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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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12249953 No.12249953 [Reply] [Original]

net worth of their family is 200m+ and holy fuck just spending an hour with this guy made me reassess everything I thought I knew.
the rest of us are just larping at life, we're in fucking cages, even if we have our health, a family or little trivial hobbies that keep us happy. its all so fucking small

>> No.12249960

Please go on.

>> No.12249964

Explain pls

>> No.12249974

This is a LARP

>> No.12249977

Yeah I've met a few CEOs worth 10m-150m and some of them are cucks to their wives and kids.

My current CEO dropped dead of a heart attack at 58 a few days ago. Based on that info alone you could probably find out who it is.

Pretty nice guy but very heads down in his work. Died having not lived life to its fullest. 1.6M USD house with 30k property tax.

>> No.12249998

Sounds like a life well lived to me. Ignore everything except the thing you're good at and do it until it kills you. If I miraculously make it from crypto, I aim to do the same thing with my hobby.

>> No.12250004

You realize that bsically everyone on this board that have 1000's of Chainlink tokens right? 200mm is fuck all. to these NEET bastards. The world is going to be a very different place in a few short years. They're going to write books about us anon.

>> No.12250067

1k links != 200mm

>> No.12250130

uh yes it does

>> No.12250156

i remember the first time i flew private. the world was different from that moment.

>> No.12250160

I want to believe but even thats had some doubts cast on it for me now after spending time with richguy, my minds been racing.
I always try to consider the widest possible perspective with every investment, when we dig into the details of the chainlink solution it should work and there is an elegance to their take on smart contracts but looking at the token itself we are all buying, there is something very wrong at play here.
some this year ended up with loans, working overtime, moving all savings into link, many with large exposures yet still only 10-20k stacks. Massive fucking efforts put in to accumulate, a lot of labor is behind this, yet serge printed 350million out of thin air, something feels very wrong with this, hes going to give away millions more tokens than any one of us have wagecucked to accumulate for nothing

>> No.12250166

Shut up, you stupid bitch.

>> No.12250168

How can you think the rich guy isn't larping at life and the rest of humanity is? We are living actual life anon. That guy is living a fantasy

>> No.12250179

Lmao keep telling yourself that

>> No.12250183


if ( Links1k = 200000000) {
alert(“Linkies are dreaming & deluded as fuck”)
} else {
alert(“btfo faggot linkies”)

>> No.12250244

should add that the richguy influence on chainstink thoughts relate to the value of labor.
im self employed, I build out security systems for homes/companies, basically just networking. normally im ok.about telling people this as I consider it somewhat worthy of respect, its better than most situations, but richguy just looked at me puzzled and asked why wouldnt I just hire somebody to do the work for me, then hire sales staff to find them jobs, if I know everything about security networks then its easier to just tell workers what to do, then I can go do something other than running cable.
I know its not the greatest insight that one but its how all our time together went, almost everything we talked about from politics, business, psychology, the future etc had a similar response. on fucking everything his world view was bigger, I thought I was doing ok with a middle class income and home, a work van and car, this rich cunt doesnt even have a car ffs, he hasnt driven himself anywhere in 10 years and rides motorbikes around singapore and here in seattle.

>> No.12250311

I met a guy worth ~700M once. He's like 72 years old though, so I doubt he will get much enjoyment out of it, especially since hes been smoking the whole time. The thing is, he didn't have more than 50M liquid until his business got bought out by a large private equity firm, so he lives in a house worth maybe 12M or so. Nothing too special considering the town has a median income of like 260K.

I think the dude is shocked, he doesn't even know what to do with this money.

>> No.12250379

old man blessed by a passing whale before departing this earth

>> No.12250386

Yes of course you’re buying an ERC20 premined ICO. You’re literally sending your wagecuck paychecks to some fat Russian scammer who did basically nothing but con you. You are the beta. You will always be the beta. He is the alpha.

>> No.12250396

You’re adorable

>> No.12250476

welcome to biz, where every thread turns into a link thread

>> No.12250546

>He doesn't even know what to do with the money
This is really sad. Isn't it obvious that the most important thing you can do is pass on a comfortable lifestyle to your children?

>> No.12250564

These link shill threads are getting more creative. Gtfo faggots

>> No.12250570

CT is a garbage dump

>> No.12250577

>my hobby.
Competitive masturbation?

>> No.12250584
File: 3.48 MB, 750x1334, 373A5BD6-FC15-4502-98CD-B5C0A7C1C12B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With one instant click of the mouse I purchased 20 bitcoins of this Flo token

It was in mid November and my purchase was completed for an average of 800 but caused a spike to 1000.

Every day I sleep with glee just knowing that in a few months the 20 btc of Flo I purchased will be worth an easy 150-200+ btc.

Some days I dream of it going to $100mm cap and my stack rising from 20 to 1000 btc. I slap myself back to reality and tell myself that making 250 btc on one trade is more than enough to buy curry for this entire forum for one full month.



Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne writes letter of support for using FLO in Wyoming

New readers about Flo should check out the telegram with questions.

