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File: 409 KB, 1516x874, holochain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12424792 No.12424792 [Reply] [Original]

I am just going to leave this here since there are no thread about this currently

>> No.12424814

There was a thread but I guess they left.
What do you want to know?
You wanna know about Sybil attacks and how holo is critically vulnerable to them in a way that cant be fixed?

>> No.12424830

Jesus what a faggot you are. Within 5 mins of it being posted you have to be a total faggot.

>> No.12424849

1$ is holos destiny. everyone here knows it.

>> No.12424863

Yeah, that's pretty interesting. I heard that they were trying to use KYC to fix it but it wasn't working. Wouldn't that mean that KYC is just forcing users to give up their private information for no benefit at all?

>> No.12424909

That is accurate

>> No.12425100

Distributed systems must rely on mechanisms to
restrict participation by nodes in processes that without
such restriction would compromise systemic integrity.
Systems where the restrictions are based on the nodes’
identity, whether that be as declared by type or author-
ity, or collected from the history of the nodes’ behaviors,
are know as permissioned [Swanson15]. Systems
where these restrictions are not based on properties of
the nodes themselves are known as permissionless.
In permissionless multi-agent systems, a principle
threat to systemic integrity comes from Sybil-Attacks
[Douceur02], where an adversary tries to overcome the
system’s validation rules by spawning a large number of
compromised nodes.

>> No.12425107

However, for both permissioned and permissionless systems, mechanisms exists to gate participation. For-
Let M(n, φ, z) be a binary function that evaluates
whether transactions of type φ submitted by n ∈ N
are to be accepted, and where z is any arbitrary extra
information needed to make that evaluation. Call M
the membrane function, and note that it will be a
component of the validation function V (t, v) from the
initial formalism5.
In the case of Ωbitcoin and Ωethereum, M ignores the
value of n and makes its determination solely on whether
z demonstrates the “proof” in proof-of-X be it work or
stake which is a sufficient gating to protect against Sybil-
Giving up the data-centric fallacy of forcing one ab-
solute truth ∀n, m ∈ N : Xn
!= Xm reveals that we
can’t discard transaction provenance. Agent-centric dis-
tributed systems instead must rely on two central facts
about data:
1. it originates from a source and
2. its historical sequence is local to that source.
For this reason, Ωhc splits the system state data into two
1. each node is responsible to maintain its own entire
Xn or source chain and be ready to confirm that
state to other nodes when asked and
2. all nodes are responsible to share portions of other
nodes’ transactions and those transactions’ meta
data in their DHT shard - meta data includes
validity status, source, and optionally the source’s
chain headers which provide historical sequence.

>> No.12425108

Holocoin? More like holoscam! I heard they can’t even defend an attack from Cindy across the street, what kind of low t beta male cuckold would you have to be to by HOT , just go buy chainscam instead it’s just as worthless

>> No.12425113

Thus, the DHT provides distributed access to others’
transactions and their evaluations of the validity of those
transactions. This resembles how knowledge gets con-
structed within social fields and through interaction with
others, as described by the sociological theory of social
The properties of the DHT in conjunction with the
hash function provide us with a deterministically defined
set of nodes, i.e., a neighborhood for every transaction.
But one cannot construct a transaction such that it lands
in a given neighborhood. Formally:
∀t ∈ ∆ : ∃η : H N
η(H(t)) = (n1, n2, . . . , nr)
where the function η maps from the range H of the hash
function H to the r nodes that keep the r redundant
shards of the given transaction t (see 12i).
Having the list of nodes η(H(t)) allows an agent to
compare third-party viewpoints regarding t, with its own
and that of the transaction’s source(s). The random-
ization of the hash function H ensures that those view-
points represent an unbiased sample. r can be adjusted
depending on the application’s constraints and the cho-
sen trade-off between costs and system integrity. These
properties provide sufficient infrastructure to create sys-
tem integrity by detecting nodes that don’t play by the
rules - like changing the history or content of their source
chain. In appendix C we detail tooling appropriate for
different contexts, including ones where detailed analysis
of source chain history is required - for example financial
transaction auditing.
Depending on the application’s domain, neighbor-
hoods could become vulnerable to Sybil-Attacks because
a sufficiently large percentage of compromised nodes
could introduce bias into the sample used by an agent
to evaluate a given transaction. Holochain allows ap-
plications to handle Sybil-Attacks through domain spe-
cific membrane functions.

>> No.12425142

Aka shit the fuck up about all this Sybil bullshit. They've addressed it more than a year ago. Kyc is for hosts also.

>> No.12425151

>Holochain allows applications to handle Sybil-Attacks through domain specific membrane functions.
This is their way of saying "mandatory KYC". I can understand why they had to come up with a fancy phrase for it, because "mandatory KYC" tends to turn people off.

