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File: 65 KB, 233x239, snap, yep, that's going into my cringe compilation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12488792 No.12488792 [Reply] [Original]

What's this kind of business model called and how do I make money off it?

>> No.12489670

Banking on people's insecurities

>> No.12489781

bitchers and moaners are suckers and marketers use this knowledge to their advantage. They write clickbait articles such as these to get people in, then they get them buying their penis pills or pick-up-artist program.

Note the clever marketing gimmick of requiring a subscription for both of these products (ie. PUA - more videos content for $x per month, and penis pills self explanatory).

I would say SEO if anything would be the marketing core of these industries. Either get freelancers to write articles on dating for you or cut and paste others from the internet.

Anon's who complain about women eat this shit up en masse.

>> No.12489804

>women reject men
What a cuck. Men reject women.

>> No.12489846

It's called knowing your audience, pick a specific audience and get a topic that'll best interest them, this target audience is probably incels.

>> No.12489977

If you think that this video is cringeworthy, you can't profit off of it. Most probably never had problems with women and doesn't know what kind of problems one can have with them, making you a shit teacher. Most probably a retarded narcissist as well.
>Typical polish course providers in a nutshell

>> No.12489995

Overassuming much.

>> No.12490011

Probably. This line of thinking is too common in polish males for me not to assume it. The combination of image and it's name as saved by op makes me safe in that assumption.

>> No.12490026

So Jordan is not that popular with your fellow Polacks?

>> No.12490035

Serious answer: organize female conversation training courses. Incels would learn how to have a regular conversation with a females that is both satisfactory with both parties participating. Real life feedback from females as the conversations happens + security so that the course-taker can't sperg-rage at the woman and so that the female would feel save giving feedback.

Would sign in personally.

>> No.12490042

I listened to Peterson extensively for quite a few months and I'm polish. No idea if other poles give a shit about him.

>> No.12490097

In principle you are right, but this way you are destined to get yourself a basic bitch. It will not be pleasant, but you may have kids and family.

>> No.12490119

You are probably right, but this would be the springing board to mastery with women. Like learning to read written text before delving into a specialized topic found only in books.
Some people just need to acclimate to females in general, given they have so little positive experience with them.

>> No.12490144

Understand how desperate, insecure, and pathetic incels are. This should be common sense

>> No.12490155

>This should be common sense
Typical projecting normalfag

>> No.12490182

It's called helping others and being rewarded for it, both financially and spiritually

Ja go lubię, jego wykłady pomogły mi poukładać wiele myśli

>> No.12490198

Screw the books, screw the informational videos and instruction videos and all the media.

Get out there and do it yourself.

Get mentors/informational advice AFTER you have established your own method in order to refine it, not before.

I wish someone told me that ages ago, I've bought heaps of books and programs (spent over $20k) over past 10 years and the best advice is to

"Stop consuming, just go out and do it"

The majority of people keep watching self-help video after self-help video, not applying any of the advice they are given. If this is you, don't read any more books or watch any more videos until you have
a) Started taking action on your goal
b) Have already got a reasonable amount of results on the goal

>> No.12490206


it's called 'neo nazi mansplaining', you can make money off it quite easily if you are a hetero white cis male.

>> No.12490255

Don't assume your experience is adequate for all. Some men don't know how to start with this despite looking into PUA shit for long. They aren't comfortable/are scared of harassing random-ass women on the street with their lack of social skills.
Those need a controlled environment.

>> No.12490276

Why are men so afraid of talking to women?

>> No.12490289

White knights those women can command

>> No.12490307

What are you even trying to say here?
Schizofrenik tabletka

>> No.12490327

I hate these fucking kind of posts.

>Image of literally who's opinion on social media!!! Aren't you mad?

>and I'll throw in a vague statement to make it board-related.

This kind of shitposting really took off on /tv/ and /pol/. Sad to see it here. Redditors are fucking braindead and have no idea on how to produce content.

>> No.12490334

You do realize self help books/life coaches are thing already, right?

Youtube is a just a new platform for people to express views on a problem which is very old.

>> No.12490335

How having a regular conversation will a female help an incel to fuck?
Besides the content of a conversation almost does not matter, most of the actual communication is not verbal in a game of attraction, it's really just small talk during which a man trie to make the girl laugh or covertly brag to impress her.

