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File: 798 KB, 1302x1030, EXyvNjH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12277864 No.12277864 [Reply] [Original]

How do people follow with this economy where a phone costs 1000 and car 40000 and it keeps increasing meanwhile its harder to get a job and the salary is stalling, and this not even taking into account the inflation each year

>> No.12277871

They probably buy $300 phones at $5000 cars

>> No.12277874

I see more unironic commies every day. Something needs to be done to fix the economy.

>> No.12277876

I've had the same cars my entire life, the same phone for 5 or 6 years, save everything I can, and don't buy frivolous shit.
My family was made to survive recessions.

>> No.12277890

B-but muh Trump, the economy is great

>> No.12277892

You know you can get phones for $200 and cars for $2000, right?

Not everyone needs/wants a brand new iPhone X and a brand new BMW.

>> No.12277902

Vichadik buterin

>> No.12277913

what i am telling is its harder and harder to afford these things meanwhile big companies like amazon,microsoft keep suking all the money

>> No.12277928

same here.
yet I'm 45 and still in fuckin survival mode.

>> No.12277938

>harder to get a job and salary is stalling
literally bullshit unless u work at some sort of dead end job or have shit education.

>> No.12277945

>hurr durr joos print until there eyes bleed
>economist be like huh why is there inflation
>why are things the way it is

cause motherfucking retards everyones money is fucking fake as shit we all been scammed and paid the price by our childerns future just look around and see how the money energy drains the planet

>> No.12277957
File: 43 KB, 499x498, 1544906874626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and all the shit you save wont have any value what so ever, be happy if you can afford a phone in 10 years with your savings

>> No.12278005

I drive an 80s car. I try to keep it in good condition. People give me compliments all the time. Someone just asked me if they could give it a spin. Sure i said. Phone. Same phone for the past 3-4 years. New cars and phones is normie, good bait post

>> No.12278026
File: 60 KB, 910x662, saupload_median-household-income-in-21st-century-nominal-and-real-estimates-200001-thru-201801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a fact that median income hasnt increased for a decade

>> No.12278042
File: 43 KB, 880x460, fredgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the wealth is being concentrated in the 1% meanwhile everyone else is stuck in the 2000's

>> No.12278050
File: 41 KB, 837x436, US_GDP_per_capita_vs_median_household_income.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

US has been producing more goods, but wages are stagnate

>> No.12278074
File: 629 KB, 2916x1398, WealthPercentiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wealth distribution

>> No.12278096
File: 626 KB, 652x562, 1542336683254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sh-should more people have kids and let those kids live at home until they're 30 and brag about never getting jobs? They could invest in crypto r-right?

>> No.12278100

You are not a commie just because you criticise the capitalism system just like how Martin Luther wasn't an atheist or heretic because he criticised the Catholic church

>> No.12278105

thanks for explaining to brainlets the economy is truly fucked up, as i said be happy if you can afford new phone in 10 years with your savings

>> No.12278287

A good chinkphone (aren't they all?) costs between 100 and 200 bucks (like the M1 A1).
A good car costs around 10-15k.
Your problem is considering that the boomer idiotic consumerism the normal when it's completely degenerate.

If you really want to bitch about something, look at real estate or education which are totally fucked up because of fractional reserve banking and central banks.
The problem of our economy isn't that we can't consume like retards, it's debt slavery.

>> No.12278334

The amount of profit made by companies divided by fixed capital investment is reducing over time as the market gets more efficient. They produce more goods, but can't pass extra profits on to workers, hence why GDP increases but incomes don't.
That's why forward thinking companies such as Amazon and uber, which simply don't make profit at all, are so successful. They require continual investment until they can monopolize. The fact that they don't need to make profit to attract investment gives them an edge over other competitors. If/When they do monopolize they can then abuse the monopoly to generate profit. When that happens and they decide to generate profit at the expense of consumers (rather than avoid profit at the expense of their competitors), and those consumers prefer when they didn't generate profit, those consumers may (rationally?) decide "if they functioned without making profit before, why can't they stay that way" and swing toward nationalization. That would likely see those graphs start swinging the other way, when the consumers instead of the 1% start to benefit from the returns the investors created.

>> No.12278343

How is it the central banks’ fault that people are debt enslaved to finance their crazy spending habits?

>> No.12279027

>How is it the central banks’ fault that people are debt enslaved to finance their crazy spending habits?
This is another discussion but for I wouldn't define owning your home as a "crazy spending habit", more like a standard of living for the citizens of any free country since the end of feudalism.
The core thing is that money (credit) is created by commercial banks through fractional reserve banking which creates asset bubbles which completely fucks up some markets.
Remove FRB (or drastically reduce it) and you will stop seeing boom/bust cycles in real estate.

>> No.12279052

Is that photoshopped?

>> No.12279243

the problem is not capitalism, but the state. everythign that is untouched by the state got cheaper, only what the state touches gets more expensive.

>> No.12279266
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>> No.12279593
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>> No.12279607

now compare >>12279266 with this >>12278042 and realize income hasnt increased while prices have

>> No.12279646

I make $180k a year and use a phone from 2012 I bought for $100 and drive a car I paid $12k in cash years ago and have driven it over 100k miles with no maintenance only oil and gas.

I've had urges to buy a luxury car but whenever I get them I just wait a month and then I remember how retarded it is. However, I have zero desire to "upgrade" my phone to the dog ass shitshow which are smartphones in 2018.

>> No.12279677

I make slightly less than you and have been considering to buy a new care but I can't justify the purchase since it's like 95% the same as my current 2003 car. When cars can drive themselves 100% of the time I'll buy one new all cash but until then I'm driving my 2003 land cruiser

>> No.12280475
File: 4 KB, 211x239, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP says inflation is increasing while wages are not increasing for a decade
>Post inflation-adjusted flat wages plot as a proof

>> No.12280559


Yeah, inflation hasn't kicked in yet with those calculations. The metrics used by economists are always gross underestimates, that's why there's literally not a single fiat currency that didn't die thus far. Most die of hyperinflation.