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12485881 No.12485881 [Reply] [Original]

How do you people not get depressed? Literally everything is shit. Other people are shit, work is shit, school is shit, all the entertainment people consume is complete shit, the government is shit, there’s no fun hobbies anymore, everything is complete and utter shit. I’m a piece of shit and I feel exhausted nonstop.

How do people actually look forward to things? Is this why they have kids? Because they’re the only things that give purpose of meaning to life? Or are kids shit too? Not that I’ll personally ever have kids because I’m a virgin loser but that doesn’t matter.

>> No.12485906

fuckin programming dude.

become a programmer and get into crypto currency.

i work from home most days as a salaried job, come in whenever and then i fuckin hobby crypto all day

bein a programmer is the shit

oh and i get paid fucken the best too

>> No.12485911

i feel ya anon
dont give up, better times are coming

>> No.12485923

The same thing that causes people to invest in chainlink

Herd mentality, low iq, no self awareness and lack of a dynamic spirit

>> No.12485926

i literally check out "haven't" on everything on that list....

>> No.12485959

I’m not smart enough to be a programmer

Better times were supposed to come in high school, never did. Better times were supposed to come in college, never did, and I’m graduating in three months. They’re not coming, life is just one big scam pile of shit.

Same here


>> No.12485973

I was going through a patch like that for a while, and what changed it for me is I started saying fuck everything and every one around me and I started focusing on myself more. I started a workout routine, and set realistic goals short, mid, and long term, I also started eating a bit better. This has helped tremendously, and I for the first in a long time actually feel better and a bit optimistic even.

>> No.12485983

Being depressed is almost always a waste of time, therefore resources.
Incurable depressive people should be given the right to kill themselves with dignity.

>> No.12486010

Life is the original scamcoin.

>> No.12486023

exercise, develop a caffeine addiction, and order phenibut off of some random nootropics site

>> No.12486025

Hello me, happiness is a choice. You have two choices in life

1. be sad cry your self to sleep about how shit everything is

2. paint a pretty picture, cook food, go to oceans do what you want and stop worrying about death

>> No.12486034

You just have to accept that it's all shit and make the best out of it. You'll get depressed again eventually, but at least you'll be a bit more self aware about it.

>> No.12486039

Have you considered that maybe you're just a miserable cunt? Why not just kill yourself and improve the lives of everyone around you?

>> No.12486043

>Incurable depressive people should be given the right to kill themselves with dignity.

Would take this in a heart beat honestly. considering begging Sweden to accept me as a citizen so i can hopefully use dignitas. doubt it will work

>> No.12486091
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a plant-based diet, exercise and a hobby negates depression.

>> No.12486118

you do have the right to kill yourself with dignity retard. you dont need a doctor to help you die

the only case in which assisted suicide is valid is if somebody is incapable of doing it themselves due to a disability or medical issue preventing it

>> No.12486222

Bro, you know depression is just a state of mind.
All this bullshit about chemical imbalance etc is literally a fucking meme.
Do you actually believe everybody is supposed to have all the exact same chemicals in their brain as everybody else? hell fuckin no.
You just need to quit being a Fucking pussy along with all you other bitches that take mood altering drugs and enjoy yourself.
If eating food makes you happy, do it.
If whacking off makes you happy, do it.
Is making money makes you happy, then do that too.
Learn how to act. Life is what YOU make it and nobody else.
There's no magic pill to make you HAVE a good life. There's magic pills that'll numb your feelings so you can keep working some dumb dead ass job.
How's about you figure what the fuck it is that will make you happy and work towards it.
Figure out what career you could work in daily and apply yourself towards that.
Set goals, figure out the plan to achieve them and slowly but surely you'll make it.

FUCK PHARMA and FUCK all you bitch ass kikes on medication to make you "normal"

Some of the absolute most successful people I know have no education. Some don't even have high school.
Congrats, you've fallen for the meme of school.
You see all the fucking pussies posting here saying "muh college degree can't get a job"
Well fuck them too. If I cared to do what you idiots thought your degree would get you, I'd do it with no secondary schooling.