But first they should STUDY these two articles:



>> No.12250615

200m+ is not much, buying and maintaining a 100ft (30m) luxury yacht will drastically reduce their net worth

>> No.12250626

Pottery. Similar I guess.

>> No.12250795

we are all small compared the enormity of inhuman abstraction and the horrors it produces. That doesn't make it any less our enemy or a perversion.

>> No.12251072

look @ that id

>> No.12251079

Did you just try to compare with an assignment? Not going to make it

>> No.12251152

I worked on a waterfront estate this summer up in Maine, owned by a former wall street mogul. He has checks lining the office worth north of 100 million. Well into his 70s now. I was welcomed into the family rather quickly. Just beautiful people all around. Both him and his wife were sharp as a tack, she had done all of his accounting for him and was fluent in 5+ languages. I had conversations with them my own parents would never be able to entertain. It was sad in a way. But comforting.

Beautiful grandchildren. All extremely well raised, highly intelligent, and physically gorgeous, like legitimately model tier. None had social media either which was fascinating. One of the granddaughters was clearly interested in me but I felt ashamed of the fact that she was 20 and myself 24.

They all have trust funds setup. Money is spent fairly frivolously. But at heart they are not much different from the rest of us, besides knowing a freedom and absence of stress that 99.999% of us will never experience.

Just felt like sharing; it was a very enjoyable few months of my life. Maybe I'll return.

>> No.12251178

job for mommy? what does it mean though? fucking kek I gotta job for your mommy

>> No.12251181

Impregnate the 20 year old. This is your big opportunity anon.

>> No.12251196

She would often find herself pool side conveniently as I was cleaning it. And I once walked up the stairs of the house one morning as she was naked. I think she was really into me as well. We hit it off in conversation one day. One of those things you come to regret your entire life.

She's back at uni now, down in Miami. Living the high life, surrounded by chads. I'm not sure if I'll go back this summer. Almost feels shameful in a way. It's typically a job for high schoolers. And here I am at 25.

>> No.12251203

they let you into their house. marry the granddaughter or regret 4ever

>> No.12251225

>( Links1k = 200000000)

>> No.12251228

want to hear something pathetic? I only made 5000ish over the course of summer working that job. I intended on quitting in July. But I stayed until the end of August because I wanted to ask her out. I never did. And it cost me over 100k because I was going to work instead of watching my crypto portfolio during the crash.

If I posted a picture of her this story would be regarded as LARP

>> No.12251263

>1.6M USD house
Did you mean 16MM? 1.6MM is not a lot for a house in North America. Hell most middle class people I know have a house worth over 1MM

That's where you're wrong pal

Op, my family used to be friends with a family who had a 50MM estate. I know exactly what you mean. Every time we went to visit them things just felt trivial for a while after. Really puts things in perspective

>> No.12251393


200cents yeah, at best.

>> No.12251663


why does one need a yacht to define their wealth?

>> No.12251743

>I felt ashamed of the fact that she was 20 and myself 24.

That's nothing to be ashamed of.

>> No.12251853
File: 323 KB, 500x622, 1540065249683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the harsh truth deluded marinelets refuse to acknowledge sadly...

>> No.12251882
File: 71 KB, 720x469, 1527775594507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is clearly out of your league, you are a dirty peasant to them. Don't ruin her life and stay away from her, you serf.

>> No.12251942
File: 436 KB, 1161x825, 1518038823275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shame in pursuing the 20 year old daughter. By accepting you into his house and treating you like his child, he probably thinks you're worthy and is pretty much giving you the permission. Don't pursue it like a lowlife though, obviously. Ask his blessing and take his daughter out to a nice place for dinner and have her home relatively early. The wholesome family way. You can make something out of this, anon. Don't let this chance pass only to pursue some 21st century dime-a-dozen "liberated" woman. We all know what comes of that.

>> No.12251946

lol nvm just read this.

>> No.12252048

>If I posted a picture of her this story would be regarded as LARP
post pls

>> No.12252087

24 year old man and 20 year old woman is a perfectly reasonable age difference dummy.

>> No.12253083


As a 24 year old man that slept with a 20 year old on Friday you are a retard

>> No.12253173

>pool boy

LOL, just forget about it. You have no chance at all.

>> No.12253222

>richguy just looked at me puzzled and asked why wouldnt I just hire somebody to do the work for me
Because you’re not cut for management.

>> No.12253283

How do you make 5 mistakes in one conditional? Did you just start your bootstrap front-end bootcamp?

>> No.12253843

I work at a hotel where I meet the needs of multi millionaires and billionaires on a daily basis and I can honestly say I seem happier than most of them. As soon as a single thing doesn't go their way, expect a meltdown. The average basement- dwelling NEET on 4chan has a more solid grasp on reality than most of these folks.

>> No.12253868

>solid grasp on reality
At least we have a solid grasp on our finances

>> No.12253877
File: 55 KB, 534x344, wAQpOjS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He just set Links1k equal to 200000000
>"btfo faggot linkies will never run"

On a related note, any of you remember this fine example of software engineering from literally who?