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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12287397 No.12287397 [Reply] [Original]

>tomorrow will be different
>next month will be different
>next year will be different

It never is, is it bros

>> No.12287404
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>> No.12287419
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what do we do?
shitskin rampage?
take massive loans and disappear in a SEAsian jungle?

>> No.12287430

Take massive loan, buy btc, destroy pk and kys

>> No.12287462

It won't be different until you do something different.
Quit your wagecuck job, drop out of society, and go live in a cabin in the middle of Montana.

>> No.12287472


>> No.12287511

You gotta make it so

>> No.12287522

Every day is different and every moment full of an infinite amount of opportunities.

>> No.12287530

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8oN_ZNBzX8 Listen to uncle g

>> No.12287570

very bluepilled

>> No.12287630
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>> No.12287636

It's just how it is. I have no routine, things change all the time and I have more opportunities than I know what to do with.

>> No.12287664


>> No.12287700

you dont have that many opportunities unless you're just some sort of lucky faggot. gas yourself

>> No.12287729

Just run away for it all lad clear your head.

>> No.12287736

quit the hopium .
hope is your enemy. if ur hopeful ur not desperate. and if ur desperate ur not angry.

open the window and shout - im a human being goddammit!

>> No.12287745

>you dont have that many opportunities unless you're just some sort of lucky faggot. gas yourself

>> No.12287748

>It never is, is it bros
It is, if you let it be this way.

Aim to be better than yesterday, then you are able to actually MAKE something different.

>> No.12287804

Not luck. I educated myself from childhood to be able to exploit as many opportunities as possible. I now have programming skills in high demand globally, I can enter any industry I want anywhere on earth or just focus on investing my now considerable wealth and exploiting the opportunities that fall in my lap. I don't have a degree and started at minimum wage in a poor town.

>> No.12287851

let me know how that works for you when you actually need to find work and not just larp on /biz/ about how you delusionally believe yourself to be in high demand

>> No.12287981

Point is there are endless opportunities to make money anywhere, more than ever in history. That you don't see them is an issue with you being an untrained retard, not a an actual lack of opportunities. I have two open offers for high paying jobs.

>> No.12288011

The only thing you have is an internet connection

>> No.12288080

That's enough to make money without needing to work for someone else.

>> No.12288083

I can tell you have never actually done it

>> No.12288087

you have no fucking idea what ur talking about.

ur prolly 12

>> No.12288143

If you change the rules on what controls you, you change the rules on what you can control.

>> No.12288166

nah even 12 years old know not to delude themselves to the point of being some pseudo motivational tard that is trying to type out what he desperately wants to come true and hopefully live out one day. The panjeets were right with the caste system, you cant break out of a lower caste unless you come by some extreme case of luck or divine intervention.

>> No.12288168

Whatever you need to tell yourselves to justify not doing anything. I've done "it" since the early 2000s, in crypto you don't even need a client so the opportunities are even easier to exploit.

>> No.12288275

My paternal line was only poor for one generation after a huge tragedy that was national news. Is this why everyone else is so retarded? I'm just naturally better than you?

>> No.12288337

mate, you could
- buy and resell cheap stuff from walmart
- steal from them
- buy and resell chinese stuff from aliexpress
and those are only 3 alternatives out of an infinite number of possibilities
if you are poor, don't be ashamed of stealing from them, you are practically their slave
if you are just tired of it, then try doing something else. "try" here implies doing some effort, but if you learn in your path and you like what you do, then you won't feel the pain of doing it.

the internet on itself is a whole fucking parallel universe, retards. hell, the op could make a ton of money reselling videos of some random slut masturbating herself to horny dumbasses and no one would give a shit

>> No.12288592

>in crypto you don't even need a client so the opportunities are even easier to exploit.
what a load of shit, your underage, get out of here

>> No.12288685

Why are you so mad? How mad does it make you to know I bought $500 worth of crypto in November 2017 with no expectations and turned it into $500k in two months using my genetically superior intellect and hard earned skills?

>> No.12288719

what did you buy exactly? describe trade history for this x1000 pls

>> No.12288738

After going to bars all my life and being deathly scared of dancing with girls, this past week I went out a couple times and danced and flirted with girls for the first time in my life. So the opposite of what op said.

>> No.12288747

2017 was different.

>> No.12288779

I spotted an arbitrage opportunity and programmed a bot in two days with no testing. It kept making a bit of money here and there over the year but nothing like last dec-jan. It made 1.5 btc this december.

>> No.12288782
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Larp mor

>> No.12288875

The problem now really is that I have too many opportunities. What should I do? I'm leaning towards becoming king of Atlantis but I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.12289554
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please save me sergey

>> No.12289686
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I'm gonna make it a red new year