Buncha fucking gooks

>> No.12486234

Good post.

>> No.12486243
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Your life is shit because you've made it that way. This is the final redpill. Life is hard, and you are entitled to nothing. There's no fun hobbies? Literally the most retarded thing I've heard all day. There are more things to do now than there's ever been: jiu jitsu, boxing, MMA, art, writing, Spartan race, triathalons, ultra marathons, surfing, sailing, snowboarding, skiing, scuba diving, rock climbing, mountaineering, making music, photography, wood working, it goes on and on, like what the FUCK dude???

You sound like a whiny little bitch that has lived a relatively easy life. Fucking find something to do that's hard to do, that you enjoy doing, and charge at it.

>> No.12486258

This. I have a glock in my drawer in case I ever want to kms. So far I'm too pussy to do it but it feels comfy to have the option. You could also swallow a bottle of pills or inhale a helium tank.

>> No.12486263
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* AHEM *

>> No.12486267
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Don't be weak. Don't prove everyone right.

>> No.12486277
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Unironically this op. Plant based eating. Supercharge the body with nutrients, reverse time by 10+ years (physiologically speaking), reverse the damage to your heart, restore the vascular system, restore your endothelial cells and cellular ATP production. You'll feel like a new man and have a new lease on life if you'll commit

>> No.12486279

Stop eating carbs.

>> No.12486285

>life is just one big scam pile of shit.
at least you're learning. Life is one massive pump and dump scam and the ATH is sometime around age 10-14 for most people. If you're affluent and don't have to work maybe you can stave off decline til your mid 20s, which is when your body starts to go. But for everyone else it's just an exponentially increasing grind of responsibilities, work, stress, debt, depression, eroding health, from the time they hit puberty until they die.

If people looked at their lives rationally and the prospects that were ahead of them, most folk would check out of this life by the time they hit 18. It's only dumb animal fear of the unknown and dumb animal hopium for the future that keeps us all ticking.

>> No.12486286

Looks like you forgot to take your meds

>> No.12486293

Literally being young and knowing about crypto right now is about as lucky as anyone in history can ever be. I wish to crypto had been around when I was early twenties. Literally if you are smart and clear your head and mind you can have a fantastic life.

Top Tip. You need spiritual help and that means Christ.

>> No.12486294
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Trips of truth and wisdom

>> No.12486296

I got a better idea faggot, ditch the gun cause guns are for faggots.
They are tools not toys.
If your a hunter and use it to get food awesome.
If your going to tell me you use it for defence, perhaps you should grow the fuck up and move to a place that you feel more comfortable

>> No.12486310

Lol, negative brotendo.
I live a happy and fulfilling life with many ups and down, but I keep my eye on the prize and my dick in the pie.

Currently working a job an hour away from home and earning 800 dollars a day with food and housing covered.
All I gotta buy are darts.
How was spending half of your days wage just to get to your job? ahahahha

>> No.12486322


They are all blue-pilled, for lack of better terms. It's amazing how ignorant of things people are. They live in bubbles.

>> No.12486331


>> No.12486340

Listen up OP. This is my first post/lurk after 14 days clean on 4chan after at least 15months+ daily shitposting for hours.
And trust me you dont miss anything.
The thing with this subculture here (also some type of echochamber): aslong its your main source of human interaction or your generally spend a huge amount of hours here. It will become a 2nd reality for you. And trust me you just going to be conditioned here. You literally cant browse this board with beeing some kind of hopeless depressed NEET yourself. Any sane person coming here just once will never come back again bc it just doesnt match their life. And even tough it can be really tough sometimes, I know it myself, when you are lonely or isolated, coming here gives you atleast some type of belonging. Again, if you want to improve you need to stop going here, bc it will appear mudane to you, and in the end you get dragged down from the omnipresent depressed state of /biz/.

