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12429860 No.12429860 [Reply] [Original]

Modern Western society tends to misunderstand and undervalue the traits and capabilities of "introverted" people leading to a colossal waste of talent, energy, and happiness. Western culture has transformed from a culture of character to a culture of personality in which an "extrovert ideal" dominates and "introversion" is viewed as inferior or even pathological. The historical roots of the "extrovert ideal" can be traced to the rise of industrial America in the late 19th century, before which a culture of character dominated, and after which a perfect storm of big business, urbanization, and mass immigration changed America into a culture of personality, in which perception trumps truth and style is valued over substance. This transformation is aligned with the rise of the salesman and the move from morals to magnetism which has changed forever who we are and whom we admire, how we act at job interviews and what we look for in an employee, how we court our mates and raise our children. Those who are genetically incapable of adapting to this unnatural environment are referred to as "autists" and "creeps".

>> No.12429870


>> No.12429871

> t. creepy autist

>> No.12429883
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Can I have your attention please!
*clinks glass*
*opens pack of gum*
*Chews silently*
excuse me
*uses inhaler*

this is to the incels, NEETs, losers, and LINK holders who will be rich and powerful! We will fuck and chuck as we please! Congratulations!

>> No.12429938

Who gives a fuck? Nothing in the world is static, you want to eat/fuck/live well - you gotta hustle. Fix your head, fix your body, fix your habbits, get a skill, understand how to communicate effectively and carve out your own little niche in this mad world.

>> No.12429952
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>Get a skill bro. That's what I did.

>> No.12429976

Damn fucking right. And it took me four years of self study (in parallel to the moronic education I received at public schools), then four years of university and six and a half years of experience to master it. Now, fourteen years later I'm comfy.

Not the answer you expected but there are no overnight successes. I don't give a fuck how you think the west changed or what anybody owes you. I only care about what you can do for me, what you can do to make me money. Become a problem solver and I guarantee you 90% of problems in your life will dissapear.

>> No.12430000

>implying that creep=smart and talented
in reality most of the autists are pretty dumb and lazy while smart ones (ie John Nash, Bezos etc) are very rare

>> No.12430008


The precise meaning of "skill" is difficult to assess and has received far less attention in economic literature than one would expect. Contrary to what people say, a skill isn't an actual ability but an abstract, symbolic, cultural construct backed by government accreditation. Skills no longer speak for themselves. You only have a skill if Big Daddy government says you do. Schools seldom teach actual job skills and employers don't actually assess skill competency. If they did why do all new employees regardless of their prior "skills" end up going through the same on-the-job training? Basically, educational credentials monopolize access to on-the-job training for high paying jobs.

>> No.12430011
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There are literally hundreds of books making the same point you make. Just google "books on introversion". It's not that we don't recognize introverts. The problem is that introverts are too scared to show up at the workplace and perform. From my experience, introverts are great, but only those who are brave enough to appear in public and show their work.

>> No.12430028


>Victim blaming

>> No.12430029


Way to completely miss OP's point, retard.

>> No.12430072
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Your words fall on deaf ears anon. But thats okay. If they have false hope theyll work for us even longer.

>> No.12430074

>Way to completely miss OP's point, retard.
I know what his point is very well. He's basically repeating what the book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking" says. I've read it years ago. I'm interested in this topic, obviously, since I'm an introvert myself and I struggled with these issues for years.

>> No.12430101

>I only care about what you can do for me, what you can do to make me money.
And I don't care about you nor your money.

>> No.12430131

The most relevant artists, inventors and scientists have been introvert. Extroverts are just animalistic subhumans, literally just good to serve introverts.

>> No.12430472


No, you DID miss his point. It's not that introverts are "scared to show up". The point is that society has gone from valuing a man's character, to valuing how loud, brash and talkative a man is. This is entirely a symptom of the industrial age that we live in.

>> No.12430517

It doesn't matter OP, just focus on outperforming the extrovert faggots who finance expensive cars and have $150k in student loan debt. Then tell them how much you make while making zero attempt to flash it. That's my plan.

