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12274131 No.12274131 [Reply] [Original]

Percentage of population who own cryptocurrencies.
>11% Japan
>9% GB
>9% USA
>7% India
>3% China

Worldwide Average

>> No.12274206

Percentage of those who are literally just waiting to sell so they can break even if they are lucky - 70%

>> No.12274237


>> No.12274258

you sound dumb as fuck people always want to sell when an asset crashes. How many wanted to sell in december last year?

>> No.12274267
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Holy shit that's really high, assuming you are saying a percentage of entire populations, not a percentage of say, working adult males. We are unironically not early adopters

>> No.12274272

I don't for a second believe those numbers. Too high by a factor of 10.

>> No.12274284



>> No.12274329

Thats what I said, crossing the chasm.

>> No.12274348

literally just cope. based on what are you saying that? Because every reputable study i read ha figures like OP's. Don't forget, coinbase alone has 15 million+ customers.

it's high, but most only own $200-1000 of crypto. and it's also mostly in bitcoin/eth. the question shouldn't be "how many people own it" though; It should be how much capital is invested. And most big money hasn't entered the space yet. The only "big money" that's actually in crypto, is near 95% venture capitalists.

so the question is, will rich fags buy crypto or not? imo probably as a tax haven. Just need better onramps and less of this KYC bullshit

>> No.12274374

Fuck of retard.

Look at any poll on twitter in the crypto community, over 50% of poeple are underwater RN. None of these people ‘believe in the tech’ they just wanted to make a quick $$$$. If they could sell today a breakeven they would.

This is why many of these stupid mid caps which lost 99% of their value like ICX, WAN, DRGN will NEVER get back to ATH again. too many beholders and people won’t buy ok hype anymore. None of these companies will ever produce anything of value

>> No.12274388

Over 75% of people have heard of cryptocurrencies

>> No.12274408

has to be way more than that lol

>> No.12274429

86% heard about it, 60% bought already, 20% will buy soon, 10% will never buy, 10% are cant afford to buy, 5% will rebuy, 5% are undecided

>> No.12274453

Those numbers are way too high. We are barely in the early adopters phase. It will be at least one more year before we get to that level. What is your source, OP?

>> No.12274458

There are less than 30 million bitcoin wallets and very many of those are empty. We are still in the innovators phase or maybe just recently crossed over into the early adopters phase.

>> No.12274462

The best thing is the adoption curve for hodling is completely different to adoption curve for use as cash. I am unironically obssessed with this shit and have made very few infrequent purchases with crypto. Absolutely 'use as cash innovators

>> No.12274465

you out of your mind
world wide is less than half of a percent

in Japan maybe we have 2.5%

>> No.12274469

most people that buy, hold on exchanges... maybe 1 in 10 withdraws to their own wallet

>> No.12274470

there's a big difference between I have 50-100 bucks in crypto vs I have 5-10k in crypto. You can have the same users yet the difference would be staggering. That's basically the goal, when you see more conservative investment that will allow for (at least) 1 more exponential growth.

>> No.12274471

That doesn't account for all the exchangefags who keep their coins on Cuckbase

>> No.12274475


Let's be honest. We are the late majority/laggards.

>> No.12274487

dip shit you have no idea what you talking about
I entered 2015
crypto fags are less then 1%

go out and just ask people, see for yourself

>> No.12274491


500 000 addresses world wide

>> No.12274509

and by the way, those are meaningful addresses, that have balance

and out of those the average user has 4 !

>> No.12275119

It doesn't matter how many normies "know" about crypto or even own it. When true adoption occurs and seamless interfacing is applied, nobody needs to be aware that dpl platforms are being utilized in their day-to-day life.

>> No.12275123

this mean we are fucking small not even 1% worldwide

>> No.12275155

9% in UK..lol try again. How about .09%

>> No.12275167

no way thats accurate. that would mean 1 in around 10 of my friends/acquaintances have crypto. I know a LOT of people, since I work in insurance and only 2 other guys I know hold crypto. Its more like sub 1%.

>> No.12275199

Where did you pull those numbers? Pretty sure after USA the next largest concentration of Bitcoin Nodes is located in Germany.

>> No.12275244

>all percents are under 13.5% he proceeds to draw a band to 30%

good job you retard.
also global adoption is 0.053% those studies were made at campuses and major population centers. go look in small villages if anyone knows what a bitcoin is!

