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12564020 No.12564020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

chainlink 24/7 info

Homapage: https://www.smartcontract.com/ , https://chain.link/

Chainlink news: https://chainlink.news/

Chainlink coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/chainlink/

Whitepaper: https://link.smartcontract.com/whitepaper

Sergeyn presentations:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh6hCl_LHQU (Sergey Nazarov @Devcon 2018)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYiEPFRHV9A (Sergeyn esitys Ocean Protocollan hostaamana)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wzfIS6YC-I (Sergey @ Web3 Foundation)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5TQzHIFV-A (Sergey @ San Francisco Blockchain Week)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn2D7QQRhSo (D1Conf, Sergey paneelikeskustelussa)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytv8U0bejPA (Sergey esittelee SmartContracts:in idean)

https://i.imgur.com/xKLXsLW.png (Smart contract google trend analysis)

https://dailyfintech.com/2018/07/28/investing-in-asset-backed-tokens/ (Which tokens have the real use in the block chain in the future, after the speculation phase)

https://nakamotoinstitute.org/the-god-protocols/ (Nick Szabo god protocol)

Pivotal Tracker (Allows you to see what the development team is working on this week and in the near future):

Node setup Videos:
Linkpoolin setup info:

Chainlink information package: https://pastebin.com/6xcsc2jR

Running list of announced Chainlink partnerships, acquisitions, and collaborations




>> No.12564029


Chainlink could supplant the LIBOR system entirely, making it impossible to manipulate, because there is no LIBOR to manipulate.

LIBOR is just a telephone poll of banks on how much they'd lend money to other banks for varying amounts of time. Just have every bank (Barclays, BofA, Citi, etc.) post their lending rates on an API. This means the data is also out in the public and transparent. False advertising if they post a rate that they can't commit to. LIBOR is opaque. Who knows what numbers each individual bank is giving LIBOR to create the average?

This way, everything is out in the open, and a smart contract could do the averaging on its own. LIBOR was created in the 1980s when data dissemination wasn't even close to the capabilities that we have now. It's a freaking telephone poll.

Post it all publicly on an API and have the oracles validate it. A smart contract could then poll a sampling of those rates and calculate "LIBOR" or whatever we want to call its replacement.

Huge implications for OTC derivatives and the bond market.

>> No.12564040

scammer faggot

>> No.12564048

LIBOR serves as a globally accepted key benchmark interest rate that indicates how much does it costs to the banks to borrow from each other. It is used as the necessary reference rate for transacting in the global markets worth more than $350 trillion and comprises of various financial products that include interest rate swaps, forward rate agreements, mortgages and commerical loans.

While LIBOR has been a long established global benchmark standard for interest rate, it has had its fair share of controversies including a major scandal of rate rigging. Prior to 2009, major banks allegedly colluded to manipulate the LIBOR rates. They took into account traders' requests and submitted artificially low LIBOR rates to keep them at their preferred levels. The intention behind the alleged malpractice was to bump up traders’ profits who were holding positions in LIBOR-based financial securities.

>> No.12564121


>> No.12564271

Why is it dumping then?

>> No.12564298

Fuck off with these scam shitcoin posts

>> No.12564562

If something is a sure thing. Why invest in anything else?

Don't miss the ride fellas. Chainlink is THE most important project in crypto. Without it, smartcontracts are useless.