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12349858 No.12349858 [Reply] [Original]

If only Obama hadn't done an unsustainable ecconomic stimulus package. How long will we be in correction before Trump's ecconomy pics up again

>> No.12349887
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>> No.12349905


You are experiencing the effects of Trump's economy.

We had sustainable growth under Obama and then Trump pumped and dumped it with unsustainable tax cuts and trade wars

>> No.12349919

Based orange man, traders love him, boomer 'investors' hate him

>> No.12349929
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Looks like you invested into the wrong thing kiddo


>> No.12349961
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>stable growth

>> No.12350004
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>Stable growth under Obama

Please tell me that's bait.

>> No.12350030


Black man > Orange man

>> No.12350273


Its true though, After the GFC there was pretty much a constant bull run under obama. Now you can argue how much obama or liberal policy contributed to that, but you can't argue with the fact that the longest US stock bull run occurred under obama and into trump's first year.

Its also hard not to blame the trump / GOP for this bear market. You could blame the fed, but what idiot didn't see rate hikes coming after a $5 trillion tax giveaway to global coronations, funded by the printing press, and $1 trillion annual deficits. Poor GOP fiscal policy is forcing the fed to pick between runaway inflation or rate hikes. Talk of tariffs, trade wars, and general uncertainty under trump doesn't help either.

>> No.12350306

what is the fed for 200 points.

the fed caused the great depression, the great recession of 2008 and this current dip. seriously look at a chart of fed governed interest rates vs economic crashes.

>> No.12350355


Did you read my post? The fed is responding to the GOP's extremely loose fiscal policy of huge tax giveaways to global corps, increased spending, runaway deficits.

>> No.12351628

You had to have been a moron to lose money in the stock market the past year.

>> No.12351650

ITT: Retards
Yes, this is Trump's economy now.
That's what happens when you take a giant shit on the market through tariffs and ending trade deals and then tweet about firing the fed.

>> No.12351764

> 2 years after Obama
> The present day crash is Obama's fault
Back to your containment board, retard.

>> No.12351850
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>If only Obama hadn't done an unsustainable ecconomic stimulus package. How long will we be in correction
>before Trump's ecconomy pics up again
i lol'd

>> No.12351882

No, the fed is trying to play catch up from raising rates back up soon enough after 2008.

>> No.12351890

*from NOT raising rates soon enough

>> No.12351895
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>> No.12351931

listen to the 1st 2-3 minutes

>> No.12352024
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Thanks anon just went 100x long