>> No.12275253

if you do the studies at campuses and info tech areas you will maybe get those yeah. projecting them to a countries population is a mistake tho.

>> No.12275272

>the next largest concentration of Bitcoin Nodes
Owing cryptocurrencies does not equal having a node active.

>> No.12275300

i think active accounts on exchanges and total wallet addresses are the best to go by.
this puts the number of people who ever held crypto between 5 and 11 million worldwide. current active users (ie adopter) are probably between 2 and 4 million.

>> No.12275318

>active accounts on exchanges
Exchanges, which not trustworthy can report any numbers they wish and like.

>total wallet addresses
Worthless, as it is not known which are dead and which are active.

>current active users (ie adopter)
I tried to adopt and use cryptocurrencies.
They are not accepted anywhere, meaning all that is left is to use them to speculate. Which is not advisable, because the market is full of scammers and fraud.

>> No.12275327

usa resident here, south florida fag. at least in my area, people have barely heard of crypto. a lot of people know about bitcoin and of those people a huge chunk of them are put off by it, with good reason i guess, they don't want to get JUST'd after buying high and selling low for eternity like normies do in every market.

thats about it. and id think that if 10% of people were using cryptos, more shops would accept it. i almost never see shops that accept crypto. i looked for bitcoin ATMs close to where i lived yesterday and there just a handful spread pretty far apart, and they're all at veeery sketchy looking gas stations and convenience stores so i have no idea how much those are actually used and if they're legit or not. miami isnt far away from me and they have a few more bitcoin ATMs, they're mostly at physical forex exchanges which makes sense.

i bet there are more people in trendier/more financially savvy areas that have crypto but 9% as a total average sounds pretty high to me at least from my experience.

>> No.12275328

and here is the funny thing: 9% of the population of the us is 29 million more than the total unique addresses btc had in use. fucking hell people are stupid.

>> No.12275339

>Worthless, as it is not known which are dead and which are active.
the total number that was ever funded gives you a theoretical upper cap, we also know the active numbers are about 600k right now for btc. most addresses belong to exchanges and services of course and everyone using btc has multiple addresses so it's an estimate but i would say the few million users are an upper bound it could be much less.

>> No.12275355

i will be very happy when we reach 1% adoption that's a huge milestone. it means the technology is here to stay.

>> No.12275488


Those types of bag holders only had like <$1k in crypto, and as soon as it starts pumping back to previous ATHs people will FOMO again and keep holding it.

>> No.12275560

whoever believes this is out of their mind. I am a software engineer and most of my friends and colleagues have a software/ CS background. Guess what, although even my mother sister and dad know about crypto, only 3 of all the people I know own any crypto. One is my cousin, a mathematician, the other two are friends from university, both CS,one of whom only just recently got in as a "gamble".

>> No.12275584


thats users of blockchain.com you brainlet

>> No.12275710

Even if - as long as regular payment methods are faster, insured and more secure than bitcoin, no shop has an incentive to accept the additional workload to implement or maintain the possibility of paying with crypto.

I life in Germany and in late 2017, I actively tried to buy something in shops, which actually advertised to accept Bitcoin. Five shops - one in Karlsruhe, four in Stuttgart. This area is considered the "German silicon valley".

Due to broken devices or untrained personel, purchase in crypto was not possible. I paid with my card in literally 20 seconds.

That is the standard crypto needs to beat, if it ever wants to be something else than a speculative mess.

>> No.12275848

brainlet you need to be posting the cdf, must be a one sigma bag holder.

>> No.12276075

the only number that matters is this one, and it's pathetic.


300k transactions per day after 10 fucking years and nearly all of that is moving BTC about to trade speculate.

>> No.12276088

>anons who think that everyone in crypto has one and only one wallet
Also ITT:
>a small number of non-retards

>> No.12276092

Accumulate, accumulate, accumulate.
Wether it takes 3 months or 10 years the price will reach new ATH's and the more BTC you have the more money you stand to gain.

>> No.12276107

>Accumulate, accumulate, accumulate.
>buy the dip, buy the dip, buy the dip

>> No.12276120

hows that dip buying working out over the last 12 months anon?

>> No.12276121


Those numbers sound really high especially the worldwide average. But even then those numbers are clearly in the early adopter territory lol.

People here are really fucking bad at statistics lol.

>> No.12276133

>hows that dip buying working out over the last 12 months anon?
Not at all.
The ponzi is just looking for more retards falling for "buying the dip" or "accumulate", i just wanted to emphasize on this fact.

