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12302185 No.12302185 [Reply] [Original]

Which breed offers the highest ROI?

I'm thinking about getting a lab because they are so loving.

>> No.12302190


>> No.12302193

lab or german shepherd.

>> No.12302199

I hate those dogs and their shitty personalities.

>> No.12302203
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God tier

Don’t forget Axolotls OP

>> No.12302206

Pitbulls for sure if you arent a dick to them. They're loving, intelligent enough to be obedient, and intimidate strangers

>> No.12302210

Thanks for the insight Tyronne

>> No.12302233

I would never buy hell dogs, there is a reason theyre banned in many places. If there is anything I hate more than pitbulls it is pitbull owners

>> No.12302281

how do you go about selling your axolotls?

>> No.12302292

>I need no strings attached free attention from an animal living trapped with me
Is there anything more pathetic and cucked than this?

>> No.12302299


>> No.12302354

Your what faggot?

Don't tell me you're too much of a brainlet to spell correctly?

>> No.12302358
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For me, its Greyhounds.

>Readily available (ex-racers)
>Cat-like without all the shitty parts of cats
>Friendly but aloof to strangers
>Barely barks
>Sleeps 14-18 hrs a day

>Extremely high prey drive, most will leave you forever if they have the chance to murder a rabbit
>Despite this, has little to few defensive instincts besides "run"; thus a shitty watch/guard dog
>Does best if able to run full speed a few times a week, which requires a long fenced area
>Heat and cold sensitive (thin coat/skin)

Once I pay off my student loans early next year, I'm gonna move to a smaller city and adopt one. Can't wait, every greyhound I've ever met has been super chill

>> No.12302505

Holy shit imagine actually being this ignorant irl

>> No.12302520

Found the nigger

>> No.12302563


Do dog tracks even exist anymore? Don't think I've ever seen one, though I haven't been to the east coast.

>> No.12302593

Imagine being this much of a dogfucker.

>> No.12302623
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My friend had a fat labrador. He was wasting such a huge amount of money on food. The fucker ate a whole bag of food per week that was taller than me (I'm 6.2'). Who knows how much money he was wasting on his food alone.

For me it's pic related. I don't have a Jack Russell, but a very very close breed. They are tiny, comfy, they like to run and have fun as much as a labrador or any other dog, he doesn't eat much, he doesn't give problems, he doesn't bark often, he doesn't cry like those whinny dogs, he's a bit nervous though, he never bit anyone, everyone loves him cause he's not a 220 pound ball of fur, and finally (and this is subjective), I feel like they are as smart or smarter than any other dog.

>> No.12302635

>Once I pay off my student loans early next year, I'm gonna move to a smaller city and adopt one. Can't wait, every greyhound I've ever met has been super chill
Do you have a roommate/gf to watch it while you're gone

>> No.12302658

Maine Coon

>> No.12302666

You can't go wrong with a beagle, just be prepared for all the dead birds that are going to start showing up in your yard. My old beagle must have killed entire generations of birds by herself.

>> No.12302674

very edgy, dont forget to post the image of that anime girl smoking a cigarette to really elevate your post to the next level

>> No.12302787

lab fo shizzle, easiest decision of your life bud

>> No.12302797

He meant "You are" and was 100% right (just not in terms of spelling). You suck and will die alone unless you recalibrate your brains to not be a cunt

>> No.12302843
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for me it's either of these velcro dogs, the best big dogs that try their hardest to be lap dogs

>> No.12303191

In the UK we have some still

>> No.12303214

Can’t go wrong with a Lab, German Shepherd, Greyhound or Jack Russell. I’d go a Lab personally but they are all good dogs

>> No.12303224

they wont murder a rabbit if they havent been blooded

>> No.12303231

Golden Retriever vs Lab?

