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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12473802 No.12473802 [Reply] [Original]

how's that job search comin, kiddo?

>> No.12473827
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 1437577627513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant even anymore.
Been applying for jobs for like 5 months. Cant get a proper job because i have no previous experience.
>mfw when I have 2 Masters and all i can get are waiter positions.

>> No.12474158

Not so well pops. Not so well. If i could bust my ass solo i would. This job has sucked all confidence i had in myself and too Scared of leaving. Never thought i end up like this.

>> No.12474433

I don't want to work as a pizza delivery boy again, but it's the only part time job I can find while I'm studying in the afternoon.

Looks like it's humble pie season again.

>> No.12474451

I'm not even searching for a job and I'm beating back recruiters with a stick.

>> No.12474461

>Been applying for jobs for like 5 months.
Try 3 years

>> No.12474542

this, been 1.5 years for me. whats your story anon?

>> No.12474554

6 months here

Thanks for making me nervous

>> No.12474563

Just because recruiters spam call you doesn't mean you're gonna get hired you arrogant retard

>> No.12474812
File: 1.52 MB, 1944x2880, freshoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 4 years ago I had a psychosis that lasted about 7 months, ive been in recovery for the past 3 years, things have been good im not gonna lie

I made 100k about 3 months before the episode, and was planning very carefully how I was going to use it to grow it, episode happened spent a good chunk of it couldn't afford the flat I wanted to get before everything kicked off. So I invested a chunk into crypto and some into a small business and the rest has been draining away on rent ever since.

tl;dr don't smoke fucking weed

>> No.12474851
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it isn't

>> No.12474862
File: 45 KB, 500x345, apuhug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

psychosis is awful, don't do drugs anymore
wish you the best fren

>> No.12474863

I'm working a full time job with benefits
Making 50k a year plus great health care and a 401k
I'll quit if something better comes along
I don't even have a degree kek

>> No.12474879

Wtf!? Weed causes psychosis?

Source plz. Is this real tea?

>> No.12474886

What do you mean by psychosis?

>> No.12474905

Meaning Cannabis can exacerbate underlying psychological conditions.

For the most part, its not going to turn a sane person crazy.
If you already were schizophrenic, or were predisposed to schizophrenia , then habitual use of cannabis could bring that out.

Be careful with drugs kids.
They're fun. But be careful.

>> No.12474929

I quit big time, don't even drink anymore. Drink caused me to have false memories.

It causes you to get paranoid as fuck, I think combined with alcohol is provides a perfect storm for it

A sort of trance like state where i've got a voice in my head telling me to do things, turn left, eat now, piss later ect
Basically withdrew into some imaginary world where I thought I was under mind control.

This is only partially true. Not everyone is predisposed. Some people have one episode, recover and return to a perfectly normal life.

>> No.12474967

50k a year wow!!!!

>> No.12474975
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weed heads take your stoner shit back to red.dit

>> No.12474981

Yeah obviously. But if you had a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia, prolonged and habitual cannabis use can exacerbate that.
You sound dumb.

>> No.12475341

Same. I found some shitty min. wage job for 25 hours a week and I'm barely scraping by. Beats being on benefits, though.

Closing in on 400 applications. Currently got 4 applications out in the ether. Maybe I'll get lucky THIS time, huh guys? ;_;

Only been called to interview 3 times. Bit demoralizing knowing that I have less than 1% chance of being called to an interview per application.

>> No.12475357

It's enough to get by in my area. And enough to build a stack of 50k LINK and counting, fuck face

>> No.12475373

4chan was at its peak in 2008, (((4channel))) is the same shit as plebbit.

You can stay here and be king of the cuckmountain for all I care...

>> No.12475374

Maybe cause your application fucking blows. Holy shit I'd kms if I applied to that many places and never got anything back.

>> No.12475396

nah, I'm in the same boat as him. it's rough out here.

>> No.12475399

I've been searching for a couple of months, but there aren't many jobs that I want so I've only applied for two companies so far. Hopefully this latest one will get back to me, I applied last Wednesday.

>> No.12475407 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 800x800, DssogQcVYAAgUOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /biz/

Come on over and Mine Monero V (XMV), a FINITE alternative to Monero (XMR).

XMV is a new coin, so you can still mine a decent amount of coins using just your computer gfx card, and without needing an expensive mining setup. And it only takes 20 minutes to get going with the instructions below.

1) download XMR Stak mining software, here:


2) generate your Monero V wallet address below (note down your address that is generated here)


3) read the instructions below on how to direct XMR Stak miner software to the mining pool


4) use this mining pool below (all the pool address and port details are here):

5) start accumulating XMV, easy

>> No.12475842

I took the oil pill pop and I'm making 10k a month now looking at charts on a computer for 12 hours. Good thing I didnt get demoralized by the media and kept my faith like you said. I'll make ya proud.