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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12424366 No.12424366 [Reply] [Original]

It's saturday night and you're alone in front of your computer.

Are you doing anything productive or are just mindlessly wasting your life browsing /biz/, waiting for the next get rich quick scheme or a bullrun that will never come?

>> No.12424387
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awks, how i was just thinking the exact same thing and about to make a post.

>> No.12424391

was doing absolutely nothing except hating myself for not being productive like I said I would.

I resorted to sorting my hard drive and google drive, naming deleting and folderizing files.

Oh well, it helps to be organized even though I wanted to do something actually ambitious I will settle for this.

>> No.12424393

Did you have to come on here and post this and be an asshole? Why would you do that?

>> No.12424406

Not alone and not in front of computer (Actually taking a shit). Check mate bitch.

>> No.12424412

Not being an asshole, just legitimately care about my fellow anons.

>> No.12424413

I'm at the club right now getting a "bj" from a my 10/10 swedish supermodel gf (I'm a rich guy and this is one of my many gf) who thinks I'm going to marry her but really I'm just using for sexual gratification. You are alone and poor and on /biz/ to commiserate with fellow low class rubes. I am rich and in the club and on /biz/ to pass the time. I will be at the club and on /biz/ tomorrow as well, because I have more money than I know what to do with and find everything so trite and amusing, in a detached chad manner.

Sent from my premium gold plated iPhone XXX

>> No.12424419
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The latter, and drinking myself unconscious as I listen to nostalgic music

>> No.12424423
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Jokes on you I'm with my friends

>> No.12424433

Hey fuck off buddy. I've tried almost every hobby under the sun, including exercising and therapy. Guess what? None of it is fun. Sitting here at my PC mindlessly refreshing 4chan is still the best hobby I've found

that and jerking off. I love jerking off

>> No.12424437

send pick from the club
everyone can larp here

>> No.12424447

>ruthless hedonism
never gonna make it.

>> No.12424458

i'm actually coding a bot so i can join the elite whale club in a year or two.

>> No.12424461


No one cares normalfag. You're probably still coping with some deluded fantasy of "making it". It probably involves meeting some roastie who "isn't like the other girls", settling down, and being a happy go lucky normalfag until you die of cardiovascular disease at 76.

>> No.12424465

You would like that, wouldn't you? The truth is that I am taunting you because you are poor and I am rich. You desire a picture because you live in a world where you have to prove things to other people and are projecting your insecurity onto me. I do not have to prove anything to anybody to validate myself, because my lavish life and hedonistic lifestyle is all the validation that I would require if I required validation, which I do not because I am a self-actualized billionaire who is mentally and physically superior to 99% of living individuals. You are in that 99% of people. Ask me how I know that you are in the 99% group of people that are inferior to me in both mind and body.

Sent from my premium gold plated iPhone XXX

>> No.12424474

I'm cleaning my room

>> No.12424480
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I'm not alone though, I'm alone drinking with my friend and he's about to ufck his girl soon. You don't know what you're talking about buddy.

>> No.12424487
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Just chilling sipping on some moonshine waiting for link to moon so i can finally start my life

>> No.12424492

That's a weird way to say you're larping

>> No.12424495

idk what to do with my life.

>> No.12424498

unironically this. what kinda moonshine did you make or buy?

>> No.12424505

I'm done cleaning my room

>> No.12424509


>> No.12424513

im just letting my life getting wasted away in depression like i always had.

>> No.12424515

Browsing around looking to see if I can help any fellow anons with advices, as I feel I’ve made it

>> No.12424523

I have to get up early to catch flight, but if I didn't I would be here anyways

>> No.12424531
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>> No.12424535

Good ol'e yeast, sugar and water fermented for a couple weeks. Heated and burned into pure 96% alcohol and purified with active charcoal two times to avoid the debris. Then mixed with 50/50 water to make it a final~50% alcohol.
Mixed it with coffee (poorfag mix, need the funds for more LINK.)

