cope more faggot

>> No.12565334


True story: this girl moved to Chicago and started going to college there. I saw her on Tinder, and when I didn't match with her I ended up deleting my Tinder.

>> No.12565395


Wtf even is "luck" you bunch of chucklefucks? Everything in this universe is random, and chaotic... entropy. Basically anything can happen, and your chances can change infinitely everyday based on what decisions you make. Right now at this instant, you can think of a million different actions to take all with different results. Luck is the randomness of everything tangled together in space and time.

>> No.12565404

Perseverance (to convince clients they need to try your product)
Balls (to talk to “big” guys as equal)
Honesty/reliability (to build up reputation, so that when you’re in crisis, you can ask for help and only give “your word” in exchsnge. When you get out of crisis and fulfill your word, rep strengthens x10. Rinse and repeat)
Intuition (to pick up right niche, product)
STARTING CAPITAL lol. I had nothing asked my mother in law for a loan of 30k usd and built a 10 mill$ company in 4 years
A little bit of luck. I believe everyone has it.

>> No.12565511

Unironically watch this ginger manlet.

>> No.12565683


>Everything in this universe is random, and chaotic... entropy.

Lel you don't even know what entrophy is, the absolute state of the denial-luck brainlets

>> No.12565688

How about being born in Sudan or Algeria vs thw US? Thats luck

>> No.12565725

Just legally immigrate. The US provides tax free incentives for foreigners to start businesses. Change ownership to a new family member every couple years, have lots of kids, tax free business for your entire lineage.

>> No.12565773

Granted, but my point is that it is luck where you are born and the quality of early life development you receive. As an Australian i have had no challenge at all in life. Thats good luck. If i was from Rwanda...tge chances id even live long enough to be educated to be able to migrate would be far lower, nigh impossible

>> No.12565883


However, really smart people usually go on to become investor / quants / algorithms-trader like Taleb. Investor is the highest level in capitalistic society. So if you don’t have the charisma and connection and privilege to be an entrepreneur, you can still try your luck in becoming investor / trader / quant / quant risk manager etc.

>> No.12565940

>The universe is constantly evolving and expanding into higher ordered states.
>the universe entropies.

Wtf u smokin.

>> No.12566043

This is true. It's also why the corporate world is only being held up by fucking duct tape and government bailouts right now. Competence is at an all-time low demand, while corporate culture is staffed primarily by suck-ups, good ol' boys, and purple-haired HR staffers.

>> No.12566052

Survivorship bias.

>> No.12566243

Lol fuck off retard. You know literally nothing about success - you spend your spare time crying about shitcoins like link regularly and cluttering up the board with yet more link threads between your walmart night-fill shifts.

>> No.12566271

>when you're so fucking dumb that it takes dozens of people's minds exploding at the same time to make you realize you said something retarded.

>> No.12566376

Not necessarily. I'm too autistic to have online friends and I'm in total social isolation so I do every single aspect of the business myself (or automate it) and it's working. IQ over 150 will compensate for social autism. But I don't know what to spend the money on because I don't have a life.

>> No.12566765

>Out of the 100 projects I started, only 2 succeeded, and they're not the most recent 2. Those that succeeded were pure luck.
That's not luck. It's persistence. Luck would be trying once and striking it rich. Working through 98% failure to hit 2% win is, STATISTICALLY SPEAKING, the antithesis of luck.

>> No.12567339

Bump for interest

>> No.12567346

Also a huge thing is you got to be able to sell whatever you're trying to sell. If u can't sell u wont make money.

>> No.12567372

Is this the one that was making a scene about pictures being posted of her on 4chan? maybe that would not happen if she wasn't flashing her tits whenever she left the house, just a thought. those were the days. Whats her name?

>> No.12567875

looks interesting, thanks for sharing

>> No.12567891
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 637923BE-085C-41A1-9F74-B21C23393A9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starts business
>Gets gf
>Buys btc and it moons

I guess everything in life is luck then you dumb fuck. I’m just one lucky guy! No brains, effort, or calculated risks involved.

Every decision you make leads to a certain outcome, faggot. Just because that outcome is good does not mean it was >MUH LUCK

What a stupid fucking mindset to have LMAO.

>> No.12567901


Avoid vagina while maintaining high test.
