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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12476700 No.12476700 [Reply] [Original]

I argued with my friend against his viewpoint that money is the most important thing and I said that we don’t really need money and that it was just a fair medium for exchange of goods and that in reality you could just as well steal/take or barter for goods without the use of money. So because the need for it is artificial, it isn’t necessary to have it and thus not important.

So how dare anyone say that money is the “most important thing”.

The question is, /biz/, do you really think it’s THAT important?

>> No.12476729

get a job you fucking bum

>> No.12476737
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Waht are you going to do haul hundreds of pounds of shit around to barter for food?

lmao get real faggot

One day you're just sitting there "I quite hungry" then you forgot to bring your sack sack of barter objects now you're fucked

>> No.12476741

I will NOT participate in this dumb system

>> No.12476747

Money is the only way to reasonable barter a number of valuable but intangible goods

>> No.12476763
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What are you going to do when the utility company shuts off your water and power because you don't belive in money and stop paying your bill

"Hello, yes I have several shovels, a lava lamp, a frozen turkey, and a used couch I can trade for some water and power please"

They will tell you to get fucked

>> No.12476774

You’re dumb and money is dumb, other lifeforms don’t need money so why should I have money?

>> No.12476792

>Barter is better than money!
>Th-That's why every single successful society realized independently that they should use money
>wait shit

>> No.12476794

I’ll create my own electricity lmao problem solved

>> No.12476805

I mean, electricity, water, utilities, etc, I’ll create it for myself. I don’t NEED a company to do these things for me.

>> No.12476848

Yeah I don’t need money, I am completely self sufficient. So fuck your money and fuck you /biz/

>> No.12476857

the most important thing in the world is not being a wagecuck.

>> No.12476860

a company made it possible for you to do that you dumb nigger ape. you never would've invented those technologies.

>> No.12476886

For the electricity I’ll simply develop solar panels from scratch, for thevwater I’ll create a homemade well, for the utilities I’ll do whatever is needed for that-without a company. Again I do not need a company to do these things for me.

>> No.12476914

>I’ll simply develop solar panels from scratch
Someone had to invent solar panels. You're still profiting off of all the knowledge gained from society. It doesn't matter how much you think you're removing yourself from it if you're going to do shit like this.
If I was your roommate I would just ignore you because you sound like a brainlet hippie. You think you're the first retard to have these thoughts?
Give up all your tech so you can stay the fuck off my board

>> No.12476975

If I was rich, I would spend a lot less time on /biz/ listening to idiots shill their scam of choice. So yeah, I'd say money is pretty important. Family will always be number 1 for me but money is a close 2nd. Freedom only exists for the 1%.

>> No.12476987
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I’m not a brainlet, I’m a revolutionary

>> No.12476994

I’m pretty rich and I come here to poke fun at retards like OP and to mine salt from the victims of Ponzi schemes. That shit is priceless.

>> No.12476999

I almost forgot: please to buy chainlink sir

>> No.12477018

I'm happy to say that I hold 0 LINK. With my luck, you'll probably all become millionaires but I'll still never FOMO in. Maybe if they release a software wallet, I'll think about it. I wonder how many years it'll take.

>> No.12477026

Money is only important within the context of a civilization that people agree to. That's why I always kek mightily when people say to invest in gold in case of societal collapse. Sure, if you want to invest in gold because you hope it goes up in value and you can sell it for dollars, by all means go ahead. But if you're buying gold (or even hoarding cash for some reason) because you think it'll be valuable if the dollar goes to shit you are wrong.

Someone with a firearm will simply kill you and take your gold if it become valuable

power is more valuable than money. Money is only a form of power when people agree not to use violence

>> No.12477090

I’m just memeing fellow white person sir. I wouldn’t touch that shit with a ten foot pole.

>> No.12477131

Well it obviously isn't literally the most important thing - something like "Oxygen" is probably closer to taking that throne. But how exactly do you see the world operating if everyone just steals? So.....basically most of Africa then? A better way to say it would be "People can't do everything themselves, making trading skills, goods and services necessary, and since barter gets way out of hand too quickly, money facilitates having a nice, stable civilisation".