Also a woman has already made up her mind about possibly fucking you way before you even opened your mouth in any case, what comes after is just about confirming her intuition.

Final point: giving a shit about any feedback from a woman is the worst mistake you can make because what she says and what she subsconsciously wants are just miles apart, men trying to please women instead of themselves will always be miserable.

The best way to help incels is to tell them to stop giving a fuck about women and beginning to improve themselves and their own life to the point they don't need a roastie, women will automatically come along the way if you do that. But that's not what they want to hear because it's hard, initially tedious and it is peak delayed gratification.

>> No.12490368

>How having a regular conversation will a female help an incel to fuck?
You have to not sperg out while attempting to talk to a woman to get laid. Specific elements of conversation that makes one attractive is a different kind of thing that can be trained through multiple different established PUA courses.

>> No.12490378



>> No.12490388


only gigachads have that luxury

>> No.12490431

I would consider myself an "incel", I realize a lot of people put it down to things like appearance., but then don't try to work towards improving what they do have control over, in order to make themselves more desirable. It's something I'm currently working towards improving, I've actually gotten a job a Proprietary Trading firm.

Even if I do become a competent trader, which should build my confidence, there are still underlying psychological "issues" that sort of need to be ironed out. I completely realize that there's a possibility that I'm overthinking how to interact with women. But I also think it's quite naive to believe the world is the same place it was even 20 years ago. And that's certainly made things different in how men and women now interact with each other.

And perhaps you were able to overcome issues with women, yourself (and so you wonder why every other guy is just being a weak faggot), or maybe never had them, in the first place. And so, you'll struggle to empathize.

On a sidenote: Guys like Peterson speak to "incels" concerns, I suspect because he agrees that things are different, and then he provides reasons for that.

>> No.12490489
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lol you still high on hopium

>> No.12490519

>Fucking Chad provides no value for the woman
A Chad is high up the social hierarchy the female observes. By giving him sexual favors she gets his semi-protection. Still better than beta-improvecell protection (none).

>> No.12490590

>implying college sex isn't all rape and manipulation

should have taken the rapepill

>> No.12490609

Most people lack the self-awareness to know their own motivations and those who do are smart enough to keep shit hidden to protect themself from being manipulated.

If you go around asking how you should behave you will get people telling you what they want not what to do to get what you want.

>> No.12490617

desu they just want the cummies from good looking guys, you can't fault them for that. Biology dictates sexual desire for good genes, genes are something completely out of one's control. In the late capitalism where success is thought to be a choice, or a reflection on one's worthiness to live, and getting constantly inundated with images of success, the unlucky unsuccessful can't help but feel like massive turbo-losers who either develop a sense of entitled resentment or become truly blackpilled and realize this is all bullshit and pursue a hedonistic path, or take the bluepill path and believe in trying to make oneself more attractive to redeem oneself in the eyes of the culture that declares success is about attitude and personality instead of genetic and environmental circumstances.

can't get away with it if you are ugly, probably won't even be able to access situations where it is possible, due to being ugly and outcast. Not that I support rape, I just want to say even rape is monopolized by chads and normies.

>> No.12490633

Convincing autistic teenagers that there's some mystical secret for their failure with women (instead of telling them the truth; they're fucking unattractive in every metric and there's little they can do about ever gaining any female affection not bought with money by the night) and selling them cheat codes for women to be interested in them.

>> No.12490733

Not true.
I've inadvertently rejected countless women and they've become angry at my and I never could tell why

>> No.12491291

The issue being pointed out there is the usual "I'm so good, why didn't I get chosen?" There's probably more to that situation that that person is not revealing, or maybe there isn't, and he was just really unlucky.

But if he even had issues with things like approaching women, and sparking a conversation, then he'd off many girls' radar. I, myself, literally don't know how to hold conversations. even with friends (although they pretty much "get" me). That basic sort of thing can make all the difference.

Attractive people are going to have frequent sex, this isn't anything really new, although women were more looked down on for doing it, in the past. Rich guys can buy lots of sex, hot girls can get whenever they want. Both got lucky, one way or another.

I also wonder the sorts of girls he was targeting. College parties/tinder aren't all the sorts of girls the world has to offer.