>> No.12424540
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fapping destory all my will/desire/motivation/personality

and it's so hard to stop

>tfw no justification to stop

>> No.12424549


Accept reality. Life is mostly uninteresting, monotonous and pointless

>> No.12424552

i keked visually

do you want to indimitade me with your shitty post on a finnish ancient dishwasher repair forum? do you by any chance heard of "tits or gtfo" when anons are larping as femanons.
you are nothing else than a schizo troll

>> No.12424563

jesus fuck that's sad, not that me applying to jobs is really any more productive

>> No.12424588

waiting on my first shipment, going to take a month at this rate
watching anime to escape from my currently shitty life (IT wageslave)
when my shipment arrives I'll go into bull mode, including several preplanned youtube videos, instagram growth phase, etc demonstrating and raising awareness for my product

till then I have to escape to feel refreshed enough to slave away (ironically I need the cash from my job)

at least I have nofap going for me

>> No.12424687

Tomorrow is when I'll finally kick-start my life, I'll start eating healthy, lifting weights and meeting cute girls to fall in love with. But today, only today, I'll stay up late playing video games and watching porn. Yeah, maybe healthy habits and socializing can wait another day...

>> No.12424737

Im sad now

>> No.12424762

There is no get rich scheme for me since all my expendable income goes to the guy who findoms me. He uses it to invest in crypto without having to risk his own money.

>> No.12424777
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Honestly not doing much tonight. Just playing with some friends.
T. 24 year old engineer

>> No.12424952

> fapping destroyed my life!

>> No.12424959

had to slip the engineer in there huh ranjesh

>> No.12424986
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Structural engineer who lives in a small quite town in Canada

>> No.12425074
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>tfw when desktop lost all HDDs but two and is fucked as a result
>tfw keyboard no longer works and spergs out when connected
>tfw using accessibility keyboard to type
>tfw looking at the brand new HDD that could fix all this under mail and bags of already vaped weed

>> No.12425086


I am working on my 2018 taxes.

>> No.12425102

can i findom u?

>> No.12425117

If you are an androgynous guy with big feet, maybe

>> No.12425123

sh-shut up

>> No.12425186

Just got back from work. On biz while pooping. Now heading out to shovel the snow off of my parents' driveway.

Live with my parents for free, but trying to also be helpful.

>> No.12425215

Unironically planning the logistics for my suicide.

>> No.12425229
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Don't listen to faggot OP. Just take it one day at a time and..

>> No.12425244
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pls share

>> No.12425289

thanks for the reminder, i'll get back to work

>> No.12425355

what? I just drank the bar closed
I come here to drunkpost and masturbate to thumbnails

>> No.12425445

Do you at least get to watch and jack it?

>> No.12426227

I'm procrastinating on setting up passive income, is there any worse hell?

>> No.12426286

> just mindlessly wasting your life browsing /biz/, waiting for the next bullrun that will never come?

These threads are starting to make me depressed. I went all in. If it doesn't moon the next 7 months I'm properly ruined. I will probably lose my girlfriend and definitely my dignity. I have a lot riding on this. More than I'm comfortable to admit even on here.

>> No.12426290

Been there don’t that

>> No.12426316

Basically me. Last ditch effort to do this I ordered healthy meals from one of those "meals to your door" programs.

> Day 2 of eating them
> Ordered the "muscle building" meal plan
> It's meant for people who actually work out
> It's just going to make me fat probably
> But at least I'm eating better
> I'm fat and unhealthy and chainsmoke nearly a pack a day
> Nicotine gum.jpg
> Have to get up early for work tomorow
> Been late every day last week
> Still haven't hit 6 month probationary period and can be fired any time
> I'm going to not stay up late today after reading your post
> Thanks for motivating me anon

Just gonna browse 4chan a bit longer...

>> No.12426327

If I sell now I lose a bit over 20K but I'll still make it if I wageslave like normal for the next 7 months.

>> No.12426333

What happened to you?

