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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12532839 No.12532839 [Reply] [Original]

>Sanjey vision

Any more?

>> No.12532893

Baby XRP.

>> No.12532898

Literally no.
Also, you forgot XMR

>> No.12532926

Monero will get it's value destroyed by governments as soon as its usage will increase.
>can't ban crypto, hurr
can destroy it's value with ease. More so if the thing is used to facilitate kidnappings.

>> No.12532987

Back to /pol/, retard.

>> No.12533001

>can't refute
Enjoy your coin that is definitely not a store of value.

>> No.12533032

Amb and Sky, if we're actually mentioning projects that aren't utter dogshit.

>> No.12533036

link and holo are probably the only truly biz approved coins as of now

nkn has both shills and haters, though if it starts moving properly price wise i'd imagine biz will jump on it hard

iexec just no

>> No.12533040

Last three are actual scams.

>> No.12533052

this is /biz/ anon
fuck XMR
go all in on VET, REQ, and XVG
the dream team

>> No.12533072


>> No.12533076

>more shit
>most shit


>> No.12533143


>> No.12533205


Holo isn’t even really biz approved. All the bitter pol-tards constantly FUD it here. LINK is the only true biz coin and we are literally the only reason it’s valued at more than $0.20 now.

>> No.12533222


>> No.12533223


>> No.12533248

But anon, the projects you are mentioning ARE utter dogshit. Perhaps you mean that those are the premiere scamcoins of BIZ?

>> No.12533267
File: 377 KB, 992x414, E97CD738-DD1E-42B2-9AA4-B4EFAEED6DF9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the X-Cash Family

>> No.12533284

Waltongang Waltongang Waltongang
Thank u for doing the best work

>> No.12533523

my man, these are the only moonshots I'm in, other than BTC. We'll see if we're right in a year or two.

>> No.12533543

You’re not. Maybe grab some FLO while you’re at it you fucking idiot.

>> No.12533555

literal shit tier scams, fucking holy shit my dude, I hope you're just another one of their paid shills and not one of their bagholders.

>> No.12533580

Biz approved
Literally the only coins that are discussed on this board.

>> No.12533589
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fucking shills trying to attach their shitcoins to our darlings.
BSV/LINK... that's it.

>> No.12533704
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Upfiring got shitted on because pajeets tried to discord shill it,but they got banned long ago. And the (white) developers just released the dApp and it's pretty fuckin good.

If seeding movie and porn torrents for ERC20 tokens isn't BIZ approved, I don't know what is

>> No.12533718



>> No.12533737


>> No.12533765

Hardware projects. Yikes.

In your experience is it easier to have large scale uptake of hardware or software?

>> No.12533800

Ask your discord. You faggots have ruined this board kys

>> No.12533922
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back to the oven, kike

>> No.12533941
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I'm a /pol/tard and I fud Holo ironically.

>> No.12533977


One day when my millions of TRTL makes me a king my brainlet will grow three sizes.

>> No.12534069

Good answer. Just la la la and ignore the fact the entire tech sector are bolting toward virtualization and hardware abstraction

>> No.12534078




>> No.12534110

God damn I want to stuff my face in the First Milkies

>> No.12534224

0xBitcoin. If this fucking board would stop being 16 year olds with mommy's money, they could see 0xBitcoin helps Ethereum. Just wait when ETH is Proof of Stake, what other token can interact with the other tokens? None, but 0xBitcoin.

>> No.12534320
File: 74 KB, 974x623, Screen Shot 2019-01-23 at 8.09.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this some kind of /biz/ meta meme? i've never understood this one

>> No.12534346

it's pajeets. it's 'mineable' (althought mining doesn't actually secure the network), so the faggots that got in early have millions of coins they are looking to dump. but lack the liquidity to do so.

might actually be worth something if ETH wins the crypto wars and all other networks outside of Eth cease to exist, but I doubt that will happen

>> No.12534352

Pretty much. It’s a play on slapping 0x or SV or Cash onto everything. See, e.g., 0xETH Cash.

>> No.12534403

MKR. DAI. ETH obviously.

>> No.12534419

Stinky pajeet, shoo shoo. 0xBagholders need to fuck off back to the street they poo in.