>> No.12303234

do you want your house to be covered in long or short hair

>> No.12303261
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hard to train because of their intelligence and stubborness initially, but if you persist and train them dilligently for a few years you will be rewarded with the best companion a human can have

>smart; understands sentences and what you are saying
>free smiles that fix the day
>people always approaching you to have a talk

>fur, fur everywhere in your house
>requires integrating him into your lifestyle (restricted instances everywhere)
>barks non stop if you dont curb that in his puppyhood
>did I mention fur?

but regardless of breed, i think every person should get a dog once in his life; they are a terrific teachers of life, they teach you how to take care of someone, the responsibilities, the joy of caring about someone, about other living beings and eventual loss of someone dear. they help people realize what it means to be human

>> No.12303271

labs are the easiest dogs to get along with. they slip straight into your life

other dogs can be more complex and harder to create a genuine bond with

>> No.12303272


>> No.12303336
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German shepherd
protective and kind with your family
will take a bullet for you
and will bring happiness and joy to your life
My one passed away at 14 years old 2 years ago, best pal I ever had

>> No.12303438
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I love my rottweiler. Smartest, most intuitive animal ive ever known.

>> No.12303444


Nice dog anon

>> No.12303688

The true patrician's choice is the GIANT SCHNAUZER. Regal as fuck, smart, doesn't shed, intimidates the shit out of people without having you look like trailer trash. They are very territorial, but friendly off of their property. Used as military and police dogs in Germany and Poland be aye of discipline and intelligence.

All the best parts of having a miniature SCHNAUZER, but in a lethal form.

>> No.12304272

they are awfully prone to hip dysplasia. they are ruined by inbreeding.

>> No.12304293


>> No.12304313

dachsund. small, but very smart not like chihuahuas which basically act like niggers

>> No.12304333
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>> No.12304338
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This is now a Boomer thread.
he cute!

>> No.12304358

those are the worst seriously we had many and met with many. they are born and bread to kill, insanely aggressive don't give a fuck will fly snarling into any large dog. chihuahuas are aggressive too but mostly they just make noise. meh, if you value your nerves just get something else.

>> No.12304379

>A 2008 study by animal behavioral scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, published in the Journal of Applied Animal Behavior Science, identified the dachshund as the most aggressive breed toward strangers and the second-most aggressive breed -- right behind the beagle -- toward their owners. The study also found dachshunds to be among the most aggressive toward other dogs.
so it's not just me that' reassuring.

>> No.12304412

>Though diminutive, dachshunds were bred to tangle with one of nature's most fierce fighters, the badger. In fact, "dachshund" translates from German into "badger hound"; the dogs were bred to ferret badgers out of holes and kill them.
man just get a pitbull it will be much nicer and much more amiable.

>> No.12304443

beagles are cuties, but if I lived innawoods/mountains/plains and had herds to protect, I would get a tibetan mastiff

>> No.12304451

In the U.S. a few. Most racers are killed after they've aged out of racing, so rescue groups are super prevalent. Plus Florida just banned racing (takes effect in 2-4 years) so there's about to be thousands twisting in the wind. Part of the reason I'm going with a greyhound, figure the rescue groups need the support.

Part of the reason I'm waiting till student loans are paid off is in case I need to hire a dog walker/other expenses. I may have a roommate, depends on what I can find/ if my buddy's roommate moves out.

That being said, due to their sleep schedule, depending on the greyhound a dogwalker may not be necessary for work hours. As for personal, I tend to take my dogs everywhere I go. Part of the reason I'm going with GH is because of their chill, "go with the flow" demeanor

>> No.12304479
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Check it, I'm going to get you dogpilled: buying a dog before you have already have made it is nigger-tier.
>Don't have 30 acres and buy a dog? Nigger tier
>Can't afford pure bread super dog? Nigger tier
>Can't spend 10+ hours a day with your dog because you dont have FI levels of money? Nigger tier.
>Can't afford $30,000 surgeries to keep pupper in tip top till the day it dies? Nigger tier
You're welcome

>> No.12304490
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FUCK pitbulls

that is all

>> No.12304494

German Shepherd 100%

>> No.12304513

(s)he cute

>> No.12304517
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>all these pleb tier breeds being posted

pic related is the only patrician choice

also, of you posted pit bull you are fucking subhuman

>> No.12304682

>Literally one of the most difficult dog breeds to own/train
>Violent tendencies

Admittedly they're cute, but the only people who get these guys are weebs. Agree on the pit bull thing though

>> No.12304726
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>> No.12304738

The gentle giants. Man I love these guys.