>> No.12276134


If those numbers are true(probably not) then we're LITERALLY early adopters, some are even innovators lol. Are you people actually this stupid or are you just trolling?

>> No.12276210

>Fuck of retard
>Fuck of

>> No.12276218

Doesnt make anything wrong what he wrote.

>> No.12276314

>>early adopters 13.5%
>>highest number 11% Japan
>>NOT early adopters
Are you retarded?
Even if these numbers are representative of the populations(they are not) it still looks like we are in the early adopters stage.

>> No.12276630

>chine 3%
lol k

>> No.12276732

If only 10% of the total population use IPhones, are these 10% early adopters and we can expect this somehow become 100%?

>> No.12276740


And yes.

>> No.12276762

Are you saying that other crypto will take over btc?

>> No.12276778

I went to Bitcoin atm a few weeks ago and there was another middle-aged woman using it. We are NOT the early adopters

>> No.12276790
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I don't even believe that 9% of the USA owns crypto. Should be less than that.

>> No.12276835


All 7 of my white collar coworkers have held and spent either ETH or BTC. You missed the boat.

>> No.12276852

Imagine being this shortsighted and stupid kek

>> No.12276915

she was probably a stripper/camwhore. people on the fringes of society naturally gravitate towards things like BTC. Sex workers have been accepting crypto almost since inception.

>> No.12277047

Delusional my colleagues have never owned a single cent of crypto and I’m a computer engineer

>> No.12277054

This is really high and it's not even close to the reality.

These are numbers from University campuses or so probably, not from the general population.

>> No.12277063

Probably because they're smart enough to see that they missed early entry.

>> No.12277087

You seem high off of your own ego and although you are right to a degree, the certainty of how right you are leads you to believe in a few non-truths such as ICX, VET, DRGN etc. companies producing nothing of value. Disney is behind DRGN you do know that right? ICX and VET don't give a shit about price and only care about progress. There is a reason ICX and VET both have a USDT pair on Binance.

>> No.12277225
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Surveyed over 29,000 people

>> No.12277317

>internet survey about cryptocurrencies
>representative sample
kek, again it's impossible for 1% of the worlds population to ever touched crpyto, there is not enough addresses ever used not enough accounts at exchanges it's bullshit.

best estimate is 2-4 million crypto users world wide. but i'm willing to accept 10 million as upper theoretical limit.

>> No.12277403
File: 34 KB, 600x600, youarewrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 105 IQ, Google and some napkin math are all you need to show those numbers are fake as fuck. Anyone who makes a trading or investment decision based on those numbers deserves to lose it all.

>> No.12277413
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>> No.12277442

Im just riling niggers like you up.
Based on a bunch of research global ownership tops at 100m absolute max.
Thats 1.45% (roughly)
But like Jamie fox said >>12274470 % of net wealth should also be factored.

>> No.12277482

>global ownership tops at 100m absolute max
yeah i'm not buying that at all. i mean it would be awesome in a way but nah. mtgox had a few hundred thousand users in it's prime. then until the last crypto boom it was hybernating.

>> No.12277503

I believe they will buy even more, then get fucked again in the next crash.

>> No.12277558
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I have another statistic for you
>% of first world population who answers crypto/finance related surveys
<2% most likely

Out of the few normies I regularly meet and have a conversation with (usually before fucking them) around 1 in 10 has heard of bitcoin. Among tech literate maybe 3 in 10. Out of those who've heard of it, maybe 10% (being generous) owns ANY CRYPTO, typically like $100-500 of BTC, ETH, or LTC.

>> No.12277562

zoom out

>> No.12277581

>How many wanted to sell in december last year?

>> No.12277586

>exchange fags

True, but even if it's off by a factor of 10 (which is overkill anyway) that is still only 250 million people which is roughly 3% of global population. We are on the cusp of early adoption. Probably still in innovators phase.

>> No.12277590

Those numbers can't be correct

There is only 4,358,978 bitcoin addresses that hold $100 or more worth of bitcoin

There is only 14,544,804 bitcoin addresses that hold $1 or more worth of bitcoin

>> No.12277595


This right here. Out of my entire family, co-workers, friends etc... just one guy held some digibyte and that's about it. 7% is way too much.

>> No.12277615

>Probably still in innovators phase.
we are not even in the fucking innovator phase. we are not even on the fucking chart.