>> No.12426417

Dem child bearing hips and sparkling skin... wowzers

>7 months or I KMS

Don't be a fucking crybaby, just wait until March where the Market Makers tax returns from 18 kick in. They'll turn the pumps back on then. In 7 months we'll all be plaid

>> No.12426499

>7 months
Why the timeline? Are you in debt?

>> No.12426504

how do I stop doing this every weekend?

>> No.12426508
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Start by reading the Bible

>> No.12426528

That’s good bro. I almost choked on my food. Upboated hail hitler

>> No.12426540

Bought a house for my girlfriend and I to move in to so we can raise a family. She doesn't know I put all the deposit money into crypto. It's due in 7 months. My house of cards will come crumbling down.

Family is also proud of me. Telling me how far I've come etc, etc...

I will never be able to show my face to any of them ever again if this doesn't work out. It was stupid, but before I knew it I was all in.

>> No.12426541

I miss those days man. I miss them so much. I miss the college major advice threads. I miss the eBay threads. I miss the pennystocks. I miss the retarded business threads.

I miss the tortilla chip warmer threads.

I miss the fraud threads.

I miss the drugdealing threads.

I miss the alibaba threads.

I miss the "things poor people say/do" threads.

I miss the iHaz threads.

I miss the li sheng threads

I miss the runescape gold threads.

I miss you /biz/. I loved you so much, this was my favorite board by far I had so much good times.

>> No.12426548

Cryptocurrency/Blockchain shit should be its own board. A /cc/ or /bc/ or /cry or something

>> No.12426563


>> No.12426565

Why would you want to stop?

nice larp

>> No.12426579

Doesn't sound that bad

>> No.12426587

I'll prove it. Sec

>> No.12426623
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does this suffice? i really did fuck up this hard. :( feels bad man

>> No.12426701

Greentext the wider context and that fateful day you went all in

Then we focus on unfucking this, okay?

>> No.12427016

i feel like you, anon.

> /cry

>> No.12427030

>not amassing wealth so that you can try every hedonistic pleasure available

>> No.12427109

>the best things in life are the ones you cannot tell anyone about

>> No.12427261
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tired and have to get up for work in 5 hours so shit quick rundown. but basically -

> working my ass of towards for this for almost 2 years now
> recovered from neet life after being neet from 16 till 24
> proper hardcore neet
> lexapro.jpg
> fucked up recovery but somehow became able to wageslave
> girlfriend at 24+
> hold down job for first time ever
> feel motivated by desire for love and family
> make up for years of dysfunction best i can
> put down 1K holding deposit on a place
> six months later pay initial deposit with agreement to pay second half upon building completion
> stress stress stress
> so much stress happened
> recovered
> shortly after stressful recovery
> crypto
> went in heavy at 15k
> lost a lot of money
> year-ish later
> btc at 7k-ish
> i'll be wise and only invest a little to "be in the game"
> put in $100
> that was easy
> price goes up, make like $24 of gains
> hmm
> put in $500 next day
> more gains
> no no, i'll be conservative
> 500 a month max
> 2 days later
> fomo
> $5000
> drops
> "maybe it's an opportunity"
> put in more
> then more
> break budget completely
> might as well go all in
> put in about 18 months of savings towards deposit and money needed to get a bank/home loan
> maybe this way i'll be able to pay off 20% of the apartment instead of just 10%!!! ^_^
> drops
> drops more
> keeps dropping
> present day
> at least i can always move to thailand for a year with the 75% return on the 5% deposit i already made
> ;_;

i didn't know it before because the first time i bought crypto i didn't use an exchange. but after using an exchange and seeing how easy it is... i realized that crypto has a kind of power that makes you want to just keep buying it. i keep putting all my paychecks into tron and link and shit even though i'm down by thousands of $$$

feels bad man

>> No.12427274

anybody else already rich from crypto and still shitpost here making fun of link holders?

>> No.12427323

Who else knows? Do you want advice?

>> No.12427391

>i realized that crypto has a kind of power that makes you want to just keep buying it.

>> No.12427797

she's ready for breeding