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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 136 KB, 440x1037, F1267B39-42FB-4B10-A8BD-A2FB174BFA6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12531185 No.12531185[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They've invaded /biz/ & brought their disgusting faggot humor with them.

What do we do, anons?

>> No.12531193

narwhal bacons XD

>> No.12531195

we do nothing. when the singularity comes they will be purged

>> No.12531224
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>> No.12531244

Wow haha you’re a terrorist aren’t you Pepe

/s, I know you were joking. Anyways, reddit is superior to this Somalian goat farming forum.

>> No.12531251
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>> No.12531252

leddit fags are worse than jews

>> No.12531260
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theyre like parasites

>> No.12531261
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The same thing we always do. Post gore, scat, racism etc.

>> No.12531316
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you can actually spot them a mile off..

>muh nametag
>muh repetitive weak humor
>muh progressive posting

Never on biz have i seen so many posts with race related topics popping up. its sad and pathetic.

>> No.12531323

based and redpilled

>> No.12531325

Where is the based gore purge poster when you need him?

>> No.12531326

This is 4channel now though. Maybe they came here because they know the old 4chan filter is not allowed anymore l.

>> No.12531340

enjoy your ban edgy faggot

>> No.12531348

Islam is a man's alt-right.
HOLOcaust soon.
We need a redboard?

>> No.12531370

Watching paint dry.
Banned by jannies

>> No.12531387

can we stop pretending like we all don't browse reffit? I left 4chan in 2015 because ti became repetitive. everything here is bait and it's full of newfags. literally all the oldfags went to plebbit because it's so much easier to get a reaction out of people. If you ge ta top comment on a front page thread you can get 1000's of (yous).

>> No.12531392

Browsing it is one thing, but don't bring it back with you.

>> No.12531406

Plebbit is amazing for sports streams. Literally the only reason I use it is to get that free 1080p experience.

>> No.12531408

can someone turn this into a LINK gif?

>> No.12531422


Nigger I haven't visited deaddit in over 3 years that cancer AIDS ridden shithole is dead to me. Hopefully some /biz/reali maybe me someday has enough bitcoin to buy up deaddit and public ally fire every SJW faggot that works there.

SJW's are gonna be so salty when right winger become rich off crypto

>> No.12531428

YOU are reddit

fuck off you parasite

>> No.12531443

I haven't been to reddit in 3 years. the only time reddit was good was before the old owner killed himself and it was bought out by some Jew publication company. back then it had free speech. reddit fucking sucks now. stay over there.

>> No.12531482
File: 5 KB, 250x174, cringe pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a disgusting sequence of posts in a row. This factually proves 4chan (/biz/ at the very least) has been completely degraded in quality and userbase. /biz/ is easily one of the most Plebbit influenced boards on this website, in my opinion mostly because of the influx of pajeets, Yuros and chinks. Foreigners fucking love the type of horrendous, brainlet cretinous humor found on websites like Plebbit.

I literally saw someone post the other day: "Not all heros wear capes". It was an unironic post. The post was there for at least 30 minutes without anybody quoting them and telling them to get the fuck back to Plebbit. I was actually sickened seeing that.

>> No.12531504

It's not even comparable for game threads either. I watch college football. I can go to /sp/ with a bunch of retard spergs who spam dumb memes all day, or I can go to /r/cfb game threads and have intelligent discussions with team flairs and shit-talking, just no spamming 'nigger' over and over. Almost everyone with a brain has left /sp/ for this reaason.

why? I understand there's a lot of faggotry, but you ARE plebbit. I've been on 4chan for over a fucking decade now. Plebbit is focused discussion, as long as you're not in /r/politics or some gay shit like that it's a great site. Or really anything where sentiment can be manipulated by shills and upvote bots, but that's half of the fun of the site.

You browsed there first as well. Sorry, you're a newfag redditor. Go the fuck back. All you election fags are a huge reason this site went to shit.

>> No.12531519

>Having a reddit account

anon i....

>> No.12531537

I once drugged and raped a girl who preferred reddit over 4chan. she has gone missing for 3 years. but unironically I keep her locked up in my basement.

>> No.12531544

Fuck game threads and sports subreddits. All of them are full of idiots spouting repetitive memes and shitty takes. That’s why I don’t even have an account on plebbit, I watch my free sports streams and that’s all.

>> No.12531553

Ive been on 4chan since 2008

>> No.12531565

Reported for faggotry

>> No.12531575

Also shitty memes and general idiocy is why I left /sp/. The only time that board was funny recently was when some guy pulled up a bunch of Brazilian junior league rosters with 30 year olds pretending to be 8.

>> No.12531601
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>> No.12531606

>reddit spacing
kys faggot

>> No.12531622

Yikes! We can do better guys.

>> No.12531626

reddit fags are absolutely pathetic, their bags are so heavy and they're so desperate that they are willing to leave they're safe space and shit up /biz/.

>> No.12531641

Not all heroes wear capes.

>> No.12531645

No one told them to fuck off as they were Redditors too... It's worse than we thought. When they rearrange words are the cringiest.
"My friends dog ate my homework."
"My dogs friend ate my homework."
"My dog did my homework for my friend."
"My friend ate my dog."
Vote system & no anons kills any pros of Reddit. You know this.

>> No.12531661

fuck you faggots echoing this word

>> No.12531676

>a bunch of retard spergs who spam dumb memes all day
This is the best part of /sp/, kys

>> No.12531722

That is fucking awful

>> No.12531732

Do you guys think he actually died?

>> No.12531737

Shill them link bags

>> No.12531768

non anon they like to watch soccer and shit like that and I don't even like seeing those threads

>> No.12531789

how many hot to make it?