>> No.12430549

I somewhat agree. Keep in mind back then there was much different terms in sense of fanaticism, esoteric knowledge, access to knowledge, distractions, fun, etc. Most free thinkers and innovators were hermits or eccentric weirdos. If you wanted to be Michelangelo, you'd have to be an apprentice with a patron and grind for 20+ years before your shit was even worth being made. Our world doesn't really support that anymore, and it is limiting outside of fields like technology/medicine where time is of the essence.

>> No.12430557
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*stands up*
*slow claps*
hear hear good man, fine speech!

>> No.12430560

>t. Goodest goy

Kys, unironically.

>> No.12430575

The eternal intj will triumph once link makes us all millionaires

>> No.12430579

This, tbqh.

>> No.12430651

>The point is that society has gone from valuing a man's character
That's right. I agree with this.

There's just one problem: there's NO WAY TO FIX THIS. We're never going back to living in small towns where social hierarchies are based on character. If you're an introvert, you have to adapt. Bitching about how history screwed you isn't very helpful. That's why I said introverts are great, but only when they show up. There's no other alternative if you want to work alongside people you need to overcome your introversion, which is what I trained myself to do. I'm still absolutely introverted, but at least I can give talks, teach lectures, etc., things that I could not imagine doing 10 years ago. You can get better over time.

Also, the theory in the book is somewhat flawed. his shift from character to personality was the natural outcome of population growth and living in cities. It was not about capitalism, but population size.You can't build character in modern societies because they're too large and people are too mobile. For the most part of your life, you're dealing with anonymous people on a daily basis. You know nothing of people's backgrounds. You have no idea who your neighbors are. You could be living next to a pedophile, but you will never know. You could be working alongside rapists, but how are you supposed to know? Character only matters when you live in small towns (face-to-face societies) where people know about everyone else's background. In this sort of context, you can quietly build character by doing meritorious things instead of having to boast and brag like fucking salesman.

>> No.12430719

Unless you have some sort of support (privileged background / comfy gov jobs / comfy tenured tracks etc),it’s easy to see how being introvert in this “unnatural” world will burn you out leading to a “hungry poet” syndrome.

>> No.12430729

Not at all, just be a programmer and you can sell shit online. Yes, it takes work, but it's way better than being someone else's slave.

>> No.12430737
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>> No.12430777

>The most relevant artists, inventors and scientists have been introvert
That's because most famous artists, inventors, and scientists achieved fame at a time when character still mattered. (before the 1960s).

>> No.12430778
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Besides hacking your personality, there is an easy to fix this - be wealthy with a purpose. Wealth can shield you from perils of introversion and purpose ensures that you don’t drift into degeneracy.

If you are non-wealthy introvert you are fucked up. Period. Accept this and then work on solutions. And once you have 2M from crypto, you should leverage your introversion into discoveries / innovations / betterment of mankind or other such grand goals.

>> No.12430803

Complete nonsense. A man's character is still his most valued trait in real life. You faggots either don't have strong character, a social situation where you need it (eg. You're an entry level wagecuck or NEET), or are completely oblivious to real social dynamics. The men who talk a strong game but have nothing to back it up ALWAYS get passed up over time, and the men who succeed through character get the real jobs, the real women, the real independence.

>> No.12430830

Programming is saturated and commoditised. Mere mention of Agile and React makes me mad nowadays. Real autists / nerds / introverts have moved to biotech and nano(bio)tech (have sufficient anecdotal evidence to prove this). Programming is paneer-tier. With autist-level expertise in biology/ finance or other domains, programming is BS. Most of the commodity software products are either already there or better capitalised companies are capturing that niche.

t. Nutritionist anon here. After 14 years of tech (C++/Python/Golang) experience, moved to nutrition and became a clinical nutritionist. Best decision ever.

>> No.12430832


>> No.12430860

Not at all, you just have to know which niche to get into and actually know how to market.