I just see resentment as being a worthless thing to build up. It serves no purpose, other than maybe to encourage further self-improvement,

>> No.12491410

there are people who are so ugly that they are unfuckable. It is better to realize unfuckability than to jump through a bunch of hoops trying to become fuckable, when you can't. It is like telling a paraplegic that all they need to do is work out and then they could one day walk. no senpai, shit is fucked. If someone is unfuckable it is better for that person to realize that and to move on with their life. Life is more than trying to be fuckable, but I won't trivialize it, being unfuckable is a big burden and does alienate one from most people and the culture at large, but desperately pining to get into that culture when you can't is pathetic. Sometimes your genetics, environment and ultimately luck, hand you a shit platter.

>> No.12491433

Alright, if things really that fucking hopeless, is continually striving to be better really all that bad, just for the sake of it?

I'm not trying to be some inspiration-fag, and I'd be the last person to be viewed as having a lifestyle as such, but just think about it.

>> No.12491441


Just hire whores holy shit.

>> No.12491496

being good at conversation wont help you sleep with women if you dont already meet a base level of sexual attractiveness that said woman needs.

>> No.12491520

>Alright, if things really that fucking hopeless, is continually striving to be better really all that bad, just for the sake of it?

I would say it is not bad, but it is gay.
The other issue is self-deception and honesty. Realize the truth and you will have your income and assets protected from people who might seek to take them. Don't become a betabux.

>Just hire whores holy shit.
I completely support this. It is a much better and authentic honest experience, than jumping through a bunch of hoops in trying to replicate an experience that was never meant for you.

>> No.12491535

Corey Wayne has already nailed the psyche of women and dating and he offers all of his information for free. Only a pathetically desperate man would pay for that kind of information so not much money to be made.

>> No.12491710

>normies and alphas can not care about feelings and relationships, despite being able to get partners effortlessly, and just want to fuck; hire hookers

>autismo losers want to live in a love novel where a wonderful girl falls in love with them and they live in a cottage together, too retarded and unattractive to the opposite sex to ever be glanced at twice, never held a female's hand; refuses to hire a hooker because it's not genuine, Elliot Roger mode

Funny world.

>> No.12491717
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Why women reject men

>> No.12491723
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>> No.12491759


It's all about your aura and your presence. Even if a female finds you physically attractive, if you're emotionally dead and boring she's going to move to the more outgoing guy who makes her laugh and feel special. You won't really get this because 95% of American men have dead personalities.

>> No.12491762

polish women are done with polish men because they are beta broke cucks

t. expat

>> No.12491773

I'm not an incel, how mad are you that you will die alone and a virgin?

>> No.12491781

>autismo losers want to live in a love novel where a wonderful girl falls in love with them and they live in a cottage together,

What type of """"man"""" wants to live in a fucking romance novel. I swear beta males are mentally women. You are just women with cocks and that's why half of you become traps.

>> No.12491808

I can confirm this, I used to be slim and good looking. Since I gained a fair bit of weight and have a double chin I get way way way less looks now. I even that one thing fat chicks get all the time and thats a quick look then look away.

>> No.12491862

I like Jordan Peterson. He has some interesting (albeit not novel) thing to say and goes against the grain. The fact that he triggers leftists so much is also hilarious. Also he's making a good living giving basic advice to zoomers and ledditor man-children who can't even clean their own room because they never had a strong father figure. He might be scamming them with his self help bullshit but as far as I'm concerned everyone wins.

>> No.12492629


>> No.12492724
File: 98 KB, 629x812, 1508120019625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch some jordan peterson content
>generally agree with some of his stuff, like his ideas on what a relationship in a marriage should be

>stoner college dropout friend starts watching jordan peterson
>starts acting like he found this life changing messiah
>literally cant even talk to him anymore without him trying to awkwardly repeat JP talking

Honestly what is it about JP that attracts so many of these types of people.

>> No.12492817


This is exactly why I hate JP. I can't stand this con artist that peddles platitutes and basic self help advice that everyone should know already. He is just a regurgitator of others philosophy. The fact that his fanbase is full of pathetic losers that treat Jordan like a god just makes me hate him more, I hate how his fans think they have become truly enlightened by him and try to evangelize their shit message to others is annoying as fuck too. I literally watched these faggots metastasize all over /pol/ and into the other boards in real time. Anyone who likes Jordan is basically outing themselves as a beta.

>> No.12492837

Sheep’s can’t think for themselves.

