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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12529190 No.12529190 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/

Ive launched 2 sole proprietorships. I was told to keep them seperate in case one goes tits up.

Does anyone know if i should keep two seperate accounts for these or just one account and keep track on my ledgers?

Ive only established 1 checking account seperate from my personal at a different bank to show the buisness entity and its profits and draws.

>> No.12529309


Definitely separate accounts, absolutely no question. If you're doing this to for anything related to personal safety and plausible deniability then keeping things separate is a must.

>> No.12529320

If you dont own any assets and have no insurance you wont be sued.

>> No.12529377

My only assets are my doges, but they are work equipment. So i write off all their med bills food etc. But would that count them as assets?

Good to go, thanks anon. Ill do that today. I train dogs and fix guns that people fuck up. 80 lowers, cerakote and adding parts.

>> No.12529443
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I never realized how much work actually goes into self promotion and marketing. I just finished my instagram, youtube and Facebook pages. But now i gotta make 2 pages, 1 per buisness.

Whats a good buisness card? I like heavy metalish ones but dont know what that style is called.

>> No.12529595


You have no idea how I envy what you are able to do. Glad, I could be of help.

>> No.12529650


Basically, don't go for 'as colorful and loud as possible'. If you're op, then I guess you do not have a logo as s sole-prop and I believe this to be fine, because it would be presumptuous to go for one. Be respectable, don't try to make more out of it then it is at the given point, but aim for quality still. The best solution that comes to mind is

- very simple typographic, classical typeset, no bloat [this is the part where you go for reputation]
- then choose something fancy like letter press technique with some nice cardboard for the actual material [here you get the quality thing going]

examples: https://www.google.com/search?q=letterpress+business+cards&client=firefox-b-ab&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiiw4nkqITgAhURhaYKHf0fCZEQ_AUIDigB&biw=2347&bih=1299

>> No.12529689

Based family photo.

>> No.12529710

OP here.

I have one logo for my weapons, no logo for my canine company. Just calling it Good Doge. Simple, appealing and people know what a good doge is.

I got a shirt ordered just for professionalism. I walk around petsmart, petco and get clients like that. Old fashioned, but its more presentable to give a nice card than a phone number with an out of state area code.

This is all super helpful. It took me a whole, but i feel if you want to make it, capitalism can oay off.

>> No.12529730

yeah, call your accountant and just ask him. 5min phone call

>> No.12529740

Im tracking my miles for work, i know my dogs, car and both their exoenses are covered under buisness. Is there anything else im missing that the company entity can write off? I have reciepts, deposit history and a bunch of other shit.

Figure 2019 will be my training wheel year, if all goes good, or one takes off over the other ill make my LLC.

>> No.12529747


How is this helpful? He is in the process of building his business, don't you think he has better things to do then waste money on an accountant?

>> No.12529787

Yeah, i dont have an accountant. I just have 2 or so close family and friends that help.

My cousin is a social media wiz, she gets paid to promote social media pages, and she is handleing my shit once i get it set up. Other than that, its pretty much all me and my dogs. Which dont have thumbs so they are limited on the help they can give. No matter how hard they try.

>> No.12529832

Giving away personal info here is so bad please delete this post. Good luck with your business though.
How are 80% lowers now? I have seen them for years and by the time you bought the jigs you were better off just buying a 100%

>> No.12529840

Ask the owners of your local gun/sporting good stores if they’d let you advertise your business there.

>> No.12529858
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WTF? I want business cards now! Seriously there are some cool looking cards there.

>> No.12529889

get an accountant then dumbass

They're not like a lawyer with a retainer, and they'll all do the first consult for free. Jesus the state of this "business" forum.

Any accountant would be happy to meet some young entrepreneur for a quick introductory consult at their office and give you the basics. Then you can research how to perform the actions yourself if you're poor or pay the guy to do it if you can't figure it out. It's better to do things right if you're serious about your idea

>> No.12529970

I have a garage full of all the tools i need. I collected them through out my time in the Marines. No overhead there. And im not worried about giving out my buisness plan. Im the brand, and im the reason why people invest in my company. Anyone can do it, but no one can do it like me.

I did, they said no. I called every gun store and got all their prices, i under cut the fuck out of them. They dont like me but can't say shit about my quality of work.

I can do things right myself. In this phase right now, i dont think an accountant is critical. Wouldnt promoting my brand and markering to gain clients take priority? My books are balanced. Im well disciplined.

>> No.12530015

either this is a troll thread or you're trolling yourself OP

You: what should I do to protect myself with my 2x companies just in case there's issues
Me: ask a lawyer, its free
You: No, shouldn't I spend my time marketing instead of taking the 2 hours time to arrange and go to the appointment?
Me: you're obviously trolling or just that dumb. have a nice life

>> No.12530029


>> No.12530053

A sole proprietor is personally liable with all his private funds in case things go south (at least in our legal system). Therefore, it does not matter to separate finances. Try starting 2 seperate LLC’s and invulde personal holdings.

>> No.12530060

I was refering to the accountant. I already have a lawyer on rerainer for my buisnesses.

Im not retarded, but maybe you should read a little better or not talk shit. Idk, dont let me tell you how to live your life

>> No.12530100
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Well, thanks for the info and tips guys.

>> No.12530655
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It's called


and it is indeed nice. Not really cheap, but well worth the money. Dunno if it's widely available for business cards for you burgers, but it's a thing where I come from.