So much to my rant. I didnt made a penny in crypto since one year. Even tough I spend hours a day shitposting on /biz/, telegram, following twitter posts from all these crypto guys etc. I logged my out of all this accounts, and nearly went insane the first days. But now I can see what a fucking waste of time it was. I literally now check the BTC chart a couple times a week, and a reliable crypto news site. But not more than 30 min a week. I have my buy order set, will buy BTC with some spare money. No irrational bullshit more....


limit /biz/ shitposting heavily/completly
reavulate how much fucking time you waste on crypto resulting in nothin

>> No.12486345

I've been on plant based diet for a decade. I've been sick for 2 months in 2017. Switched to heavy meat consumption, have not been sick since. I often cheat and feel my health decline after eating carbs but I go right back to carnivore and restore myself right up. Peterson cured his depression eating meat just like scores of vegans featured on Sv3rige YT channel. Good mood comes from the gut.

>> No.12486413

Just transition bro.

>> No.12486417


>> No.12486487

Life is irredeemable garbage. Depressed people don't actually have a disorder. They just see the world without delusion. That's it. The cure for "depression" is literally to force yourself to have false hope/beliefs. Notice the solutions that have already been posted in this thread. Depression is enlightenment.

>> No.12486564

based and redpilled

this is very true. depression is reality and you escape it by clouding your vision.

>> No.12486575

This were all just tortured geniuses who see the world for what it truly is because we are smarter than every one else even though we are losers living in our parents basements

>> No.12486585

It's about the change of chemicals that gets you "interested" or aka not depressed. Dopamine *is* salience.

>> No.12486592

Arguable. NEETing it up isn't going to get you on an adventure that could reveal you the new unknowns. You don't know. But again, I don't know either.

>> No.12486596

A large part of it is physiological.
Eat well and get enough sleep and go outside sometimes. That should balance you out.

>> No.12486629

Learned helplessness

unlearn it
psilocybin and hike

>> No.12486661

Actually, I do sympathize with you OP. This may be massive cope, but I'll try to explain why /biz/ can be used as a source of motivation.

All the things making you depressed--the state of academia, social media, your own behavior and that of family and friends--stem from an utterly broken intellectual and cultural system in the west. and as its disintegration accelerates, people will only become and act more unhinged, as you may have already discerned on social media or within your personal life. The evidence that almost satanic immorality runs deeply through our financial and political elite (ranging from softer forms of self-enrichment/embezzlement to grooming, rites pedophilia on the more extreme end) seems to only ever increase. Our political system is literally incapacitated while sino east asia has been successfully refining experimental modes of authoritarian driven capitalism since the 80s, leaving us behind before we even knew it.

The choice for embittered white men in the US is increasingly one of fleeing from a hideous reality into increasingly sophisticated forms of virtual escapism and trying to overcome the ennui and depression that accompanies civilizational death. /biz/ is one of the few places where people are actively trying to escape their destitute reality in a constructive direction, that of becoming rich. So while there are plenty of memes and shitposting to keep your social media-addled mind plugged in, it's in the service of a greater goal, if you play your time on the website right and retardly hold your bags for another four years, or however long enough it is to make it. If you're already here, all you can do is double down on it.

>> No.12486682

Im not advocating for neeting, I just think that the general outlook is bleak. Im often out with friends or doing something and find myself feeling so bored, caught up in the pointlessness of it all. Doesn't matter what situation I'm in.

You'll live, face hardship, loved ones die, you die, and its all forgotten, no matter what you're doing. The only escape is to distract yourself with little hobbies that ultimately serve no great purpose for most people.