>> No.12304774

Funny enough pure breds usually have more health problems than a good old mutt. Go get some mutt from the pound, saving them from a bad deal, that animal will follow you to the gates of hell if you do. Unless you're breeding it for some very specific purpose pure breds are expensive and generally not as hearty long term.

>> No.12304921

The Schnauzer in std or a well bred miniature has to be the highest ROI doggo, especially with the soft and not wiry coat.
All the other smelly, problematic doggos represented in here are bred for purposes the owner will never venture to do, and they all admit this!!! Even the dumbest dog, the beagle, is well loved. Who goes on fox hunts with dozens of disposable beagles, that when you step on one with a horse you don't even think about it.

Most schnauzers will train itself to you, it barely smells/sheds, and is obviously way more intelligent than most 3 and 4 year old toddlers. Only deliberately excitable, and love old people more than toddlers. The standards are more dominant about getting attention than miniatures. Schnauzers literally try to talk to you, ask an owner.
People love labs. Labs love running through shallows to fetch. Labs love to smell bad and take big shits. Labs get their fur transferred farther than huskies. The oil on the fur is noxious. Labs all have shit hips after adolescence.

>> No.12304956

Chinks. It's easier to breed niggers but the low IQ will kill your ROI. With a few good chinks you can have them write a scamcoin like NEO for you.

>> No.12305005

hey you stupid fuck.

go to a shelter. fuck you.

>> No.12305299


>> No.12305315


pitbulls are bad but huskys are 10x worse and they're completely legal. I've seen them completely tear dogs apart, especially toy breeds. They have no concept that those are also dogs. It may have to do with many still having wolf genes, they probably think toy breeds are some sort of prey.

>> No.12305368


unironically a homeless person might be better equipped to take care of a dog at that point, the dog has room to run around, you'll be with it all day because you have no job, and you get tons of free food because people feel bad for your dog. Yeah if he gets sick you have to leave him for dead but you might get charity money if people feel bad for him (seen this happen, homeless man stuck on street and dog is adopted from him into luxury).

>> No.12305397


>> No.12305432

Most dog owners are lows.

>> No.12305452

>They have no concept that those are also dogs
Why wouldn't a dog eat a dog? They are animals, they do what they can.

>> No.12305473


There's a gif that's sometimes posted of a husky tearing a toy poodle apart in a South Korean dog cafe. It's pretty typical of husky dogs to tear small animals like that apart if they can, but the way he acted towards the other dogs in the video was different. He saw the poodle as a small animal, not a dog like himself. He saw the other breeds in the video as dogs.
Like I said I think it just has to do with genetics (larger amounts of wolf genes) and instinct. Husky dogs seem to have that kind of issue. I would never let them around any dog that's much smaller than them.

>> No.12305489
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>> No.12305534

+1 for jack Russells. I had one and he was amazing. Really smart, really funny, really loving and loyal. He was yappy around new people but it wouldn't last too long. Everyone loved my dog too, friends from grade school who I hadn't seen in 10+ years would even ask about him.

>> No.12305544

>not needing a fast food version of attention is edgy
What did he mean by this?

>> No.12305609

cattle dog if you have the time and space

>> No.12305676

>It's difficult so I don't want to do it
You're never gonna make it, kid.

>> No.12305850

Its difficult so i don't want to do it when there's no specific upside apart from shiba aesthetics and there's plenty of dogs that are better in pretty much every conceivable way who need homes.

>> No.12305916

My pit bull hound mix is my best friend, but he is the strongest, most aggressive dog i’ve ever owned. If you go this route, you must protect your neighbors and understand if what the animal is capable due to its nature.

>> No.12306041


t. nigger

>> No.12306064

>and intimidate strangers
get rabies turdskin

>> No.12306077

Labs are truly the best dogs. I always get chocolate.

>> No.12306079

I'm gonna sneak into your house tonight and eat your dog, nigger

>> No.12306091
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Doesn't take shit, doesn't go looking for trouble.

>> No.12306098

But it can't breathe.

>> No.12306131
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Pitbulls are best
Stay mad no doggos
Not a nig either
Nobullies rekt

>> No.12306139

bullies b&

>> No.12306141

Lab mix. Pure bred is a scam.

