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12334611 No.12334611 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12334616

said the increasingly nervous swinglinker

>> No.12334619
File: 3.72 MB, 400x174, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or the tears of the swingies will be :)

we held through worse my dude, I bought from 80 cents to 17 cents... nothing can phase us linkies, we are ready to sink with the mother fucking ship playing the violin.

>> No.12334620

Yep, it will dump to 10k sats and from there dump upwards indefinitely!

>> No.12334628

Are you the guy yesterday that sold at 8700 and was very confident it would come back down? Sorry, fren. Any dump will still give us a new, much higher bottom.

>> No.12334632


Just sold the top. Nothing personal kid.

>> No.12334642

Thanks for your bags fren.

>> No.12334647
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>e sold?
>pomp et

>> No.12334648

there will a story of swinger linker.

>> No.12334655
File: 11 KB, 225x225, rich_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry to hear that. I know it feels scary to sell the pumps but that's what separates men from boys. Buy low, sell high. Never been easier.


Of course it will.




Thanks for buying the top.

>> No.12334680
File: 548 KB, 1652x1342, swingy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah just like the guy in pic related...no sorry i'm not falling for that. if it dumps I just buy more, thats the chad way to do it. DCAing your way down, instead of selling linkies! EVER! you cunt

>> No.12334695

saved, this will be the state of swinger

>> No.12334715


This wouldn't happen to you if you actually knew how to trade. But good luck holding, I guess.

>> No.12334739
File: 35 KB, 1321x189, 1543492857120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knew how to trade, ffs you just have to miss 1 time and all the "gains" you made will be lost forever, and u'll lose everything.

do you realize how dumb that is?
>know how to trade
you think I don't know? but i'm not risking it all on chainlink, i'm too emotionally tied to this token.
i wil never EVER EVER sell.

only swingies do it for like 100 linkies a trade and almost a heart attack.

no thanks.

also crypto is the most fucking unpredictable market there is, so stop your lies, it's all wishful thinking and luck. the only ones making money in this market are either degenerate levraging faggots that can either lose everything of make it big, or whales, who literally contorl the market, and shake the money off off retards like you.

>> No.12334780
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>i'm too emotionally tied to this token.

See, here's your problem. Huge mistake to emotionally invested in anything in life, especially some shitcoin. Also, why are you so mad?

If you know how to trade you won't miss "the pump". If you miss it, then you clearly don't know shit and even then you can still buy a bit higher & be better off (with a bigger stack) than retarded holders.

There's no honor in markets and you don't get any extra points for holding throughout the bear market from anyone. You're just a retard who doesn't know how to trade.

>> No.12334790

Some time it won't come back down. I don't think it's this time, but can't risk it either. I'm hoping for another dip after all the eth forks are done

>> No.12334801

I could trade any other shitcoin without any emotion and just take profits.
i''m not emotionally tied because i love sergey or I fell in love...it's because I know the fucking potential of link...I actually first bought in november 2017..and kept DCAing for a whole fucking year; averaged down to 30 cents and now i'm making good fkin gains. if it dumps back to 20 cents i'll increase my stack considerably, but this isn't just any other shitcoin you can just swing trade, the singularity WILL happen. and when it happens, guys like you will lose everything.

happened to alot of people with BTC, ETH, ANTSHARES, not making the same mistake again.
this token is the future of the whole crypto space, selling it right now is just like selling ETH at 5$

>> No.12334819
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Listen up faggot, all you "I'm a trader"-fags are the dumb ones. How many "I'm a trader"-fags are in the billionaire class? If you find new projects (or indeed companies) that have value in the sense of "yeah seems like they are going to be around", it is wiser to hold.

>> No.12334839


AH yes, I suppose you knew that the koreans would pump this did you?

lmao fuck off, you sold early and want it to come back down. You're thinking a standard pnd right?

Those last 2 hours, not >24 hours. Also you ever seen this level of volume before? EVER?

It's 93% RSI on the 4hr chart, so yeah, it will come back down, but don't act like you foresaw a 8 figure korean pump coming in. Idiot.

>> No.12334850


>> No.12334858

off we go again

>> No.12334862


>> No.12334870
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You want a pat on the back for that? You're just confirming my point. Nobody cares how long you held for, the only thing that matters is how much money you make.


You answered it yourself faggot. Of course they don't trade as they invested huge sums of money. Did you? You unironically think that you holding $1000 worth of some shitcoin is similar to billionaire investing? Stay deluded.

>> No.12334877

>tfw been on biz so long you've seen this exact thing 10+ times

Fuck sake... literally word for word the same posts I am seeing.

>you'll miss the real moon mission if you sell now!

>> No.12334881
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Damn, I'm so sad I didn't sell the exact top to the satoshi.

>> No.12334886


You tell me man, there is no hope left for these retards.