>> No.12477971

Yea you are stupid. Do you know what the difference between people who make money and those who steal/take it is? It's that the person who makes money contributes to society and creates a win-win scenario where they provide a service and earn more money doing so. Someone who steals hurts society and brings it down creating a win-lose scenario where you win but you hurt someone else. Now tell me how you think you are in the right here? There is a reason why people like you end up in jail.

>> No.12478437

Anyone in this fucked up world can say that because money is power, pure and simple.

Other lifeforms do not partake in society, they are merely exploted by it. That and they do not have the intelligence to deal with the concept of currency

Building a generator is easy. Building a generator from scrap is a bit harder. Building a stable 110v/60Hz generator from scratch is quite hard. Also, you will need something to generate the power...
Gas? Good luck finding a gas station that takes two sets of socks and an old t-shirt for a gallon
Coal? Good luck dealing with the EPA unless you filter the emissions. Making a batch of charcoal the oldskool way is also dangerous and takes a long time. A charcoal mound can take a week to complete and has to be observed constantly unless you want it all to burn up in a huge fire.
Oil? good luck finding that without a drill
Solar? good luck finding free panels
Water? only if the terrain permits it (ie. youlive close to a river) and if you can build a proper water wheel.

The only concievable option you have would be wind power, which is unreliable. Your most reliable bet is making a generator from a bicycle and powering it yourself...

However, since cell phone plans and internet costs money, you won't actually need electricity

As for water, you'll have to filter and boil it. Both sediment and bacteria in the water can make you sick. Expect to have the runs for a few days when starting out.

>>For the electricity I’ll simply develop solar panels from scratch
Good luck getting more than a few watts out of that. If you're lucky, you might be able to power a lightbulb or a few LED strips. If you want enough oomph to charge a battery, you need commercial panels. Then again, you won't need it...

utilities are, as you probably correctly assumed, covered by the use of a shovel

so, get a job

>> No.12478461

Money is the means to an end, not the end itself brainlet.

>> No.12478468

that's all that matters.
right now, near 100% of people agree upon the value of money - not as a literal dollar - but rather as a concept. until consensus shifts to where people agree the concept of money is valueless, money, as a concept, will have value.

>> No.12478480

I would buy seeds. Lots and lots of seeds for different crops.

it's a bit harder to steal a field full of crops,and If i hide the seeds, killing me will do no good :)

The most important things:
1. Oxygen
2. Water
3. Food

in that order.

Also ,good post

>> No.12478773

In local economies, people used credit barter.
Money ie gold was imposed by the monarch as a means of incurring debt - the bust on the back of the coin told the holder of the coin who to collect from.
All money is debt.

>> No.12478828

I'd say whatever goods ensures your survival is very important. In our modern society is money since it can buy you food and a bed so accumulating a lot of it is crucial for your well being. Money itself is not that important though, no, it can be replaced by anything that you can use as a currency such as gold which is definitely better

>> No.12478854

And why would you believe solar panels couldn't have been invented without money?

>> No.12478868

>implying the majority of those making most money contribute anything to society

>> No.12478969

We could have a society where people share their skills and surplus with others. Instead we have a society where people hoard for themselves, fight so they can be the only ones profiting, giving crumbs to others only enough to stop them from rebelling, a society where we are born slaves to money, since all land already belongs to some self-declared master of the land and pretty much the only way you can settle somewhere is by giving someone money, a lot of it, and you're pretty much forced to be a slave to get money, or you can make something others want and give it to them for money but then you have to fight with all the people who are gonna want to sell the same stuff as you and get the money for themselves. It's all an endless competition where instead of sharing with each other we fight each other to get on top, which leads a lot to live in shit conditions, and which leads us to overexploit the environment in an unsustainable way. At some point all that unsustainable tension will come crashing down in a catastrophic way. At some point the bubble will burst and it will be complete chaos for a long long time. It could play out differently but I have lost faith in humanity.

>> No.12479365

if you are the slave of your ego, money are the most important thing. if you are the enhancer of your spirit, money don't even exist. Ego-Spirit. Bad-Good. Evil-God. In the bottom of your heart, you know which side you belong to. Make a choice and follow your path

>> No.12479420
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