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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12559302 No.12559302 [Reply] [Original]

I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop wBTC dogs from advancing. We mow down wBTC dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wBTC dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wBTCoids, since wBTCoids are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wBTCoids were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see INFERNAL_TOAST (Tengri) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in AFRICA, my homeland. My 0xBTC brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

>but Anon... what if ETH doesn't succeed?


It's digital gold on Ethereum. The same tokenomics as Bitcoin, and the only reason it's dirt cheap is because the project is so open source and grass roots it doesn't have the money to get listed. /biz could single handedly own the entire supply of the next big thing.. if it chooses to. wBTC will be traded on exchanges soon. It's a centralized solution that will lead people directly to 0xBTC. You heard it here first.

>> No.12559843

its like buying bitcoin at 0.20$ but nobody wants to wait 5 years.

>> No.12559932


>> No.12559949

>/biz could single handedly own the entire supply of the next big thing.

This is exactly why it will never be a big thing, it wont ever be fairly distributed

>> No.12559992

Early holders will just dump their bags. If you held 50,000 0xBTC you will sell on the way up for sure.

>> No.12559993

How can you own the entire supply unless you 100 pct control the hashrate?

>> No.12560086

Ive been accumulating since it hit .20 cents.

>> No.12560125
File: 232 KB, 1350x527, zenbiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you wanna mine a coin that is still worth mining, mine Alloy. Most of its supply is available and it has a very small market cap.