>> No.12534465



>inb4 worthless

One day it will hit a penny again and get me a good return!

>> No.12534486

No it isn't. It's the first mineable erc20 token. It doesn't need to mine to secure the network by being built on Ethereum. ETH is not meant to be used as currency. It is meant to secure its own network. This will happen when Ethereum 2.0 comes out and proof of stake is how ETH gets minted. It'll be a year or so until then.
0xBTC had no pre-mine, no ICO, and was released in a bear market. Of course it's not immune to being pumped then dumped. Every new coin goes through that. Read the whitepaper and think about it. Ethereum now has a true pure mined currency that works with erc20 tokens unlike ETH itself. If mining stopped, 0xBTC can still stay alive.

Lava Wallet, a relayer contract, is being made by the person who deployed the contract Infernal_Toast. It's where you can send tokens to someone and you don't need ETH to pay for gas. Someone else pays for the gas fee and you give them erc20 tokens in exchange for kindly doing that.
Unlike /biz/ who constantly shills shitcoins, this one may have extra life. Only when Ethereum upgrades it will show its true colors.

Every coin looks like that chart. Doesn't mean that they're dead forever. Next bull run if it happens will make the shit of the market moon.

>> No.12534496

lmao i feel so bad for you

>> No.12534518

erc20 token made and shilled by a discord group, there's a minigame that simulates mining in the contract, not much of a meme as of yet another meme token that people try to get you to buy

>> No.12534556

I feel bad for anyone that can't see what's right in front of them. Buy BTC, ETH, LTC. All those top coins. But also buy ones like this that will show its utility in a couple of years.

>> No.12534602
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Best distribution ever for a coin. How does it feel to know you bought a bunch of tokens that the founder's kept 50% of the supply for "development"? Then you keep getting dumped. One miner mined a lot of 0xBTC in the first few days it launched. Then they dumped. It's still not as much coins as Satoshi pre-mined for himself.

The gray in the pie graph is Mercatox exchange or other wallets that have less than what the first 1000 have.

>> No.12534605

it has no utility you retard, it's just a minigame that emulates mining. fuck off

>> No.12534612

You need go back to Tumblr. You're not even Reddit worthy.

>> No.12534619

go back to india. they seriously need to quarantine you shitskins on your own intranet or something. christ i hate you fucking losers so much. jesus christ get a real job. poo in loo faggot

>> No.12534654

Make this nice and easy for you.

>What is 0xBitcoin?

>What is Lava Wallet?

Vitalik mentioned a similar layer like Lava Wallet. Well it was in the works and is soon to be released. Actual developers working to make a crypto instead of trying to get rich.

>> No.12534676

Stop with this India pajeet poo poo shit. Here's Infernal_Toast talking about it. What do you know, he's a white guy.


>> No.12534688

>incel living in his mom's basement shilling desperately for lunch money
anyway the legion are pejeet which is the problem

>> No.12534696
File: 35 KB, 450x300, 1D8CD0EA-4DF6-410C-B5A8-DC0D2AB1AF1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>portfolio of the future

>> No.12534790
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This fucking idiot didn't buy FLO?

>> No.12534806


>> No.12534978


>> No.12535889
File: 552 KB, 2896x2896, 1533294582267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 BSV
>1 BTC
>15k LINK

All you need.

>> No.12536098
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The chart only looks like shit because the price has mostly tracked ETH, which is by far the largest trading pair. If you look at it in ETH, it's pretty much just range bound so far except for June

>> No.12537262

it's so sad to see rippleniggers
they're about the get bitconnected

>> No.12537268
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>> No.12537930

actually believing the biz fud..

>> No.12537936

>just no
thanks just bought 100k RLC

>> No.12538032

>no utility
>store of value
>invention of initial mining offering
>0xbitchain will be able to use mining to eventually power side-chain processing for ETH
>lava wallet will allow people to move erc20 tokens without having to hold ETH
>interacts with smart contracts unlike ETH itself

>> No.12538140

>only coin that scares governments
>not a big deal
This is the kind of thinking that gets you a 10x while you miss the 10,000x.

>> No.12538231

Time to invest in CP. The government hates CP.

>> No.12538570

>BIZ approved