>> No.12486690

but my addie scrip is life changing

I agree with just acting though, I would add you don't have to have a monumental goal in my mind to begin being productive. Always start with a piddling task like emptying your email inbox or trimming your toenails. Watch the productivity snowball as you gleefully crush lesser tasks then feel euphoric as you take on the main task of the day that you spend 1-3 hours on (at first)

>> No.12486689

"Depressed people often report persistent rumination, which involves analysis, and complex social problems in their lives. Analysis is often a useful approach for solving complex problems, but it requires slow, sustained processing, so disruption would interfere with problem solving. The analytical rumination hypothesis proposes that depression is an evolved response to complex problems, whose function is to minimize disruption and sustain analysis of those problems by (a) giving the triggering problem prioritized access to processing resources, (b) reducing the desire to engage in distracting activities (anhedonia), and (c) producing psychomotor changes that reduce exposure to distracting stimuli. "

>> No.12486697

You realize you can just ingest a substance and experience euphoria. Moods are a factor of stimulation of brain receptors. If people actually lived like humans, as opposed to living in this forced top down prison we call civilization, depression would affect us as much as animals. Do animals kill themselves? Maybe when you trap a whale it rams it's head against a wall. By nature a position in a hierarchy is inversely proportional to depression even in Lobsters, so your status is a factor. Spirituality can override this. One can be low socially but clinging to holy life gives one the mood boost.

>> No.12486703

vegan for 4 years, I feel as if I have entered a hyperbolic time chamber. No saturated or trans fats to clock arteries and now that arterial plaque has diminished my dinkey gets semis all day for no reason and hard, teenage tier erections easily whereas before I had ed going into my thirties.

>> No.12486717

Gut bacteria releases the feel good substances for you.

>> No.12486727

Right, so you need to eat right food to get right gut bacteria for right feel good substances.

>> No.12486764


This is literally my biggest reason for believing in internet meme money. I've traveled the world and the sentiment in the same everywhere, most normies have just been covering the desperation and depression with social media the last decade. Then we went into an "activism" phase and people got bored of that too. All these anarchists, nerds, reclusives are just a little ahead of the nihilistic curve with society. Bankers time of parasidic monopolies on society is closing in and they know it. It's inevitable.

>> No.12486822
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I'm doing ok for now. I just got out of a weeks-long rut because I lost my job right before Christmas. Whether I sucked or not, and apparently I did, I put my entirety into it. I didn't have time to do anything else. I completely forgot what I enjoyed in life. At this point, I'm still trying to figure that out again. I've been getting back into drawing. It's not much compared to what I used to enjoy, but at least it's something.

It doesn't help that culture and society at-large is so shitty, either. In so many ways, what isn't propaganda is horseshit or both. The NPC meme is kind of stupid, but it has a lot of truth to it. It's rare to find someone who owns their own head. I don't say that in a condescending manner, but more out of frustration that so many have become tools to some form of social engineering. I was at one point and though things look bleak, I'd rather be free and depressed than a jolly slave.

I'm still somewhat burnt-out. Whether I'm up for 2 days straight or sleep for half the day, I wake up exhausted and feel like shit. It's really made me question a lot of the choices and sacrifices I've made in becoming a "productive member of society".

I know that company loyalty is long dead and that an old-fashioned work ethic only pigeonholes you into being a workerbee with no room to move up. I know that people will be squeezed like lemons and tossed aside when its convenient. I'd rather die than brown-nose.

Anon, if everyday is redundant to you like you are on a tiresome loop in a closed circuit, the best thing you can do is something - anything - different. If you normally walk one direction, walk the other. If you have a car, go visit an interesting place you've never gone to. If you listen to one type of music, find something new that gives you goosebumps. At some point, you have to tell the world and all the agendas at hand to fuck off and reclaim your life and your joys. I wish you the best in your endeavor to do that.

>> No.12486842

Very interesting. Personally I do feel like recently my depressive bouts ending or culminating in some kind of realization or change in outlook.

depressed=deep rest

>> No.12486944

Fat clogging arteries is a myth: http://www.zoeharcombe.com/the-knowledge/fat-does-not-clog-up-our-arteries/
You may feel well now, because of fasting high and dropping processed foods. You still have reserves in your body from before you went vegan, but the reality is vegan diet does not supply all the necessary nutrients. That's why most vegans supplement heavily. Unless you figure out how to live on Prana, after your immunity degrades, just try eating some meat or eggs for a month and see what happens. You can always return to Vegan diet if you don't improve.

