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File: 51 KB, 1202x1202, grin_pirate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12463109 No.12463109 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is a great transparency coin.

>> No.12463126

Nigga what?

>> No.12463135

Grin more like groin because it sucks balls am I rite?

>> No.12463142

>unchanging rate of inflation

>> No.12463176

This. WTF were they thinking.
Now one MW coin is corporate, with 20% taxation, the other will have 365x its supply in a year (so why would I buy now kek).
Those 2 teams did the hard lifting and failed with the simple stuff. Now mimblewimble won't be a thing unless BCH, Dash or Monero implements it.

>> No.12463181

the difficulty is exploding

>> No.12463213


separate floating tokens for fundamenal-level features like privacy are anachronistic. same goes for monero, and for zcash. bad news for late adopter speculators, but good news for anybody that wants to use them as they are, an actual utility, always redeemable as 1 BTC or 1 ETH or 1 USD via some mechanism like DAI. never again will your money evaporate when a better privacy coin comes out and leaves yours in the dust, because your money won't be valued by its technology, but by the utility of the entire system it lies upon.

this is the future of crypto, and why its a terrible idea to be holding onto these old-style alts, especially ones that have or plan to require their own blockchain.

>> No.12463226

Despite of the shittiest logo I've seen ever for a crypto currency, the tech behind it is very fine.

>> No.12463228

grin provides nearly instant settled tx and super small blockchain size

>> No.12463243

The issuance is unchanging. The inflation approaches 0% over time. Same as Bitcoin.

>> No.12463264

those are technical features, and wholly irrelevant because they become obsolete in less than a year. these feature coins and tokens just aren't relevant outside of speculation, and within speculation there's thousands of them all competing for the same tiny pool of money.

>> No.12463350

Get out, Bitcoin maximalist

>> No.12463378

did you miss the part where i mentioned how ethereum makes this coin obsolete as well?

>> No.12463420

Grinners are winners.

>> No.12463428

Your pun is as lame as their logo

>> No.12463433

what happens when something better than btc and eth comes around?

>> No.12463463

Grin for the win.

>> No.12463507


>> No.12463509

something better just doesn't come around
the massive ecosystem in something like bitcoin takes years to develop
the miners the developers the users the services the security the hardware etc. etc.

>> No.12463765

So, according to your logic, ETH can make BTC far more obsolete too.
Also, where's ETH privacy now? They can't even hard for to PoS (also, PoS is a very shitty idea).

>> No.12463791

Is this shit gonna moon? Unironically eye balling the shit out of it.

>> No.12463805

>pos is a very shitty idea
Gonna have to follow that statement with a backup there chap.

>> No.12463816

I tried setting up the miner today, and a 1060 gtx geforce isn't enough memory to mine it.

wasted muh day

>> No.12463841

how much do you need? i have the 6gb version

>> No.12463943 [DELETED] 

Shittiest logo by leaps & bounds.

>> No.12463957

Numeraire and antshares had shit logos

>> No.12464025

apprently 7 minimum. i think ihave the 6gb one and it isn't compatible

>> No.12464046
File: 134 KB, 300x299, coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one pirate coin.

Protip: it's not grin.

pic related

>> No.12464094

pos throws away all the incentives to keep the chain fair

>> No.12464178

I am making insane profit mining this shit..

>> No.12464224
File: 25 KB, 720x718, thinking1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are you saying? is grin shit or not? i am a fellow btc/eth maximalist

>> No.12464250

Grin literally implements all the most advanced cryptography techniques

>> No.12464255

grin is the next big thing alongside chainlink

>> No.12464352

It's not meant for you to buy right now you fucking retard. Also literally any PoW coin without a premine will have 365x supply a year after launch (barring an accelerated halvening, which would also make it a scam) Long-term the inflation won't matter as much.

>> No.12464912

It's the best cryptography on the market.

>> No.12465188
File: 220 KB, 2047x1253, Dw8-sMyUwAAeo1y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it follows the launches of Monero, Zcash, and Ravencoin...then no it will dump in the short term. Long term, if people believe Grin is a better Monero, than it has a chance to outdo Monero's bull run (which had an order magnitude greater return than BTC in 2017).

>> No.12465211


Did you know that Bitcoin' supply 365x'd in its first year as well?

>> No.12465409

Where are you selling and for how much?

>> No.12465611

Have fun on your government tracked and censored chain fucking BTC maximalist small brains. We'll be over here transacting for zero fee completely 100% private on a true CRYPTOCURRENCY.

>> No.12466687
File: 59 KB, 635x584, michaeljacksondebbierowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The name is horrible from a marketing adoption standpoint. No body will take the name mimble wimble seriously, and then to go and name a coin "grin", don't care how good something is, your brand is everything.

>> No.12466720

the inflation kills it as an investment...

Such morons involved in crypto development that dont understand that Bitcoin in response to inflationary printing of money...total brainless fail but having a forever emission....dumb.

>> No.12466754

Do you really think bitcoin miners will be profiting entirely off of transaction fees in 100 years? 21 million cap was not included in the original whitepaper and will not last long term. There will be a contentious fork increasing the maximum supply eventually.