>> No.12334895

get absolutely destroyed you desperate faggot.

>> No.12334901

>implying it wont
every day a bear says it will go down while a bull claims it will go up

>> No.12334924
File: 143 KB, 796x434, 1540208007197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah everyone had money from the start. Stay woke bro!

>> No.12334945


Am retarded but this was for you.

>> No.12334949

Keep this thread alive. I want to watch OP get btfo in real time.

>> No.12334950
File: 336 KB, 500x590, link_bagholder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


News is always a reason to justify TA.


See this brainlet.


Yes, you are.

>> No.12334959

>he thinks it’s the top

>> No.12334964
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The paradox is that you must always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.12334988


>> No.12335032



>> No.12335038

Far from it, brainlet. Are you feeling the sweat yet? It reeks. Thread is not going your way is it. Also you are a larp, you didn't sell shit.

>> No.12335070


Am I nervous swingie or a LARP? I can't be both, r-right? Stupid brainlet. The only one who is emotional here is you.

>> No.12335112

You are a larp, retard, never said anything to the contrary. Calling you a "I'm a trader"-fag was apparently too much for your intelligence, for that I apologize, I'll try to keep the complexity on your level from now on.

>> No.12335134
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>> No.12335137

Is this a good time to buy eth? I didn't have the disposable income last week but now eth is ~150 dollars while it was around ~90 two weeks ago.
Is there going to be a dump soon? Should I wait before buying?
Because I recall there was a huge decrease in value last year around this time in the cryptomarket, so I don't know if it would be smart to wait or buy now.

>> No.12335143

swing trading LINK is like betting everything on a martingale. only idiots do it, and youre bound to lose eventually.

>> No.12335170
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>> No.12335173

no dump until top 10. fuck off pajeet

>> No.12335183

Is religiously holding better?

If you held for the last 1 year, you'd be up 1.5%.

Alternatively, you could have sold all of the pumps over the year and easily be 5x your money if smart.

>> No.12335209

no, butn you could just DCA, bnot burn all your cash, always keep some on the side, and whenever there is a chance to lower your average buy, then just buy a little more.
it's the bests trategy for link

>> No.12335228

When fully diluted to 100% link currently has the highest mcap of any erc20

You're a fool if you're not selling this pump and rebuying later

>> No.12335231

thanks, so no.

>> No.12335262
File: 42 KB, 351x450, 12-01-24-Nervous-Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you're right. ive been wanting to buy some more under 30 cents. i think the only thing thatll make link dump off of its trend is bitcoin dumping though

>> No.12335278
File: 11 KB, 200x200, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How have people not caught on it is the same pnd group(s) pumping and dumping this. There are going to be major bagholders after this.

>> No.12335357


Okay brainlet.






Coping this hard.


Based and redpilled. You retards will be dumped on hard soon.

>> No.12335375

Kek thinks any price in 2019 in the top

>> No.12335486

Every study ever done on trading vs holding shows that time in the market beats attempting to time the market
/End of discussion

>> No.12335560

Here we go. LET IT DUMP!

>> No.12336173
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>> No.12336185

Cup and handle, friend

>> No.12336192

You Linkies have an answer to everything.

Link has apparently been cup and handling for a fucking year now according to you faggots

>> No.12336206
File: 2.04 MB, 2018x2048, Screenshot_20190104-003040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be one more huge green dildo before we hit the top. Screen cap this

Imagine selling now like a pleb

>> No.12336227


>> No.12336232

t. desperate $0.46 buyer

>> No.12336242

SUB $0.40

AAAHAHAHAHA hear that? The sound of Linky's money going down the toilet

>> No.12336296

>he thought an ERC20 token made by a philosophy major with a history of failed crypto projects was going to moon?


>> No.12336326

>not selling now and buying back cheaper
Please give just one reason why you would rather sit on your ass and watch gains evaporate

>> No.12336376

EU/china guys pumps it
americans wake up, see price, dumps it
like the last 4 cycles.
nothing to see here

>> No.12336421

BTC starting to shit the bed again

will we ever witness a LINK pump without BTC crashing and burning immediately after?

>> No.12336442
File: 143 KB, 1200x951, 1501393881020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill give reasons for why im not a swing trader.

1st i hold a fairly large amount of LINK, probabyl a lot more than the swing trader ITT. And swing trading with such a large amount is impossible because the volume is simply not high enough. You could only swing trade $20 k worth of LINK at most. So if youre a LINKie who has less than 20 k USD worth of LINK, then yes, you probably could make more swing trading.

2nd. Selling is bad for the market. If everyone jsut bought and HODL we would have huge LINK price. The only reason why LINK is sub $1 is just because of Swing traders who treat an investment like its pump and dump penny stock. In order for LINK to progress, it needs to advance in price.