>> No.12486966

Does this mean that antisemitism is gonna be marketed by shameless normies? lmao...

>> No.12486978

>wake up exhausted and feel like shit
Eat nothing but meat for a few days and see what happens. Our ancestors didn't get through ice age by eating grain. You can be sure it's safe.

>> No.12487000

>using toys to kill yourself
>hunting isn't sport in 2019

Guns are weapons you faggot cunt. Guns are the individuals equivalent of nukes. They're a last resort and a credible threat that keeps things in check.

>> No.12487009

cuz even though the world is shit, we still get the opportunity to be alive. It's fucking amazing anon. Once we die we vanish into nothing - think about how fortunate we are to even come into existence in the first place, just from a fucking explosion in space

>> No.12487025

Change your mentality you weak pathetic faggot. Everything starts with how you think. I used to be depressed, thinking of suicide daily, I started doing different things, forcing myself at first, like reading, lifting, and going out more. But you NEED to change your mentality, if you don’t it will be very hard to achieve anything. If that’s not the case, then check your testosterone levels, maybe you have very low T which causes depression. Or your nutrition is shit and you are deficient in important vitamins( B12, or vit D). Read Illimitablemen, or tellyoursonthis, there’s more info there.

>> No.12487026
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Thanks anon. I usually stick to a protein-friendly diet of eggs, meat, with some greens tossed in sometimes because I like to work out and shit food makes that harder to do. Exercise usually makes me feel much better mentally-speaking (I wish I knew this earlier on in life), but it hasn't been working well recently.

>> No.12487038

Not everyone is an ugly manlet. Life could have been good if you had the proper genetics

>> No.12487448
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>How do you people not get depressed?

>> No.12487658

nofap it's impossible to be depressed when you're don't cume sir

>> No.12487684

Explain anon.

>> No.12487704


I have to have faith on God, i was almost on the border of suicide (a painful suicide at that one because i truly hated myself), and somehow little by little i was pushed towards God, and the belief in Christ as the redemptor made me feel alive again

So at this point I consider faith what gives me life, and I believe so i can live, if i don't believe i basically will die from suicide

>> No.12487748

anyone who isnt chad/stacy tier and isn't depressed is a dipshit, end of story. normies are just too dumb to realize how fucked and pointless life is. they're ok with their little netflix shows, vidya, yoga classes, $5 starbucks drink etc., their brain is too small for them to go beyond their distractions.

>> No.12487851

I met a garlic priest just recently and he turned me into garlic worshipper. worked for me.

>> No.12487865
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I've been depressed my entire life. For non-normalfag depression there is no cure or even good treatment. There are copes and distractions.

If my parents didn't love me so much I don't think I'd be around right now

>> No.12487871


???????? is this some onions meme?

>> No.12487909

I think we all figure out that life is fucking meaningless at some point. The question is, why are some people not doing something about it but instead kill themselves? Is it really because they fucked up their brain for so long that no matter what they do they dont get a positive hormone / chemical feedback from their brain? Alot of people deal with huge trauma and they seem to work things out at the end, it just takes a long time.

>> No.12487934

>no fun hobbies anymore

you're probably just looking at the wrong hobbies, try shit outside your comfort zone, if you're so depressed what do you have to lose?

i was an indoor neckbeard all my life up until 3-4 years ago and then decided to embrace outdoors activities, started hiking, camping, kayaking, fishing, hunting, all kinds of shit i used to think i was too weak or unsuitable to do, and i learned it all, and fucking love it now.

don't have to do those same things i mentioned but the point is that stuff you may have never thought about before could turn out to be some of your greatest passions.

try new, unusual things that don't necessarily "fit" your personality.

for the most part though i agree with you and take your point - i've always been a believer in staying busy and keeping your mind occupied. too much time inside your own head, with your own thoughts is a bad thing, it leads to depression almost every single time. instead stay focused, preoccupied, work on projects, set goal after goal, always be working towards something.