>> No.12430879

>A man's character is still his most valued trait in real life.
Character is built through consensus. You build character by doing nice things to those around you. Over time, people start to recognize and agree that you have great character. In modern Western society, you are always shifting between different groups. You know very little about the background of the people who you work with. That's why character ceased to be important. You may WANT it to be important, but that doesn't mean it is important anymore.

>> The men who talk a strong game but have nothing to back it up ALWAYS get passed up over time
That's right. Character can pay off in the long run if you stick to the same job/company for many decades and over time people will start to recognize you. But that process is much slower than it used to be.

I work at a university and I know a literal con man who has been here for over 15 years and has harmed, harassed, and exploited a bunch of people, yet he has never been caught. That's because the department where I work is too transient. New people are always coming in and out of the group. The con man is allowed to stay because people he harms eventually leave and get jobs somewhere else, never having a chance to hurt his reputation.

>> No.12430884
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>tfw you will never have a QT3.14 asian gf
>tfw you will never taste the delicous asian pussies i eat every night
>tfw you will never make it
>tfw link will moon

>> No.12431234

stop shilling this no one is falling for that bullshit anymore.

>> No.12431243

work smart not hard

>> No.12431268 [DELETED] 
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Just be yourself bro

>> No.12431316

If you know how to market, you are not an introvert / autist by definition. And other than CyberSecurity no niche is good enough to build a career long term. It’s good for few years before you are 30. Ask the same question when you are 40 with kids ?

Other than medicine and related fields, no other field is good enough for introverts. Extroverts can do whatever.

>> No.12431345
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how are we doing tonight fellow gentlemen

>> No.12431349

>If you know how to market, you are not an introvert / autist by definition
Not at all, there are options like media buying and social media where you're essentially writing, not talking to people.
>And other than CyberSecurity no niche is good enough to build a career long term.
Uh, AI?
>Other than medicine and related fields, no other field is good enough for introverts.
You think your field won't be outsourced and automated? Haha

>> No.12431352

kek wills it

>> No.12431448

It won’t be. No one want to a see pajeet doc teleconferencing. Medicine and related fields (nutritionist / embryologist/ fertility experts / cosmetic surgeons / specialists such as nephrologists or cardiologists ) are far away from being automated and commoditised compared to your run-of-the-mill ReactJs and B2B-social-media-marketing-analytics-SaaS stuff.

>> No.12431533

It only takes one AI. Automated robot-controlled surgery that does the job better than any human, cracking the genetic code to cure disease, extend lifespan, etc
Probably the only ones who will keep their jobs are artists, unless the AI figures out how to make beauty as well.

>> No.12431536

AI is commotising as we speak. Only a handful of researcher warming up there ass in Google and Facebook AI labs are having fun. AI inside “normal” corporations are (and will be) driven by software vendors such as SAS / Alteryx. Product managers with a little bit of training on modules will be able to that. You don’t need PhD in AI/NLP to do that. Anyhow keep drinking the cool aid. When I’ve heard a “normie” talking about TensorFlow, I knew short AI career-wise (Note: I still invest into companies leveraging AI such as Amazon etc; just don’t want work there) and long medicine/nutrition/biotech career wise. If I was younger I would have chosen to shift to Imminology / Clinical Neuroscience instead of falling off sleep in font of commoditised tool chains such as Docker / Slack / JIRA / countless frameworks and lots of what Taleb calls “Epistematic Arrogance” !

>> No.12431539


Dios mio... El Blanco...

>> No.12431554

These are TechCrunch fantasies and are at least 50-60 years away from commercialisation.

>> No.12431590

Right. Medicine is not quantitative profession. It’s qualitative right from medical research. In a commoditisation drive, quantitative stuff gets automated first. AI by definition is quantitative. It’s good for investors and managers, not at all good for AI workers. Oh yes, I forgot, CS / Stat departments of chosen universities will be insanely profitable for this brain-wash. How to invest there ?

>> No.12431695

Haha ok

>> No.12431734

I imagine you still have to talk to people as a clinical nutritionist, more so than as a programmer.

