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File: 183 KB, 1920x1080, jordan-peterson-e1545905422145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12560562 No.12560562 [Reply] [Original]

Become a wagecuck to stop suffering.

>> No.12560572

thank you lobsterman

>> No.12560581

Correction: Achieve something to stop suffering. If you're a player character and wagecucking isn't in the cards, then kick your shit into gear and start getting that bread.

>> No.12560600

dominance hierarchies and room cleanliness

>> No.12560612

I did a year ago. Now I will never be a wagecuck again.

>> No.12560613

Correction: suffering is inevitable. Find meaning to justify it.

>> No.12560619

How about a compromise, I clean my room and stay a NEET?

>> No.12561138

Potential employers don't want to do anything with after I tell them I want to work for fun.

>> No.12561167

How about a creampie, I clean my bum and stay a NEET

>> No.12561265

Wash your dick

>> No.12561405

To live is to suffer.
At least you can give some meaning to it and make it worthwhile.

>> No.12561500
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>> No.12561945

I have considered going back to work since being a NEET is starting to drive me crazy just a little bit. I mean, I already got about 25k sitting in various investments.

>> No.12561996

99% jobs are meaningless and only exist to stop people from becoming homeless. I'd say being a scientist or a teacher gives meaning but really, most jobs are really meanless and irrelevant.

>> No.12562017

wow I just did this. Now I'm looking for a job and this fuckin sucks

>> No.12562035

not all work is wagecucking, wagecucking is an acceleration of your death for little reward and the immediate death of your spirit.
work is something different and you may not even be paid well for fulfilling work, you need to face and overcome adversity in your life, that could take any form from building a successful business that employs lots of people, pushing your physical boundaries in a sport or going on a killing spree to take out your enemies.
neets who sit about all day posting wagie memes are no more empowered in their lives, they are just as dependent on a system that wants them to take as little stake in the world as possible.

neets have the potential to do almost anything but that potential is wasted, most neets have too much free time, which means theres an every expanding black hole of time to dump plans in to called the future.
>ive been meaning to watch that mozart biography for a while, ill do it tomorrow
>ill get a gf when i get in shape soon
>ill start lifting next week
>in a years time i will know another language, thats a long way away so i can start anytime

wagie is just as unmotivated, they blame their lack of accomplishments on the time handed over to shekelstein, they always have an excuse to do nothing when they are 'off', its their time to relax after all.

>> No.12562046

stop being an amateur sufferer and become a professional sufferer

>> No.12562067

Use the internet to educate yourself. Everything you'd ever want to learn can be taught online. You can get a full 4 years worth of college if what you majoring in is just information that doesn't need hands on training.

>> No.12562081

Genesis dubs of humour. Genuinely loled, thanks anon

>> No.12562140

That top video lol
Jordan Peterson is such a whiney cunt

>> No.12562143

What people tend to underestimate about Jordan Peterson are his actual university classes which he has made available online. Not just the lectures, but his notes on reading and such as well.

>> No.12562195
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>I'd say being ... a teacher gives meaning

As long as propagandizing the next generation and receiving stolen blood money is something that fills you with deep satisfaction.

>> No.12562242

I don't really like Peterson.

He is a traditionalist.

He wants to enforce monogamy (or so he said).

I don't want to enforce anything. And especially not by the state who cuck us young whites with immigration, femminism etc...

As men, we need to stop being complacent with women behavior. But we don't need the state, or anybody for that matter, to help us in that doing. Only ourselves.

In any case, the state is failing us and will never be useful again. No need to count on that.

>> No.12562309

That depends on your frame of reference or what you mean by "meaningful"
Anything that contents and provides for a family will probably make life meaningful for most to be honest.
sounds like you just need to adjust your moral compass anon

>> No.12562325


It was leftists blowing his words out of proportion like always desu

>> No.12562351
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>> No.12562375

>He's a traditionalist ...
Confirmed for watching 5 minutes of his videos. Bet you wouldn't be able to explain his positions on the things you mentioned.

>> No.12562377
File: 117 KB, 500x566, money-doesnt-bring-happiness-nothing-else-does-either-arthur-18995668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, Sam!

>> No.12562386
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, alan watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every single preaching from peterson, shapiro, harris, in fact those of literally fucking everyone as far as i can tell, is floored by alan watts' superior core philosophies. he's the dude with all the answers. i've heard all three of them (peterson, shapiro, harris) tip their hat to him then kind of shy away from the subject as to why they're not followers of his instead of purveyors of their inferior perspectives.

>> No.12562407

Watts was self-centered, like all Buddhism is. Peterson is more community oriented. Watts ended as an alcoholic, rationalizing it profusely. Peterson started his journey by stopping being one.

>> No.12562409

He negates that being a for-profit grifter, who preys on the likes of low status males.

>> No.12562410

alan watts is the man

>> No.12562417
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>> No.12562428

>self-centered, like all Buddhism is.
literally though, and that's quite the damn thing. and yeah why the hell not die an alcoholic once you deeply understand what he really meant? why the fuck not??
yeah seriously, fucking life-changing.
he influenced even carl jung, btw, a huge influence on peterson.
watts on careers:

>> No.12562444
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>> No.12562445

They're all sophists at the end of the day. If you listen to them all for a week and try to summarize what each of them is actually, concretely about, you probably wouldn't come up with anything except broad and relatively common sense advice.