>> No.12487943
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>Actually citing sv3rige

Holy fucking cringe Batman. Yes, get your nutrition science from a flat earther that stares at the sun, who consumes rotten raw meat and has been hospitalized for it.

Peterson is an eccentric and there's anecdotal evidence that all meat diets help those with auto immune diseases

1) even if your autoimmune issues are helped you will still have accelerated heart disease (and Ed at some point) as well as becoming type 2 diabetic
2) there are 0 actual studies to support the claims of Peterson and his daughter

There is however a Titanic amount of nutrition literature stretching back nearly 100 years that have overwhelmingly demonstrated the benefits of plant foods. Telling me an all meat diet with zero fruits or veggies is optimal tells me you're basically the equivalent of a flat earther in the nutrition world.

>> No.12487946

And? What does being sad achieve? All it leads to is the eventual an hero. Find something you’re interested in and keep your mind busy with it, or take the easy way out. Also stop acting so woke and dramatic. You’re no smarter than the normies you despise.

>> No.12487956

tfw you realize the elites own 90% of the wealth, land and resources. The british crown owns probably 20 of the wealth and land alone.

It's not about jelousy, it's about motivation and the will to do something in this life. It's not about being jelous that some guy made a couple mil or tens of mils and that he is ahead of you, whether he inherited or is self-made. It's about elite power, billion dollar companies, a corrupt and unnecessary complex economic system, unnecessary laws and hindersome bureaucracy.

When you realize that people that have worked in that system comfy and easy jobs, make a few hundred grand a year, or even less but with minimal work. Those are really comfy jobs. Other companies medium and big, get these very profitable contracts and make a few millions a year. You can start your own construction company for ex, but you will never get those contracts unless you know people.

Getting any type of good CNC machinery and software (most important) costs a few million euros and still needs constant maintenance and repairs. You need big capital to start out, and if you somehow have it, there is huge paperwork, laws, bereaucracy and other headaches you have to deal with.

tldr; the good comfy jobs that pay decent all are all taken via nepotism

tldr: if you run a business, the profitable contracts are all given via nepotism to other businesses

We are really fighting for peanuts here, that's the hardest pill to swallow. It is possible to make it, but very hard. It shouldn't be this hard for higher IQ and creative people to succeed. Most NPC's don't want to run businesses, they just want to work, they have no creative abilities or problem solving abilities.

Once you figure out how the world works, you really become disgusted by the system, and it's hard to take part in it just to succeed.

>> No.12487961
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>> No.12487966

Hey you're right.
People on biz at least want to make things happen. Better than most normie communities who want to watch TV and drink beer

>> No.12487967

fuck programming, honestly it can be a good hobby but not being able to turn the computer off anytime you want because muh job is bullshit

>> No.12488003


>> No.12488010

no, it actually might work for some people here. just add garlic in your diet on consistent basis, a lot of it.

>> No.12488023

Meditation my friend. Suffering = Pain x Resistance

>> No.12488239
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It's doable, anon.
Talk to your doctor, get into therapy, and see a psychiatrist.
Been depressed as fuck and am currently doing well, after 8 months of therapy and meds I'm feeling a lot better about myself. The world is kinda going to shit but I've accepted that, and dedicated myself to doing anything I can too combat it. Also start lifting, that helped a bit too.

>not a goyim, just stating my experience

>> No.12488398


Be careful with the meds. I had bad experiences.

>> No.12488408

15 minutes of exercise every morning is literally all you need to not be depressed.

Buy a calendar and out a sticker on each day you exercise for 15 minutes

>> No.12488512

Shut up fag

>> No.12488526

You besmirch our benefactors heathen.

>> No.12488660

delete this

>> No.12488683

>a plant-based diet negates depression.

its the fucking opposite, eat meat, retard