3rd. I made most of my money in crypto just holding. You swingers think this is a pump? Ive heald coins that go up 15% one day, and then shoot up 300% overnight. Not saying LINK will go 200% tonight, but it sure is hell similar to all the coins that have megamooned.

>> No.12336443

>selling link

>> No.12336457
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>> No.12336491


>they see me swinging

good luck OP

>retard swings just before the huge speculation phase

>> No.12336604

>fully diluted to 100%
Wtf does this mean you dumb nigger.

>> No.12336665
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he just tried to sound smart and ended up as a fucking retarded nigger

>> No.12337060

I sold
but I'll be buying back if it goes below 8k again
regardless, I'll be running chain link oracle nodes for profit

>> No.12337442

I’ve literally tripled my BTC holdings from buying LINK. Can’t believe I’m getting pump and dumped... I guess I should sell

>> No.12338073

A pump and dump group put $47 Million in?

>> No.12338110

No one put $47MM into ChainLink. You don’t know how markets work, do you?

>> No.12338124

Based on my TA, this is probably going to to 17k sat before it gets dumped. Could go higher if something major is announced but I doubt it

>> No.12338175
File: 247 KB, 550x412, g1360529335119548357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold @ 11300ish
looking to reenter around 9600

nothing moves in a straight line, let the sellers take profits, buy back cheaper

>> No.12338251

That's not a bad idea. Hopefully it goes back down to that area (it can). The volume shows me that more people are coming in, can go higher.

>> No.12338933

For me its the first reason, only swinging a couple thousand linkies seems not worth it.

>> No.12339394
File: 41 KB, 675x351, Screen Shot 2019-01-04 at 20.42.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> talks about dump

> still parabolic

>> No.12339527

I sold 235k links at 7800 sats. I'm eternally BTFO lol.

Maybe if no news comes out and BTC shits the bed one last time I can buy back in with more links than I originally had as my all along plan.

But it's looking pretty grim right now.

Let's see. I'm betting we will go back to 7500 sats in a matter of weeks if nothing new comes out.

I swear to god I'll never swing again if I can get back in and buy like 240k links.

I'm on suicide watch right now. Good luck marines.

But this was a ridiculous pump...

Let's hope it was just a pump and dumper so I can buy back in. Right now I can't even get 160k links lol.

It should technically go back down on no news tho. And BTC is looking to test yearly lows again.

SO there's that working for me.

>> No.12339550


>> No.12339717

swinging 235k links? you were greedy as fuck and deserve this.

>> No.12339759


If you want we can chat a bit about levels to scale back in and discuss the price movements. Send me a screenshot with (you) at: basedandredpilled@tutanota.com

>> No.12339824

I know, I’m just broke and want more LINK without giving more money for them. I like to gamble. I am going to play poker tonight. Every ounce of profit I have will be spent on LINK. We like to gamble.

>> No.12339869
File: 53 KB, 518x313, 7252984_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like we're off to new highs

>> No.12340104

Swinglinkers can go suck 500 cocks eoy.

>> No.12340132
File: 22 KB, 220x229, 1542662754963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless BTC takes a major dump within the next couple days i have bad news for you fren..

>> No.12340229


unironically not stopping

>> No.12340279

Was hoping for a pullback to accumulate more. Damn thing keeps pumping though. Probably test new highs again soon.

>> No.12340362
File: 564 KB, 989x742, 4CC3877C-DEB1-4123-8133-06121F0C742B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit it’s dumping upwards again

>> No.12340582

cant dump if no one ever sells

>> No.12340592
File: 19 KB, 244x255, 1385810273537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hope so. I want to buy as much as I can below 30 cents again.

>> No.12340688

Pics or didn't happen

>> No.12340758

Man i tried the same with 100k links eventually doubling down like a noob.

Fomo’d back in and lost 9k Linkies. Still have a 230k stack So its ok. But never again.

>> No.12340770

We're about to break ico price kek.

>> No.12340805


> no news
> docusign partnership in a few weeks

>> No.12340870
File: 253 KB, 645x773, 1517319385300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sells the bottom
>j-j-just sold the t-t-t-t-t-top guys

>> No.12340871

Either way, I’m happy.

Make money

Buy more, make even more money later.

Any other sentiment is purely autistic screeching.

>> No.12340896

This long slow pump has been awesome but it's kinda sad we will never get a screaming 10x in a week 2017 style pump. It's already #35 on CMC. Unless the market goes on another serious bull run we're looking at another 5x from here best case scenario.

>> No.12340906

im suprised it remains at this level, I thought it would've dumped. I guess a lot of swinglinker btfo.

>> No.12340922
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imagine being so full of yourself that you can't buy a coin that's set to conservatively do at least a 50x from this point because a 22 cent price increase is "too expensive"

>> No.12341037

We just did you fucking idiot.