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12388425 No.12388425 [Reply] [Original]

..all of the actual scams lately have been done by whiteys. Substratum, TenX, Centrys, Oyster PRL, Bitconnect...

Was the China Hustle narrative just an elaborate distraction?

>> No.12388437

Bitconnect was chink scam

>> No.12388494
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>talking about scams and hustles
>not talking about the joostening, the most entertaining of them all
Carlos was great and all and what happened to Oyster sure was a funny surprise. But how can you forget?

>> No.12388512

95% of altcoins are a scam, including shitlink

>> No.12388554

oh yeah how could i forget confido. theres yet another one done by a whitey

>> No.12388600
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Oyster PRL was pretty insane. To see a project unfold before our very eyes, with the exit-scamming creator raging at his team publicly and then claiming that he was exit-scamming for the good of the investors... lmfao. Then to see the PRL bagholders try to make sense of it and claim that it was still a better hold than BAT. Oh lord, it was a sight to see

>> No.12390302

Llmao i still have like 860 erc20 prl tokens in my old mew account.-. never transfered them to mainnet tokens

>> No.12390984

DeepBrainChain? There will be more that fall the same way.