>> No.12466958

The problem was always unpredictable inflation not inflation itself. Everyone know's what Grin's inflation will be for eternity. It approaches zero over time. When you factor in lost coins it's basically deflationary.

>> No.12467240
File: 83 KB, 1200x741, 0_KdmrWYlQPJj81kPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Grin is disinflationary over time, but it'll take too long to get to an acceptable inflation level for /biz/ autists

>> No.12467759

Literally named after some shit from Harry Potter.

>> No.12467870
File: 1.30 MB, 1448x1078, Screen_Shot_20181130_at_11.13.23_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just awful, I'm still mining right now; why? Because people like hairy Potter and will buy stupid shit for stupid prices. Isn't that why we're all here anyway?

>> No.12467902

You can sell grin for very very high prices because there is little orders

>> No.12468176

im buying this shitcoin in 3 months after the dump

>> No.12468222

Wait two more years.

>> No.12468252

if you buy now and price doesnt change then in 1 month mcap will be $20 million. And in two months mcap will be $40 million. And by one year it will be $240 million.

The question is, will it pump before then? Fucking hard bros. So hard to make a decision to buy this or not.

>> No.12468264

this is also true. A large part of bitcoins success is to do with the supply cap/reduce inflation over time. Fucking retarded devs didnt do that. Who tf is going to build shit on the network other than altruistic autists..

>> No.12468341

Don't underestimate the memeability of the logo. Allows for infinite variations similar to pepe. Place it over faces like the npc.

>> No.12468384

Will i make it with my 1.17 grin sirs

>> No.12468429

The inflation approaches zero, same as Bitcoin. Constant issuance of 60 grin per block. With each new block, the % inflation is reduced.

>> No.12468493


But it does have reduced inflation over time lol, only fucking dumbasses think it's going to have the same amount of inflation year by year because of the set block reward. See >>12467240

>> No.12468562

Can you see the difference in circumstances when one is the first coin to exist, the other is the 2000th?
You need investor appeal to kick things off

>> No.12468604
File: 30 KB, 377x550, bl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>unchanging rate of inflation
>but anon the inflation rate is similar to bitcoin and many other coins when initially released that have gone on to be successful

>> No.12468728

oh, thank fuck for that. i thought the circulating supply would exponentially increase by 1% per year.. if its a fixed amount of 60 grin per year.. the inflation get lower and lower until its effectively 0. i will invest in this fucker. but the question is when to buy.

>> No.12468745


I'm just going to DCA into it over the next 12 - 24 months as I most likely won't be able to time a bottom for the coin, but I'd hold off buying this for at least a few weeks before starting. Let the market price shake out the casual miners who are just chasing a profit and let the hashrate settle a bit first.

>> No.12468783

i'll probably do this too so i don't get rekt

>> No.12468890

miners will definitely dump, thats how they make profit

>> No.12469500

All the maximalists whales in BTC and ETH fud it as hard as they can and prevent progress

>> No.12469508

Now in Tradeogre

>> No.12469511


TFW i just lost 25% on a privacy shitcoin. The bitcoin OGs said this is the next Monero and will rival bitcoin. Why did they lie biz? Why are they such scammers?

>> No.12469603
File: 14 KB, 232x296, 1531023532903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP rekd, never recover

>> No.12469689

Why did you buy a coin whose mainnet launched like 2 days ago? Like miners only started mining a day ago, you'll need to wait for months until the market price stabilises

>> No.12469839
File: 175 KB, 1500x1157, ba119e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your money evaporate when a better privacy coin comes out and leaves yours in the dust, because your money won't be valued by its technology

This is where you're wrong. You are projecting bitcoins problem onto other coins without even realizing that is a problem with bitcoin.

Bitcoin has shown that it is unable to change and adapt technology. Bitcoin is defined by 10 minute, 1mb, sha 256 blocks of transparent transactions and it is your contention that if everyone believes religiously that those specs are somehow literally digital gold, then it is digital gold and therefore new technology can't touch you. The fact that it's technologically behind the curve, yet still alive and on top reinforces your belief that technology doesn't matter.

Monero actually takes the opposite approach. Instead of taking a technology and trying to jewishly convince everyone to mentally distort reality, Monero pursues an ideal and works towards it by continuously implementing the best technology as it evolves.

Monero is digital money. It acts like cash since it can be transacted privately and without third parties, but digitally. It is fungible. And as we have seen numerous times, when better technology is available to better approximate the ideal of digital money, Monero can adopt that technology. In terms of mimblewimble, it is less private than Monero. By monitoring the network it is entirely traceable. That's not to say that Monero is not interested in the technology as a scaling layer but it is the reason it hasn't been adopted wholesale already and it never will be.

Bitcoiners, in an attempt to inflate their ponzi, will continue to try and convince whoever they can that sotoshi's experiment in peer to peer exchange was not only a successful demonstration of a proof of work blockchain, but also completely perfect and infallible. Monero has first mover advantage and network effects as digital money. In time, the bitcoiners reality distortion field will fail.