>> No.12492840

I've heard a lot about this guy in passing but never really sat down to watch any of his stuff. Is it worth it?

>> No.12492845


>> No.12492858
File: 90 KB, 618x1066, 6C04B113-4767-4D18-8A3C-ACBB4644692D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then her daughter Mills daddy’s notoriety and gets 70k followers. Now she can push whatever product she wants and be set for life.

>> No.12492883
File: 77 KB, 380x349, boomer1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[B]ordan [B]eterson's daughter looks like THAT?!

How is this the first time I've seen this, what a babe

>> No.12492886

You are completely in denial of the modern condition

>> No.12492891


No he just dresses common sense up as something revolutionary to make retards worship him.


Kek. Smart I guess. Why take advantage of her fathers orbiters. Is this why that photo of Jordan in makeup exists?

>> No.12492912

I agree with you mostly, but the important thing is that he's made a lot of these existing ideas more accessible to the average normie. That's the secret to fame and wealth when it comes to these topics. Most normies would never bother even reading the wikipedia page on Nietzsche if it wasn't for him. By being the medium between normies and enlightenment he has created a huge following. I read his 12 rules book and it was actually quite good and well-written for the most part, though some of it was a lot of rambling.

>> No.12492930

whats so gay about finding something you enjoy and focus your time and resources on it so that
>holy shit you might actually enjoy spending your time doing things you enjoy

it doesn't take a moron to see that if the only reason why you acquire a hobby is to impress woman that you wont find joy in said hobby because your goals are completely different

or you can just sulk I suppose, that works too

>> No.12493307

You are the exact same person the post you are referring to is criticizing. Some people just find Peterson world-shattering in a positive way.
Speaks more about the currently dominating social constructs than anything.

>> No.12493316

>raw statement without backing

>> No.12493330

>so many people just spewing raw vitriol towards Peterson ITT
Jealous tards. Just accept that you are inferior to him.

>> No.12493359

>3 posts in a row
absolutely seething

>> No.12493362

improving yourself for the sake of improving yourself is gay if it means doing stuff you don't want to do in order to be seen as 'improved' in the eyes of others. That means you are acting to have the approval of others, this might be a good course of action for people who redeemable, but if your genetics and environment have fucked you up, and you act as if there are benefits to contorting yourself into something that it will never be, then that is gay

Improving yourself to make yourself happy is a delusion, it means you are not actually happy with yourself, you are not happy with yourself because of what society tells you you should be. Once again you are trying to be something, for the sake of others.

If for some reason passionately pursuing your interests improves you, then it is not gay. You are just doing you and you seem to like it.

>> No.12493369
File: 46 KB, 555x474, jordan peterson3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Peterson please stop posting. Also tell your fanboys to buy LINK please.

>> No.12493382
File: 90 KB, 645x729, braindead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being a degenerate is new and hip

>> No.12493387

How long did you look for that video?

>> No.12493405

Both kinds of improvement are the same process. The outcome of the process is secondary to the pursuit.

>> No.12493413

Peterson is like that "cool" youth pastor at your local church who listens to the same music you do and tries to relate scripture to youth problems but ends up sounding like your dad anyway. Only plebbitors unironically like him.

>> No.12493442
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> live like an animal with no inhibitions otherwise yo're a church going faggot.

>> No.12493821

one is improving to the standards of others because you are told to, you are being controlled.

The other is being yourself and society telling you you have improved, you are being free and your actions were by your own free will.

>> No.12493833

Nice strawman. So mad. Daddy Peterson would be disappointed.

>> No.12493845

>You won't really get this because 95% of American men have dead personalities.


This is true tho

>> No.12493865

Daddy issues but for men.

>> No.12493930

You just repeated what you said earlier.

>> No.12493938

Given the 1-in-20 men reproduced statistic, this was universally true across human history.

>> No.12494420

Its weird talking to randoms on the street out of nowhere. Communities used to give a shit about birthrates and coupling people together. They would host events like dances regularly where men and women were forced to interact.

>> No.12494705
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>> No.12494921

notice how this cuck did not work on his social skills, good haircut and fit body won't do shit if you're acting like sperg
also if anything woman wants their guy to have money, not good grades and 4 languages

>> No.12494937

Yeah, that topknot is smokin'.

>> No.12494952


>> No.12495058

It's called the incel movement.

You can make money off these retards by running ads on 4chan