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File: 520 KB, 666x664, tesla_vs_world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12247335 No.12247335 [Reply] [Original]

Is this bad for Tesla?
Do you "ICE"?

>> No.12247466
File: 90 KB, 768x1024, chad thundercock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be rich faggot techbro.
>don't actually know anything about tech.
>just in it for the cult experience.
>whoa, I'm like radicalizing my self-image with these LSD microdosing, man.
>gotta get me one of those tesla muskmobiles to up my social cred for those 20 minute drives I take to work.
>chad pulls up in his shitty no-name truck that he acually uses for shit and literally cockblocks the one muskmobile charging station.
>all the techbros just stand on the side shaking with impotent basedrage.

>> No.12247495

>that he acually uses for shit
So busy using it for shit and being a productive human being that he has the time to park it in a charging station just to antagonize some Tesla driver.


>> No.12247504
File: 75 KB, 1024x707, C9ED4FA3-14AA-4B8B-BE58-C5D93C5715B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I non ironically want an electric accord and will be buying an accord hybrid next time

>> No.12247506

What kind of braindamage do I need to act like these manchild truckcucks?

>> No.12247527

>be low iq redneck that breaks his back doing menial work for shit pay
>get mad at electric car drivers even though they don’t affect me at all because they use electricity and I use gas
>block their charger with my 20% APR financed truck that I use once a year to go camping
>feel superior for a few seconds before being told to fuck off

>> No.12247539


typical micropenis truck driver being a douchebag

>> No.12247558

Haha lol it will be funny to smash threes charging stations up or fuck with the ports like put superglue or gum on it

>> No.12247576

>fuck with the ports

>> No.12247603

Yeah, hilarious.

>> No.12247648

Yep, that's NC for ya

>> No.12248268
File: 12 KB, 210x144, 1370954342061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>electric honda

top lel

>> No.12248289

>t. Coping electric car cuckfag

>> No.12248310

hmmm.... why not?

>> No.12248496

oh no no no

how will zappies ever recover? the cope in this thread is unbelievable ahahAHAHAHA. poor little electrick cuckmobile

>> No.12248515

Pickup truck drivers are almost always dickheads. Every time faggot is riding my ass or cuts my off or blows through a red light in front of me it's never some rice mobile but a massive 4x4. I always wanted a pick up for the utility but I don't want to be a member of that demographic

>> No.12248529

cope harder in your glorified RC car bitch

>> No.12248554

>driving a truck
could you be any more cringe

>> No.12248586

>tesla driver and chad truck driver at a red light

yeah, psht, CYA LATER UNPROGRESSIVE TRUCK KEK, im off too starbucks, heh, yeh.


>> No.12248613

Hm I and everyone that drives in my model 3 performance says this as favorable comparison and here you are saying it like it's a negative. Rc cars / slot cars are fast as fuck

>> No.12248671

Enjoy entering limp mode after any spirited driving. The cars can't even get through a lap around the burgerring without shitting the bed. Maybe in 5-10 years I'll be envious of your rc car but not today.

>> No.12248733

Never happened to me yet but it sounds like you've got a personal grudge against the company. Enjoy your shitty disposition

>> No.12249765

Heres a point of view.
The Truck driver isn't doing it because he judges people who drive electric cars.
but because its funny to see a something thats notsa supposed to be there.

>> No.12249869
File: 69 KB, 1024x937, 1521065899641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's wrong with can truck? I have an F-150 and use it for utility at least a few times a month.

>> No.12249875

I park my truck in the charging station spot at the supermarket because they are always empty and no other cars are around.

>> No.12249995

Nothing, he's just a basement dweller that can't comprehend someone needing to work for a living

>> No.12250000

>pickup truck
Top fucking kek. You can pick one.

>> No.12250030

>but because its funny to see a something thats notsa supposed to be there.
if you have an iq lower to 80, maybe

>> No.12250033

Just slash three of the truck's tires. What the broke hick gonna do, sue?

>> No.12250202

Whatever you say Noodle Arms McQuietcar

>> No.12250208


>> No.12250221

Why didn't he just slash the pickups tires? Seems the obvious move

>> No.12250229

He probably writes for Zero Hedge.

>> No.12250237
File: 254 KB, 1000x1243, super soyain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beta numales, basedboys, women, techfags, and trannies never do anything about anything that bothers them. They just complain about it. The people driving the muskmobiles are as submissive and enslaved as the literal slave labor Musk is 'employing' to assemble them in the first place.

>> No.12250249

Just call a tow truck, they get paid tons of money to tow illegally parked cars (and probably 25% of them aren't actually illegally parked anyways)

>> No.12250250


It's not just the brain damage. It's also the micro-penis.

>> No.12250255

This plus deep insecurity.

>> No.12250273


Trucks are cool and fucking useful. Manlet micropenis douchebags that set theirs up to roll coal or ride around on 40" tires are the demo you want to avoid. This type of bullshit is just shorthand for political debate. Tesla=libs status symbol car of choice (Prius is for lib plebs). Big fucking diesel truck like in the pic=status symbol of redneck MAGAtards.

>> No.12250280


Nah, it's politics and culture. Tesla=libs. Truck=MAGA. Seen it with my own eyes.

>> No.12250303

what do you mean you english speakers by insecurity

>> No.12250310

>Pickup drivers don’t feel like men and feel like imposters in their own skin.

>> No.12250352

Feeling like a fake person, and afraid that others will find out.

>> No.12250443

I like the way you think m8

>> No.12250953

nigger spotted boys

>> No.12250963

Found the nigger.

>> No.12250972

Doing stupid antics to project a "macho" image. It's a holdover from grade school bullying.

>> No.12251034

how do i slash tires without getting my hands blown off by the tire exploding

>> No.12251790

>not driving an electric/coal powered truck

>> No.12252246

Tfw I have Kevlar side walls

>> No.12252257

Rolling coal=smoking pole

>> No.12252274

This is brilliant, burning coal to heat water to use the steam to power a piston on a crankshaft that spins a generator that produces like 480v 3 phase routed to two big electric motors at your rear wheels. That is a real man's truck, the ultimate hybrid

>> No.12252623


also the peak amps on the cells will be much lower in a couple years. the car will still "work" for ten years at 60% capacity. no amount of hype can change physics

t. battery builder

>> No.12252703

The boomer I bought my house.from left me his rechargeable electric lawn mower because he was too lazy to move it. It was cool the first 18months (no pull cord! No fumes! Quiet!) But then it started losing its ability to hold a charge and would die even on a full charge in a few minutes. Cost to replace the batteries hardwood last three years maximum? $200.

Just brought a good gas mower for$160 and have been Boomering about my lawn ever since. Spend maybe 15/yr on ethanol free gasoline.

>> No.12252859

100% fucking bullshit. If you are talking push mowers then fuck you the gas ones are trash that work for a week before fucking up. You are better off spending $200 on an electric mower every 2-3 years than spending $100 every week on a gas mower that is going to break and be a piece of shit

t. Lifetime of using gas powered push mower, the bane of human existence

>> No.12252884

>he didnt replace the batteries himself
Cucked and basedpilled