They're basically just a more socially acceptable version of ASMR for the 18-35 year old male demographic.

>> No.12562448

>once you deeply understand what he really meant
Again, rationalization. At least Peterson looked onto issues like that in a total manner, with no remorse for anyone and no stone unturned. Not latching onto meme teachings of old.

>> No.12562464

peterson would call this 'logos', order from chaos. it's a hell of a lot more than common sense. i've considered making watts cellphone cases and t-shirts for when the masses wake up to his lectures. there was a huge spike in interest a few years ago when his work was featured in some hollywood movie, and he'll be popularised again. can't wait.

>> No.12562468

The point of Peterson is justifying those common sense advice in a manner that's practical and relevant.

>> No.12562536

I hope you screencap your post and look back on it in ten years and realize how cringe this is. I was thinking about writing out all the reasons why, but I realize you're already in too deep to change your mind. It'll come to you with time.

Not really. I can do what Peterson does just with the objects around me. Look, here's a salt and pepper shaker on my table. Notice how they represent the light and the dark, and like salt and pepper, they're universal to all cultures. Salt is a necessary nutrient to the human body, like your requirement to enter the realm of order and do good deeds. And notice how the salt shaker is comprised of thousands of grains of salt - each a good deed, adding up to the sum total of the shaker itself. But you have to be careful not to put too much salt on your food - because now your desire for order has turned you into the tyrannical king, and you've made your food inedible. You need salt and pepper in balance to make your food taste best, and in the right amounts, just like you need order and chaos in the right amounts. Clean your room bucko! Read Solzhenitsyn! Don't forget to do my self-authoring program!

>> No.12562568

That's more of an parody than real critique, built out of jumbled words he uses.
Banalization of his message isn't the same as refutation.

>> No.12562604

Based tranny pwns lobster cuck.


>> No.12562605

Whatever you say my man. Just remember, ten years ago, everyone thought Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris were the irrefutable gods of logic. Now the pendulum has swung the other way and the internet wants meaning because it accidentally killed God during it's awkward teen years. Peterson is the flavor of the month intellectual trend. I think you'll look back on him in ten years in the same way you look back on Dawkins and wonder what you were thinking.

But you do you.

>> No.12562674

>Dawkins, Hitchens and Harris were the irrefutable gods of logic
Who the hell thought that. What kind of unthinking crowd are you associating with.
Point is that this chain of thinkers tend to build upon each other in a way that allows the current tendencies to surface in the intellectual world and counter the ideas of old. The ideas are never in a vacuum, or they are only for the classes that are separated in their neat little bubbles. Those need the ideas in a way they can understand, predigested into an ideology so they can shape the world as the masses demand using the power that they wielded since birth.

>> No.12562684

I suffered much more as a wage cuck.

>> No.12562701
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>> No.12562812
File: 112 KB, 500x557, the-schopenhauer-trolley-problem-according-to-arthur-schopenhauers-antinatalist-view-3686384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12562900

>be NEET
>want better standard of life and to go travelling at some point
>start wagecucking
>am wagecucking to get to a point where I can be a NEET again, but a wealthy-ish NEET

I feel like I'm going in circles, monthly costs make the goings slow, and I don't know how to invest in things properly.

>> No.12562925
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When in Rome, let them eat cake

>> No.12563069
File: 78 KB, 690x690, image1-8-e1514358819779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Mahayana Buddhism? The largest sect of Buddhism?

You know nothing about Buddhism.

>> No.12563092

> that reddit spacing
you fucks have holidays right now, haven't you?

>> No.12563096

Habeeb it

>> No.12563106

An ideology, therefore a meme

>> No.12563111

I've watched the majority of his videos.

He is whiny.

We, as men, shouldn't whine. But take, and act.

>> No.12563113

interesting response nice

>> No.12563150
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W-why are you trying to help me

Call me an incel, like the others, call me a cuck

>> No.12563158

Peterson more or less speaks common sense but he’s preaching to a generation of idiots who know next to nothing outside of their social media bubbles. You’ve got to give the people something they understand.

>> No.12563182

>The reason is not established.

Buddhist philosophy and logic is so far ahead of Western thinking that Wittgenstein debuted a basic Buddhist tenet with his Tractatus. Learn the Madhyamika school shithead. Learn the tetralemma.

>> No.12563291

he's trying to help himself by helping you

>> No.12563372


>> No.12563521
File: 52 KB, 499x499, 1389053049556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went on a surf trip with my mum and played a 2 hour JP podcast in the car. She liked him. His thoughts on the Big 5 personality traits are interesting as is the personality theory itself.

>> No.12563539
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>> No.12563635

Fuck off retard. I literally did all those things you used as examples and they made no difference whatsoever in my life. Hell, you don't even believe your own bullshit, otherwise you wouldn't be on 4chan.

>> No.12563671

fucking top kek, first time I actually laughed in an while

>> No.12563853

unfunny garbage and the second link is your own video, pajeet.