>> No.12306146

Get an Olde English then/

>> No.12306190

Greyhounds are too big to crate inside my car bro, they'd be a patrician choice if I had a truck.

>> No.12306201

English Mastiff will over take btc on CMC by February 22

>> No.12306208

You can't brain.

>> No.12306212

The only way to get a dog to intimidate people is to abuse the shit out of it.

>> No.12306338
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My second favorite are Boston Terriers. They're small, athletic, obedient, and are seem to have a "take it or leave it" attitude when it comes to attention.

That being said, they need exercise/play. Not as much as a herding dog or a retriever or anything, but they're not for lazy people.

>> No.12306378

>addicted to fast food attention
Looks like you're dying alone already.

>> No.12306483

I'm a wagecuck people seem to say they don't do well if left alone.

>> No.12306537

labs pretty much lead the list for biting people
people think they are harmless is probably one of the reasons the other is they are not as well with kids as you think

>> No.12306591

The only two I've spent a significant amount of time watching were completely fine while I was at work, though I can't say that'll apply to all or even most of them.

>> No.12306610

>labs pretty much lead the list for biting people
By number of reported bites only, which makes sense considering how popular they are.

>> No.12306658

pls sirs do the needful and get a miniature schnauzer

>> No.12306671

Golden Retrievers

>> No.12306672

they are very intelligent. cunning maybe even. very fucking stubborn aswell. Will need discipline and a fucking lot of patience though.
Def. not a dog for most people.

>> No.12306696

You can makes $1000s of pugs but they are the fucking worst dogs.

Get a Labrador, springer spaniel or a springador. Best doggos

>> No.12306697

yeah the point is probably there is no such thing as best dog. all breeds have issues and strengths. all can be good companion and all can be dangerous.

my brother has a dog that was never hurt never abused yet can turn into a hunting-killing machine from the slightest cue triggering her instincts.

>> No.12306969

well it's a hound so i don't know what the fuck did he expect...

>> No.12307081

go back to cuckbook - you are too fucking stupid even for leddit

>> No.12307103

italian greyhounds are great too anon. very fun, live longer

>> No.12307136
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>tfw was going to start a puppy "mill" but commiefornia state government just cucked me
Fuck this shit.

>> No.12307142
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>> No.12307168

>theres one race, the human race

>> No.12307579

I have 2 dobies and they really live up to their reputation as velcro dogs. Truly a great breed.

>> No.12307599

we are talking about dogs here retard!

>> No.12307639
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>> No.12307793
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>> No.12307870
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>> No.12307881
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>> No.12307905

What set it off?

>> No.12307909

raise kids not dogs degens

>> No.12307971

Family gang up against a invader (the grandmother). Likely perceived as a expulsion notice.

>> No.12308025

nigger brains
it needs no 'setting off'

>> No.12308039

>German Shepherd.

Obnoxious fucking breed.

>> No.12308251
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>No poodles

Honestly these dogs are so loving, cuddly, and smart. Get a purebred standard poodle and you'll have a friend for life, and bitches love em.

>> No.12308290

This. Second smartest dogs after the border collies. No shedding either.

>> No.12308314
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I have a Shetland sheep dog also, smaller border collie. He's old now so he's a bit snippy, still a loving boyo though

>> No.12308337
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When I think poodle I think grooming. Do they generally require more than something like a lab or the average medium to large dog?

Also any personal experience with pic related? The weeb and lover of cute things in me feels fond.

>> No.12308339

4 dogs? Damn anon. Any more and you’d be a hoarder. Cute tho

>> No.12308375


Yeah they require like an hour of grooming ever few weeks alse they get messy. They learn super fast though and will become more disciplined from the grooming sessions though

>> No.12308425

I hear this...I had by doggo pass away in October. He was a sweetheart...who was obsessed with me from the moment he was born to the day he passed away. I never grew up with a dog but they’re really are the best pals you’ll ever have.

>> No.12308433

I’m cool with that.

>> No.12308441

i have seen how fucking smart they can be, it's totally out of class for any other dogs. impressive as fuck.

>> No.12308449

i mean the border collies not poodles i don't know shit about poodles that fact that they have brain is news to me.

