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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12381811 No.12381811 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who were around for the ETH months before lift off, the feeling is very similar.

We're in a completely different landscape than what ETH was in with regards to trustless infrastructure. ETH being the first smart contract platform (first decent/adopted one) had to prove itself, and it took a few years of the mainnet being live and some time for it to grab people's attention.

Once it got people's attention, it took months before it started to click with people what this new infrastructure meant, what smart contracts could do, the gap they could fill etc. It was this realization, as well as the ICO rush that lead to the bull last year.

Speculation was high and people were throwing money at it, newcomers entered in waves for a chance to get involved.


With Chainlink on the verge of releasing their decentralized oracle infrastructure, it's going to increase the capabilities of not just ETH's infrastructure, but every blockchain infrastructure, including Bitcoin's.

The API investment in software almost defined a new genre of products i.e. Saas, the ease of providing/sharing data consistently creates new ideas. Smart contract platforms are in their infancy right now, without Chainlink they are an intranet, with Chainlink...

We're going to see new ideas, solutions, product's that have never been possible before in the past come to fruition when this infrastructure is live. Previous problems, even existing solutions may be replaced in favour of the new ideas with what is now capable.

Speculation for Chainlink will arrive much faster than that of ETH's, I hope you are ready.

There's only so many times I've been as excited about I am right now for Chainlink:

>Reading about ETH
>Cloud computing
>Super Smash Bros: Melee
>Setting up my first LAMP stack to create a website on the internet
>my first dialup modem

I lurk every now and again for the LINK memes, this is the only time I will post before LINK takes off.

>> No.12381875

2.5k eoy

>> No.12381935

Is this a waves and verge shill thread?

>> No.12381971

Just replace chainlink with the shitcoin of your choice in OP’s post

>> No.12382253


Not sure that works desu

>> No.12382504

so are you saying its going to pump when mainnet comes out?

>> No.12382511

tomorrow is my birthday. all i wanna know is whats the first price target. somebody just fucking tell me.

>> No.12382527
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What use does a large corporate entity or institution have with a coin that can be analysed through chain analysis so that their competitors, foreign governments, or other bad actors can analyse all of their transactions data?

Information leaked includes relationships, supply chains, profit and loss information, accumulated wealth, and more.

For people serious about Business Monero is the answer. Data mining will be a serious issue for commercial deployments.


>> No.12382562

Target: 8000 sats

>> No.12382911

>what are trusted execution environments
Also that monero roastie is not attractive, find somebody else

>> No.12382913

what's with reddit spacing faggots and their empty know-it-all bullshit?
it's teenagers, isn't it. i blame teenagers.

>> No.12383679
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>> No.12383771

>For those of you who were around for the ETH months before lift off, the feeling is very similar.
I was around before ETH ico even. Chainlink is in no way similar to ETH. I say this as someone who despises both.

>> No.12383806
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>> No.12383816

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