>> No.12277616
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>Don't forget, coinbase alone has 15 million+ customers.
15 million+ app downloads? Maybe.

I don't think you understand, the conversion numbers from app download to actually uploading bank acct/credit cards info is pathetically small, 1 in 100 by a charitable estimate. Of those, 90% are poorfags buying less than $100 worth.

>> No.12277645

100m is a maximum, generalised figure. Results from a Cambridge uni Study in March 2017 gauged that 9m own worldwide. Market has at least tripled since then, 30m. Shoot higher to factor in inaccuracies and risk and global ownership @ 100m is still sub 5%

>> No.12277684

You're right, entered in 2012, have yet to meet a crypto owner afk.

>> No.12277701

dude developed western countries and japan can not be a basis for any world wide adoption whatsoever. most people live in china india and africa. where i bet you it has basically no penetration to the demographic. then we again arrive to the demographics of most studies, students and investors... man shit is bad you can't project crap to the general population from that.

i have a hard time with 10 million as is, but since you can just buy shitcoins directly as of late i can't prove it's bullshit.

>> No.12277728
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This. Did you guys even read the Time article? It literally said no more than 40 million people ever used Bitcoin.

>> No.12277741
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Ive intentionally grossly over estimated to account for most variables, and the resulting percentage is still super low.

>> No.12277742

>no more than 40 million
>26million addresses ever used
>most users have multiple addresses 10 is not a bad estimate on average
>most addresses used belong to services and exchanges
yeah no shit sherlock...

>> No.12277758

it's not a good thing btw we should have higher adoption rate by now. i wish we were at 1% already. it's just fucking annoying when idiots start yapping about late adopters. the fact that btc after 10 years have no adoption is bad.

>> No.12277825

I didn't find out about bitcoin until "late" so I'm glad I've still got time to accumulate.

>> No.12277838
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Just a result of shit tech and lack of understand & awareness.
Awareness has increased massively, 75% of people know / heard of bitcoin.
Of those 75% only 4% plan to buy in the next 6 months.

Next is understanding, over the next couple of bubbles a greater subset of the population will understand the tech, implications etc. - early adopters

Once the tech has caught up, and people have been slowly drip fed information to learn itll snowballs. - late majority

This could take another 15 years, yes crypto moves quick, but technological advancements are often underestimated on timescales.

>> No.12277868

>7% worldwide
if thats true then its over.

>> No.12277907

i think there is two big problems btc adoption faces:
1 incentives and means of participation don't match up, the countries where people can enter into bitcoin are not the countries where it's most needed. for now this can change in the future i kind of expect serious economic shitstorm in the eu like a greece 2.0 only with either italy or spain. large powerful economies with a western population that is tech sawy and faced with the possibility of their money becoming worthless overnight restrictions to withdraw etc... we seen it with greece and cyprus already but those were small scale.

2 shitcoins and rampant scams really give the crypto space a tainted reputation. the media plays on this like a never ending campaign they gleefully report every time crypto is used in crime or an exchange gets "hacked" that's pretty much the only time they talk about crypto. there is also a huge regulatory uncertainty. crypto doesn't need regulation the most friendly regulation for it is to declare it unregulated. but it's just not happening. many people feel it's a legal limbo.

>> No.12277978

>>11% Japan
>>9% GB
>>9% USA
>>7% India
>>3% China

0% Israel

>> No.12278495

Where do you work, Consensys?
I live <2 miles from Wall Street and meet new people at work/in general everyday, and I rarely hear or see anything re: crypto offline.

On that infamous bubble chart, not only are we pre-adoption phase, we haven't even started the REAL media attention phase yet. I feel like half of the few people I'm acquainted with who have even heard of crypto before ("I heard it once before, but no idea anything about it"), have heard it from myself or one of a few colleagues who have been in the game for years. We're fucking early lads, embrace it.

>> No.12278537

Yeah, those percentages of population might be right. But you know those fucks use put maybe 10-25% of three desposible income into it.

>> No.12278629

im high on clarity, I took the crypto red pill and have seen the light. 99.9% of this shit will be dead in 3-5 years once you accept that you will feel better.

>> No.12278657
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And they all will come back to the table, high and drunk with an appetite for risk and a lot of cash to blow. WANNA GO FOR A RIDE?

>> No.12278903
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I meant early majority.
Better tech, better incentives are coming / here & should work / increase moving forward into an incentive based economy.

Its all by design.