>> No.12308546

poodles are extremely intelligent, i think they are the best dogs for conveying emotion. I swear they are experts in letting you know how theyre feeling

>> No.12308811
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My amstaff/pit bull terrier mix is my little ride or die bitch.

>> No.12309827
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>> No.12309838
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>> No.12309843
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>> No.12309889

i want a shiba inu but i hear they are hard to train and stubborn and i am a weak willed brainlet

i want a german shepard but they are on the dangerous breeds list and too big for my apartment

what do

>> No.12309900

pitbulls should literally be exterminated

>> No.12309906

Holy shit I rolled double dubs of truth twice!

>> No.12309914



>> No.12309942

Dude you're fucking retarded I have a pit bull and it is the greatest dog I have ever had

>> No.12309968

Also why is this the only post on this board worth reading today.

>> No.12309991

Jack Russell Terrier

>> No.12310089

Pitbull. Mines is 8 now. Shes been great shes my lol nigga for life

>> No.12310950


>> No.12310976
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>> No.12310997

For me its the Bigmac

>> No.12311030
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My best bro got rip, I miss my dog so fucking much, life feels shit without my dog fuck.
White Swiss based af doggo

>> No.12311074

german shepard

it really depends what you are looking for in a dog.

OP please, if you are looking for a dog, please go to a shelter. Dont support breeders.

>> No.12311085

Get another dog faggit

>> No.12311108

thats awesome

>> No.12311119
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Austrailian Cattle Dogs... the smartest fucking dog I swear. Just a bitch to train and might bite your ankles.

>> No.12311126
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Not the same bro.

>> No.12311149

>muh rescue
Scam. Do what you want OP.

>> No.12311167

Love my dox hes the most loyal dog, literally my shadow. Can be aggressive and yappy. Has bitten family but I would say they deserved it. If you get one make sure you dont take them on long walks and let them jump off sofas. Their backs are prone to IVDD. Most dogs you teach them shit and people think thats a smart dog. Nah. This lil fucker figured out how to open his own crate with a lock on it and even open the backyard sliding door to let himself out to pee. Amazing dogs.

>> No.12311306
File: 936 KB, 750x1238, 60AE05DE-0CC2-4882-8075-7FB673372909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cane Corso is by far the best breed I’ve ever owned

>> No.12311323

Tits or gtfo

>> No.12311338

Yes goy pure breed white people are a scam too so be sure to racemix

>> No.12311346


they’re amazing but don’t they have almost unlimited energy?


looks spoopy, how much does it weigh?

>> No.12311378
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Males avg about 115-130 and bitches are like 90-115 ish when bred within the standard

They’re a bit spooky looking yes, but big babies toward family and kids, shawdow dogs for sure mine never leave my side. basically an alarm system for your home as well, great guard dogs.
Always try to buy these guys from an Italian or European breeder as well, mutts fuck em up and try to breed em for size.

>> No.12311385

Fucking disgusting get a mutt from the shelter like anyone with any decency

>> No.12311391
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If not from a euro breeder try to find one that has European lineage/parents, I found my bitch in Kentucky who’s father was imported, and she’s 100% got the Attitude and build like they do back in Italy.

>> No.12311402

Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.12311456

This dog looks like a timebomb on four legs. Is the temperament different from pit bulls?

>> No.12311465

>getting a dog solely to intimidate and assault people
I seriously hope no one here does this.

>> No.12311492
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Theyre mastiffs and not bullys, temperament is great when they’re bred and trained properly, they’re a dominant dog so not for an amateur dog owner at all.
A dog should only be intimidating when you fuck with their boundary, my dogs guard my home and property always. Strangers coming on our property should be barked at always until I give them the “it’s ok” command, however in the streets on walks they are great with people and love getting attention.

>> No.12311530

This is the type of doggo I am looking for. I don't want to upset good honest normies but I do want to deter the nigger from my premises. Do you have any other recommendations I might consider?

>> No.12311535
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Bought a husky from some farmers who lived next to Yellowstone

Find out this fucker is a low content wolf dog.

So that’s the power of false advertising.

Still he is the kindest gentlest most loving doggo I have ever owned. I felt bad but I had to break him as a pup otherwise he was well on his way to being a terrifying monster dog

He’s still on weight gainers but the vet said he will always look gangly.

