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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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1227028 No.1227028 [Reply] [Original]

I was late on my rent twice (including this month) but just got $6k in autismbux backpay. Do you think my landlord will give me a bad rental record for being late twice if I explain how I am fucked in the head? Do you think paying for the rest of the lease upfront would make it any better? I want to get a place somewhere better after this lease runs out cuz I'm getting like $20k in extra money from student aid, but I guess it doesn't matter if you can pay the whole lease upfront if you have a bad rental record.

>> No.1227077


>> No.1227099

Samefagging until the thread gets replies

>> No.1227114


>> No.1227129


>> No.1227145


>> No.1227150

Beg your landlord for forgiveness. Landlords like videos of a sexy dance on dvd or cd slid under their door trust me do it no explanation needed

>> No.1227153

Why am I begging him for forgiveness? I'm not gonna beg for shit.

>> No.1227174


>> No.1227187


>> No.1227194

As a landlord, my take on it is this:

pay your rent on the 31st if its due the first

if you are behind a month on rent, pay me my back rent.

don't pay your lease out, just pay your fucking rent on time.

keep the place decent. don't fuck up my place

>> No.1227196

Why don't you want me to pay my lease out?

>> No.1227212


>> No.1227223


>> No.1227237


>> No.1227241

Because land lords, in my experience, live rent check to rent check; so paying your rent up front does nothing for them. I had one decline because she didn't trust herself with the money.

People are retards regardless of whether they own a house or not, anon.

>> No.1227244

Well this is a management company and not a private renter so I don't think it'll be an issue. Just don't want to get a bad reference from the property manager.

>> No.1227263


> rental record

this does not exist.

Just pay your rent and apologize to the landlord. Shit happens all the time man. No big deal.

Now turning your place into a crack den and never paying rent at all, thats what landlords dread.

>> No.1227275

Pfft, if your rent is due on the 1st, pay it on the 25th.

>> No.1227276

just pay your rent and that's it
if anything people get very suspicions if you offer to pay the lease.

Also, wtf is a rental record? never heard of it

>> No.1227282

Why the hell would anyone get suspicious if I wanted to pay the last 3 months of my lease at one time after being late twice?

And by rental record I meant more like if you try to rent at some of the better places they ask you for a reference and shit along with credit checks and I don't want my only reference to be a shitty one.

>> No.1227291

a nice deposit check or a collateral would solve any reference issue.

and for money upfront, it's been an enigma to me as well but it's a fact.

>> No.1227302

Nothing exists called "a rental record"

The only thing future landlords will be able to look at is evictions

Holy shit dude , youre autistic - you live online. Google it

>> No.1227811

Fuck off retard

>> No.1227878

Dude go on Craigslist their is literally thousands of landlords who will rent to anyone with cash I always pay at my connivence since I'm not on a lease or had to put a deposit down

>> No.1227885

If you explain to him how you're fucked in the head, maybe he'll give you a mental record. heh?

>> No.1228054

I already live in the nigger ghetto. I want to move somewhere nicer and closer to campus and those places have a going rate of like $900-1500/m and want good rental references.