>> No.12425187

>>Holochain allows applications to handle Sybil-Attacks through domain specific membrane functions.
>This is their way of saying "mandatory KYC". I can understand why they had to come up with a fancy phrase for it, because "mandatory KYC" tends to turn people off.
It's not kyc like you're normally used to. Stop thinking about Holo like every other run of the mill blockchain project.
We expect to have various levels of verification on the Holo network, the use of which will depend on the types of agents/nodes’ interactions/transactions.

Higher levels of verification will be required for Hosts and App publishers compared to those who, for example, may just be customers using Holo fuel for an in-app purchase transaction.

Some verifications will be conducted by one or more 3rd party providers, while others such as an email verification, we may do ourselves.

We plan to have a badges and points system where the certified 3rd party providers can sign for the badges or grant points for specific data that is verified (i.e. name, location, address, banking, etc.).

For example, an app publisher would get more points for validating a passport than they would for validating their email. Badges will show that the app provider has validated their name and location, similarly to verified YouTube channels or Facebook accounts.

If you buy a HoloPort, you will be able to see these points and badges and decide if you want to allow this app provider to host on your device(s).

Similarly, app providers may be able to choose you as a host according to the data you are willing to share, as well as the capacities of your HoloPort and your reputation ofup-time

>> No.12425189
File: 13 KB, 229x221, LaughingPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mandatory KYC

Imagine falling for this absolute shitcoin LOL!

>> No.12425198

It's tying a node operator's real-world identity to their activity on the network. It would be like if every bitcoin miner and node owner had to email Satoshi a copy of their passport.
>Stop thinking about Holo like every other run of the mill blockchain project.
I will decline your invitation to turn off my brain.

>> No.12425202
File: 2.33 MB, 1449x922, 100satsbyramadan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12425236
File: 53 KB, 457x495, 1522814030890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is never going to moon, stupid nigger feetcoin, KYC and berniebroe communist coin

t. part time fudder holding 8mm HOT

>> No.12425281

Gee, senpai. It does appear that Holochains indeed provide security for the application provider who has set appropriate application constraints for it's business objectives. The domain specific membrane functions will keep power in the hands of the application provider, and those who do business with them through the appropriate back channels. It however remains unclear what benefits this system provides over traditional centralized online communities and the relationships between service providers and their end users.

>> No.12425341

>Aka shit the fuck up about all this Sybil bullshit.
I like this part, more of that.

>> No.12425358

>It however remains unclear what benefits this system provides
None. Setting aside that it doesn't work, and the team they have doesn't have the experience or ability to make it work, the idea itself is fundamentally flawed, being inferior in performance to traditional systems, and inferior in security to leading blockchain systems. It is literally pointless.

>> No.12425385
File: 429 KB, 600x343, team holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, this is a team you can definitely trust with your money!

>> No.12425433

I would be more concerned about the fact that none of them have ever shipped a successful product, than how their passport photos look.

>> No.12425542

50k neet reporting in

>> No.12425605

Bro just shut the fuck up, you think you know more than the dudes building holo but guess what...you don't. Get over yourself, what are your credentials that gives you the ability to judge the project the way you are? And why do you care anyways? What about holochain has caused you to get so emotionally triggered if you're not even a supporter?

>> No.12425636

> It would be like if every bitcoin miner and node owner had to email Satoshi a copy of their passport
Is this true?

>> No.12425641

Moon mission aborted

>> No.12425704

>Bro just shut the fuck up
We did see that you have described Holochain as a system that places all the security and power in the hands of the application provider. This arrangement promises not to disrupt the existing relationship between traditional service providers and their userbases, therefore avoiding some significant friction when it comes to adoption. However, Some adopters of cryptocurrency had high hopes that the new technology would lead to networks with high decentralization leading to more power in the hands of the userbase who are the ones who arguably provide most of the wealth to a network to begin with. In a timeline where increasingly, users are being subjected to abuses of the power to censor and surveil. And basic digital rights find themselves in opposition to the strategic goals of powerful organizations. It surprises me to hear that you are incredulous towards anon's concerns. I would have hoped that an honest dialogue could be had between those who support Holochain's vision, and those who have very legitimate concerns. Unfortunately, it appears that the short-sighted fixation on token price gains are what is really important to the Holochain community.

>> No.12426027
File: 7 KB, 225x225, eric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12426052

Why are you so triggered by simple facts?
Wow thats a lot of words to say absolutely nothing. Almost like you're trying to slide the thread away from holo's critical design flaws Weird!

>> No.12426782

stop spamming your shitty erc pajeet scam token