Huskies are 21inched to 23 inches at the withers but my Pepe dog is 30 god damn inches

Only 70 pounds though
Trying to fatten this adorable idiot up

>> No.12311566
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Italian Mastiffs are pretty much the only breed I like personally. Just as good at guarding the home are Neopolitan Mastiffs which are cousins of the Cane Corso, they’re good if you want something bigger males are like 160-180 lbs, temperament is similar but Neos tend to be a bit more lazy and need less excersize than a Corso due to their size.

Mastiffs in general though are great dogs for temperament and loyalty to owner. Doggo Argentinos are great guard dogs as well but require much more caution as they can be a bit nuts, and if you want a dog that no one will fuck with, South African Boerbells are top notch guard dogs.

>> No.12311669
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He looks healthy bro, don’t think you even need to fatten him up at all personally. dogs aren’t supposed to be fat, think the roughy rule is 1-3 ribs can show on a perfectly healthy and fit dog. It’s when the whole rib cage shows that they’re too skinny or not eating properly, pepe looks good.

>> No.12311735

This. I want a rottie. If have to get a female though. Fuck male dogs and cats, they're always more aggressive and assholes in general.

>> No.12311745
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Also schnoodles are cool. A little yappy but they don't shed. Fun to play with, smart, good lap dogs.

>> No.12311755

any anons know whats the ideal age of the pup to get? And when to desex?

>> No.12311771

Bringing home a pup is ideal at 8-12 weeks nothing less than 8 weeks though as it needs the time with its mom and litter mates to learn behaviour til about 8 weeks.

Desex never ideally imo, if a larger breed and you’re gonna desex them for whatever reason then wait til at least one and a half or ideally 2 years so they can get their full growth from hormones properly

>> No.12311788

Lol my girl is far more agressive than my male in terms of guarding the home or putting other dogs in their place if they try to dominate her. She’s also more stubborn with training but I agree with you bitches are the best.

>> No.12311790

I heard they grow bad habits if you dont desex them at certain age e.g marking territory. Im fine with it doing outside but not inside.

>> No.12311802

My male dog is 5 years old and hasn’t pissed in the house since he was a baby, he does love marking his territory on walks though yes, have seen him take 10+ pisses on a walk before

>> No.12311809

That’s only off leash walks in the forest tho, on leash he’s allowed one pee break per walk.

>> No.12311836


Nice Pepe


cool. they are awesome looking but probably not for me.

>> No.12311860

yea, never like the idea of desexing them. How do you deal with their hyper-aggressive behaviour when they reach maximum testosterone?

>> No.12311883

The only thing for my boy I need to do is make sure he doesn’t play with other males that are agressive or have their balls as well. Him and my female get along great, she’s actually the boss lol... dog parks are a meme anyway and we rarely go, majority of the dogs there are untrained with shitty owners, so a walk in the forest or playing fetch with your dog on your own is better anyway.

>> No.12311884

A mutt is best breed. Just go adopt literally any of them.

>> No.12312456
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i want to move to the country, get some animals and have a maremma sheepdog and a lab.

>> No.12312800

>Find out this fucker is a low content wolf dog.
doesn't look like it. wolf dogs are shy almost cowardly with humans they don't bark and don't guard.

>> No.12312939

>hell dogs
man, i have to tell you pitbulls should be the least of your worries. they are medium sized dogs not especially massive or dangerous compared to many other breeds. they are quiet dense and powerful looking and extremely bad news in a pack, but a solo pit should be no issue for a man.

>> No.12313039
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dachs from my exp are incredibly fearless and people often underestimate the amount of horsepower packed into those compact weiners. Lost my dachs on a hunt when he followed a moose into the rapids. Found his drowned body far downstream.

I'm looking to get a pyrenees or wachtelhund. Anyone with experience?

>> No.12313061

>dachs from my exp are incredibly fearless
that they are, that's why i said if you value your nerves get something else. it's a constant worry to walk them.

>> No.12313201


best advice. best of all worlds.

>> No.12313299

Here come the pitbull white knights. They have always been bred to be small attack dogs. Plain and simple. Owners are playing roulette hoping it won't tap into instinct EVER.