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12323206 No.12323206 [Reply] [Original]

this is the ultimate IDEX killer.
>fiat gateway
>private if you want it to be
>atomic swaps
>hiring market makers for liquidity
>will be community-run in the future


>> No.12323412

Ivan on teg said they're having another vid tomorrow featuring em

>> No.12323473

lets first get a website up that's not only for chinks

>> No.12323564

Idex is history, not even valid comparison anon. Good luck getting people to trade on your exchange when you implement full KYC.

Personally I love that I can start mining RES already and earn rewards through respool.io , 10 min process at best.

Hit me up on their discord if any of you anons join.

>> No.12323740

they have a discord?

>> No.12323835

Never heard of it and there is no information on the project online. Is this a new project in the Cryptospace?

>> No.12323836

yea they do, search their telegram channel


>> No.12323854

uhh resistance killed idex before they knew it themselves
And I can't remember when idex gave ledgers away for free
I hope they are saving their pennies cauz they be out of business soon

>> No.12323931

u all sound like a bunch of Bieber fan boys
did any of you actually know who they were before they gave you free shit?
the logo looks like your sperm floating around in your mothers womb trying to escape the pathetic life to cum
move on - all hail IDEX

>> No.12324191

IDEX gonna die soon and there is nothing that can be done about it, so fuck off

>> No.12324238

What does Idex have going for it really? Centralized orderbooks that tend to freeze when trading gets tough, banning people whenever they please however they please, banning KYCs so you have to give them identity.

what is a boomer like you even doing here?

>> No.12324560

Dat logo though. First thought it was a MS-Painted arrow till I saw it's simply an ugly R. I hope they are better with coding.

>> No.12324780

IDEX is shit man

It's about time they sink, im tired of their two step deposits and garbage.

Resistance all the way man

>> No.12325132

Good post OP. The more solid DEXes, the better for crypto.