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File: 34 KB, 362x444, ETH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12226872 No.12226872 [Reply] [Original]

How much will Ethereum be worth 10 years from now? Can we realistically see it pass BTC and become the backbone of internet 3.0? I know its a big gamble, but should I stop 401k from 2019 and start putting money into ETH instead if the price stays around this price? I am 29 years old and not looking to touch this money for the next 30 years.
Currently have 25 ETH

>> No.12226896

$0 or $35000 by 2028 EYO screencap this

>> No.12226953

Unless Ethereum implements PoS and Sharting by next summer it's going to fade into obscurity. It's already eclipsed by EOS in terms of usage, but lucky for ethereum EOS has been slow as fuck on fixing their scaling problems. It's now or never for the money skelly.

>> No.12227822

I thought Money Skelly has been distancing himself from development?

Which is probably a good thing.

>> No.12227984

pos coming in 2019

>> No.12228012

>It's already eclipsed by EOS in terms of usage

Citation required

>> No.12228013

>Unless Ethereum implements PoS and Sharting by next summer
Never going to happen. You'll get a beacon chain on testnet in March and that'll be it for 2019.

>> No.12228071
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>> No.12228100

>It's already eclipsed by EOS in terms of usage
Eth Num active addresses 246,085
Eos 32,512
>EOS has been slow as fuck on fixing their scaling problems
It's really pathetic, 21 super servers and it's buckling up under only 7x as many transactions.
Eos idea was that everything can be onchain for millions of users.
Eth 602,429 tx in 24h
Eos 4,030,860

>> No.12228213
File: 62 KB, 784x385, Screenshot_2018-12-24_20-22-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Active addresses means nothing. Most of Ethereum activity these days is from mining, not usage of actual dapps. See: >>12228071

>It's really pathetic, 21 super servers and it's buckling up under only 7x as many transactions.
Your numbers are way off. And it's not as pathetic as Ethereum being at permanent max capacity at only half a million transactions per day. EOS's current scaling problems are a design issue and have nothing to with the nodes running the network. The problem is that all staked tokens are taken into account for per-token resource allowance. Most staked tokens are not actually being used, so it's basically a huge artificial bottleneck. This is already fixed on the test net and is going to roll out on the main net soon.

>> No.12228513

is WAX good investment?

>> No.12228562

>will Ethereum become the backbone of Internet 3.0?
As soon as it stops functioning as a currency, then yes, it stands a chance at being what it was meant to, the backbone of a network of dapps and a token currency like OxBTC

>> No.12228617

ETH should be $10K by 2028.

>> No.12228640


ETH is the biggest Ponzi ever.
Never forget that ETH has infinite supply and it was not supposed to be used as a coin or currency.

>> No.12228654

By 2030 eth will be taken over by some generation 3 or greater crypto, nigger.

>> No.12228665
File: 122 KB, 1400x569, 1512163904420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking ETH will be the next BTC is the definition of being a virgin altcoiner.

>> No.12228666
File: 1.84 MB, 2304x3164, 1527624154167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


eos and eth solve different problems. eth is trying to create a modern blockchain (like bitcoin, but with more features like sharding, smart contracts, etc) while eos is creating something closer to the current banking system, only more streamline and modern (instead of trusted banks you have trusted nodes, but fundamentally it's the same thing).

basically, eos and eth aren't competing for the same market. completely different use cases besides for some overlap with smart contracts.

i have a question about eos, though: if 99% of the worlds child porn and illegal drug activity is done on the eos chain, can the world government seize all the eos servers?

as for OP's question, eth will at the very least reach its ATH again. i think it'll be $10K.

>> No.12228681

Oh man, what if you had a gf like that and she spent all day working out getting to sweaty and she didnt have time to shower before being intimate with you. Thatd uh, thatd be the worst.

>> No.12228683
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>> No.12228694
File: 92 KB, 499x499, pepecross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satan's trips checked. Seriously though that was a retarded post and you should feel retarded. EOS is currently delivering on all the promises that Ethereum made. And it is more decentralized than Ethereum with its 3 Chink mining pools that own >50% of the hash power.

>> No.12228731

Eth is going to zero when Holo takes over

>> No.12228769

it's not, and eth won't even have miners soon.

also, are eos transactions anonymous? can they be censored? the #1 issue that we're facing as a society right now is censorship (porn and drugs are the most obvious examples, but political censorship is the most important). having a million times faster transactions than eth doesn't really matter if you can't host illegal stuff on your chain.

also i can't imagine 21 trusted stakers would be allowed to handle something like elections. you REALLY need a 100% trustless solution for that.

>> No.12228955
