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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12551410 No.12551410 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12551418

And... what is Chainlink Ops?

>> No.12551424

what do you think has been going on here for the past year?

>> No.12551445 [DELETED] 

Why aren't there threads about the parachain ChainLink is developing with Pokadot? Does no one understand what it means?

>> No.12551483


>> No.12551485

Tbh i don't . Please educate me

>> No.12551517

Fine, I'll save it for Discord.

>> No.12551533

lets hear it

>> No.12551573

Thomas: We're introducing breaking changes with swapping BoltDB out for SQLite and naming changes in the Solidity contracts. Any time you introduce breaking changes, it's good to introduce that in its own release to allow clients (node operators) the ability to prepare for the upgrade.

If you've already set up a node, using the new version will create a new SQLite database file locally, but it will not have any history or retain any previously-created jobs. If you're setting up a new node from scratch after we bump the release, you'll just follow the instructions like normal.

>> No.12551594

So cool. Keep it to Discord with the namefags then.

>> No.12551613


Secrets don’t make friends.

>> No.12551630

something about CL developing a parachain for polkadot

>> No.12551676

Hey numpty keep it for people who put in even the minimal effort to warosu

>> No.12551695

fuck off. I want to see what people think of it.

>> No.12551793

Sorry bubbulah, spoon's closed.

>> No.12551850

Polkadot is a protocol that makes it possible to do authenticated transactions between different blockchains. Now they're implementing chainlink. It could be used as a basic API oracle, but more widely as an offchain computation solution. This is expected of course, chainlink the standard. Usecases are spreading outside of blockchain already.

>> No.12551925

Kids, it's time we sit down and have a chat.
Speculation is exactly that. Read he definition of speculation.
Chainlink has HORRENDOUS investor relations.
Any partnership that's been "announced" was never from the horses mouth.
Any development has literally never been from anybody that works directly with chain link.
One of you moonbois hears something from someone holding heavy link bags and you all go off on a tangent.
The "oracle" problem is not solved by link.
Most crypto can use "oracles" and have systems to work with that shit.
The only REAL issue is who or what will be the ACCREDITED source.
Until we have a SOURCE that's accredited any coin saying they have the crypto oracle solution is a waste of
What's to say link says we're going to use google as the accredited source for info. Well turns out google has a heavy interest in link and hey could skew the information to benefit link. If that came to light link would suffer so hard. This example can work for any crypto.
There is a NEED for a decentralized oracle information supplier.
That means that the info that's supplied to link or whoever uses the oracle method needs to have several accredited sources that congregates the info into real information that isn't skewed.
So until the SOURCE of info can be trusted the oracle problem is not what everybody thinks it is.
Eth and trx already have the oracle solved.
Let's take for example the P3d dapps.
So they have peramiters/qualifications to receive payouts. The source of the info is open and clear for everyone to see, therefore it's a trusted source that is tangible and accountable per say.
The issue with that is the info that's shown to the public could be skewed for the benefit of whoever created the contract.

Does this make any sense to you dumb faggots?
I could become a trusted source if I had he credabilty. The fact that I may have thousands of lines of information dosent mean the information I have is credible.

>> No.12551977

finrekt would really appreciate it if you deleted did post.

>> No.12552031
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>deleted did post

>> No.12552048
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>been posting wearing pants memes thinking they're funny.
>just now realize what it means

>> No.12552109

What does it mean? brainlet here

>> No.12552133

finrekt is a spaz shiteater. He can eat a dick

>> No.12552142

Uhh shapeshift already does this.
Polka is literally nothing new.
Shapeshift has been doing it for years. And successfuly.
Congrats. You guys are literal

>> No.12552146


A parachain is useful for scaling when dealing with smart contracts. Ethereum is not entirely it will be able to figure out scaling anytime soon so Sergey pr9bably joined up with polkadot so that his system can scale even if ethereum can't.

>> No.12552159

Uhh at least stop shitting on the street while you respond to my post. Pretend you have some semblance of proper human behavior. Mmmkay?

>> No.12552176

Token holders aren't 'investors'. They don't have equity in the company.

>> No.12552198
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wuts ald deh fuhs aburt?

>> No.12552336

Deleted comment was
>Why aren't there threads about the parachain ChainLink is developing with Pokadot? Does no one understand what it means?

>> No.12552345

pls delet

>> No.12552354


>> No.12552376


>> No.12552403

if that were the case, op, the "collect and aggregate oracle answers to a service agreement request" task would surely be tagged "version-0.6", would it not?

>> No.12552404

because this news is 5 months old?

>> No.12552407

The oracle problem is the friction between information sources which change over time and blockchains which have to be fixed and unchanging. It's not about veracity.
Token holders are absolutely investors. Tokens represent equity in every practical way. Token holders disputing this have Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.12552434

I think we all already know fren, CL is partnered with polkadot nothing new, Is this the kind of "info" you discord name fags jerk it to every day? Jesus Christ...

>> No.12552445

fuck off craig, cunt whore

>> No.12552552

What is parachain?

>> No.12552573

So much autism falling for bait on here

>> No.12553018

I googled it, and it's kind of confusing

>> No.12553332

Why because your butthurt that what I say is true? Listen kid, I'm a Canuck white and my family has been here for 500 years. When did your family emigrate to burger land?

Literally chainlink isa LOAD of shit. It's actually a coin for retards. The only good thing that it has going for it is when you have nothing good to say don't say anything. Unlike Craig- to the fucker that said I was Craig.
The moment Craig can't actually provide proof of any of his claims, bsv will fail. Just like chainlink. False hope along with shittt as fuck investor relations will literally cause it to crash.
Even with this post highlighting links developments and they can't even come out and say software update or any shit? What a fucking clown.

>> No.12553377

Have all in your 500 year bloodline been as dumb as you or are you the special one in the family? Duh.

>> No.12553388

Eek, triple dubs are telling..

>> No.12553426

>until we centralize oracles there is no real Oracle solution
That's the opposite of true, rajesh

>> No.12553428

And again, you ain't gonna make it Anon.

>> No.12553439

I still dont know

>> No.12553629

Imagine unironically being this retarded

>> No.12554379

Fuck you all for deleting posts I don’t use Twitter telegram or discord cause I’m not a faggot. What has happened to this place fucking hell.

>> No.12554428

Kys leafnigger

>> No.12554473

Look at this paragraph denying his long history of street shitting and laugh at his failed attempt to cope with his complete lack of potty training.

>> No.12554524

>>12554379 is right
>deleting posts
>muh seakret club isn't secret enough
4channel was always shit.

>> No.12554535
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Welcome back, fren

>> No.12554542

>being invested in a scam that steals from satoshi

>> No.12554853
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>What is Polkadot?

>> No.12554913

Oh fugggg, he’s a gay???

>> No.12555267

Oh shit....

>> No.12556192

Shapeshift is dog shit. Good analogy

>> No.12556197
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>> No.12556199
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>> No.12556266
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>> No.12556287
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>> No.12556293
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