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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12395667 No.12395667 [Reply] [Original]

>Well I'll say this... you guys sure are excited about your thing.
Biz's deluded scourge spreads to twitter and gets immediately destroyed by web3's official account. How can they recover?

>> No.12395693

To all the Chainlink faggots reading this- I hope you are all aware that no one actually gives a shit about your memecoin. This won't even be /ourcoin/ a year from now.

>> No.12395702

It's telling that in their first interactions with real industry figures outside biz they get shut down immediately

>> No.12395740

smart contracts are a meme, you aren't ridding yourself of any middle-man and contrary to the lie you actually add one to it, the coder. Smart contracts are expensive and unecessary but only Linktards believe this is the future and that anyone would trust a machine over a person that can be accounted for and held responsible.

>> No.12395742

Lame fud

>> No.12395778

unironically the stupidest fud ever
smart contracts are written in stone, deterministically and irrevocably permanent
pragesh, gtfo.

>> No.12395792

Yeah and you fucking faggots act like it's a problem.
The only problem about them is the SOURCE of the info.
Whoever becomes the "accredited" source will be the winner.
Oracle problem is a meme in itself.
There's already code that can source(key word) information from anywhere or anything that's availible on the web. The REAL issue is WHO is the supplier of the source not Who can turn it into a contract.

>> No.12395806

Signed API data is all that's needed. No need for unnecessary tokens.

>> No.12395809

shut the fuck up $1000 eoy

>> No.12395826

>Signed API data
stupid regurgitated fud from the other thread

>> No.12395917

Lol bro, there's even a coin called RSK that's directly linked to bitcoin that can pull data.

Fuck you guys are literal retards that can't even see what the real issue is.

Who do we trust for these contracts.