>> No.12431747

>fourteen years later
Who paid for those 8 years of education? Got loans?

>> No.12431774
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i fucking hate these self-help and layman psychology books with a passion

>> No.12431920


Any suggestions for someone who recently joined the software engineering workforce and has 6.5 years before hitting the threshold at which ageism begins in the industry?

There's evidence s that the profession isn't saturated with competent people. Personally, I don't see myself doing generic enterprise software development for too long...I can feel my brain atrophying from the kind of work I'm doing. Yes, always learning something "new", but it's always the same shit repackaged and made slightly better with the next best tool.

Was considering trying to do open intelligence analyst type work/private detective stuff. Probably not very feasible, but at least the kind of work might be interesting.

>> No.12432273

software development for wages is pure retardation only enabled by an immature industry.

>> No.12433318

You've said nothing worthwhile in your entire post.

>> No.12434008

>introvert too socially inhibited to even advertise their helpful skills or knowledge to the rest of society
>"booo, why can't people just read my mind and understand me without my contribution???"

>> No.12434097

Yes, but its much more empathy and research driven. It's all inbound (nutritional advices and recommendation). It's all SME (software fags are not SMEs in business - finance / accounting / domain-pharma fags are) based. Qualitative difference between talking to people (patients / clients) who are interested in improving their lives is WAY better than talking to "internal" customers / retarded managers / myriad "stakeholders" while fixing bugs for JIRA codebase in fucking Atlassian or building a "cool" ReactJS-driven news site !

>> No.12434180

What a retarded image. If you don't understand the difference between low skill work and high skill work you deserve to be poor.

>> No.12434208

Software is a good career for 3-5 years. Make as much money and investments you can afford. But invest something on yourself to find a sustainable career whee you will not be so tired to afford a sue hustle. Actually Enterprise Consultant in SAP / SAS / Oracle Financials are good stable careers as they have higher switching cost.

CyberSecurity is good as long as you are good at it and certified (heard good things about CISSP etc.). Open a consultancy and have fun !

Pick a domain that's in demand (credit risk / finance / healthcare etc.) and then pick up the strongest (highest competitive advantage via "switching cost") enterprise software of that segment. Then certify in that and be a "functional" consultant (don't code anything). Let's say I pick up "credit risk" (BTW: debts are tokenised as we speak and tokenised debts are here to stay and so as credit risk professionals) or risk management (tail-risk / EVT / VaR etc.) and then pick up SAS for "credit risk" (https://www.sas.com/en_us/insights/risk-management/credit-risk-management.html).). Certify on base SAS and credit risk modules. Then get actual industry charter for risk management such as CPRA or FRM. Learn R as a side. At the end you will have solid risk management knowledge complete with R & SAS. This alone makes you a "niche" candidate amongst millions of "generic" data-analysts and analyst-programmers.

>> No.12434545


Funny you mention Enterprise SAP Consultant as that's what one of my parents ended up doing and for the longest time I thought he was working a dead-end job. Always had overlooked the stability aspect of it.

What made you decide to 180 to nutrition? Let's say I'm not interested in anything enterprise tech related to the slightest. Was nutrition something you always had an interest in?

>> No.12434924

Yes, have a chronic condition myself which I managed through nutrition when regular GPs failed miserably. So as for my family members. And financially that's the least expensive "detour" possible at this mature age compared to a full-blown holistic-cardiologist or holistic-GI specialist. It takes insane amounts of time / money / motivation (decays with ageing) to get there.

>> No.12436272

> Let's say I'm not interested in anything enterprise tech related to the slightest

Anons like you keeps me optimistic about the future.

Finance is an option but extremely hard to get into, unless you try your like in Asia (“FooBar Capital”) with a CFA at minimum. Try to get in buy-side analyst or smaller PE.

Startup incubators are an option but you need to build solid connection to few angels / VCs / workspaces. Even better for those incubators houses inside an established companies such as Banks.